배성희(裵晟希) 교수
간호학부 /시스템헬스융합전공[대학원]
배성희 교수는 이화여자대학교 간호대학에 교수로 재직중이며, 서울대학교에서 간호학 학사(BSN)와 보건학 석사(MPH)를, 미국 노스캐롤라이나 대학교 채플힐 캠퍼스에서 보건정책행정학 박사(PhD) 학위를 받았다. 이화여대에 오기 전, 텍사스 주립대학교 오스틴 캠퍼스와 뉴욕 주립대학교 버팔로 캠퍼스에서 조교수로 재직했다. 배성희 교수는 간호 인력, 보건 정책, 직업 건강, 환자 결과 및 의료 빅데이터를 중점으로 연구하는 보건 서비스 연구자이다. 글로벌 건강 관련 연구도 수행하고 있다. 2024년 미국 스탠퍼드대학교와 엘스비어(Elsevier)가 공동으로 발표하는 ‘Top 2% Scientists List(전 세계 상위 2% 연구자 리스트)’에 선정되었다. 연구 생애 업적 기준 및 2023년 업적 기준 모두를 충족하였다. 또한, Nursing Outlook에서 정책 우수상(Excellence in Policy Award)과 연구 우수상(Excellence in Research Award)을 수상한 바 있으며, 다수의 학술지에 논문을 게재하고 국내외 학술대회에서 연구 결과를 활발히 발표하고 있다.
- 글로벌건강간호학전공주임교수
- 헬렌관 204호
- 02-3277-2767
- Assessing the impacts of nurse staffing and work schedules on nurse turnover: A systematic review International Nursing Review, 2024, v.71 no.1, 168-179
- Nurse Staffing, Work Hours, Mandatory Overtime, and Turnover in Acute Care Hospitals Affect Nurse Job Satisfaction, Intent to Leave, and Burnout: A Cross-Sectional Study INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, 2024, v.69, 1607068
- A systematic review of social processes and mechanisms in the community that influence risky sexual behaviour among adolescents and young adults Nursing Open, 2023, v.10 no.9, 5868-5886
- Association of Work Schedules With Nurse Turnover: A Cross-Sectional National Study INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, 2023, v.68, 1605732
- Comprehensive assessment of factors contributing to the actual turnover of newly licensed registered nurses working in acute care hospitals: a systematic review BMC Nursing, 2023, v.22 no.1, 31
- Mediating effects of workgroup processes on the relationship between nurse turnover and nurse outcomes in hospitals FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH, 2023, v.11, 1255983
- Candidates' and policymakers' perspectives on the needs for a master's program in nursing Nurse Education Today, 2022, v.109, 105243
- Effects of body size phenotype on sleep quality in middle-aged Korean men Journal of Men's Health, 2022, v.18 no.6, 126
- Noneconomic and economic impacts of nurse turnover in hospitals: A systematic review International Nursing Review, 2022
- Risk Perceptions of Noncommunicable Diseases among Cambodian Adults: A Cross-Sectional Study Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing, 2022, v.33 no.2, 259-268
- Risk Perceptions of Noncommunicable Diseases amongCambodian Adults: A Cross-Sectional Study 지역사회간호학회지, 2022, v.33 no.2, 259-268
- Work hours and overtime of nurses working in Cambodian hospitals International Nursing Review, 2022, v.69 no.2, 150-158
- Association between Nurse Staffing and Mortality in Patients with Ischemic and Hemorrhagic Stroke in the Intensive Care Units Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration, 2021, v.27 no.5, 311-322
- Developing a nursing needs assessment scale and patient classification system based on nursing activities in comprehensive nursing care units Journal of the Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing, 2021, v.28 no.3, 395-409
- Improving Treatment Adherence with Integrated Patient Management for TB Patients in Morocco INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 2021, v.18 no.19, 9991
- Intensive care nurse staffing and nurse outcomes: A systematic review Nursing in Critical Care, 2021
- Predictors of actual turnover among nurses working in Korean hospitals: A nationwide longitudinal survey study JOURNAL OF NURSING MANAGEMENT, 2021, v.29 no.7, 2102-2114
- Relationships between comprehensive characteristics of nurse work schedules and adverse patient outcomes: A systematic literature review Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2021, v.30 no.15-16, 2202-2221
- The Relationship between Nursing Care Needs and Nurse Staffing in Pulmonology Nursing Units Korean Journal of Adult Nursing, 2021, v.33 no.3, 236-246
- The association between health status and job satisfaction among female workers: A nationwide cross-sectional study Nursing and Health Sciences, 2021, v.23 no.4, 908-915
- The challenges and achievements of graduates of the nurse bridging program in Cambodia: A qualitative study Nurse Education Today, 2021 , 104714
- Extent of and factors associated with pain among older residents in nursing homes in South Korea: A nationwide survey study Geriatrics and Gerontology International, 2020, v.20 no.2, 118-124
- Impact of nurse staffing on intent to leave, job satisfaction, and occupational injuries in Korean hospitals: A cross-sectional study NURSING & HEALTH SCIENCES, 2020, v.22 no.3, 658-666
- Level of Resident Care Need and Staffing by Size of Nursing Home under the Public Long-term Care Insurance in South Korea 노인간호학회지, 2020, v.22 no.1, 1-9
- 학령전기 손자녀를 양육하는 조부모의 양육 스트레스, 양육 보상감, 삶의 만족도 Health & Nursing, 2020, v.32 no.1, 21-32
- Disparities in Health Care Utilization between Asian Immigrant Women and Non-Hispanic White Women in the United States Journal of Women's Health, 2019, v.28 no.10, 1368-1377
- Hospital, Patient, and Geographic Characteristics Associated with Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Hospital-Acquired Condition Scores Health & Nursing, 2019, v.31 no.1, 1-10
- Nurse staffing and hospital-acquired conditions: A systematic review Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2019, v.28 no.23-24, 4264-4275
- Video Recording of Nursing Care Activities in Gerontological Nursing to Compare General Units and Comprehensive Nursing Care Units 노인간호학회지, 2019, v.21 no.3, 165-172
- 문헌고찰을 통한 급성기 병원의 간호사 확보수준과 입원 환자의 재입원율 보건정보통계학회지, 2019, v.44 no.3, 219-226
- 종합병원 간호간병통합서비스 병동 입원 환자와 간호사의 환자중심간호에 대한 인식과 환자중심성 경험 병원경영학회지, 2019, v.24 no.3, 48-60
- 중소병원 간호 ․ 간병통합서비스 병동 근무 간호사의 업무 관련 특성과 수면의 질 기본간호학회지, 2019, v.26 no.4, 260-268
- 캄보디아 초등학교 고학년 생활안전 교육 프로그램 개발 Health & Nursing, 2019, v.31 no.2, 1-11
- Nurse staffing and nurse outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis NURSING OUTLOOK, 2018, v.66 no.3, 273-282
- Work Hours, Overtime, and Break Time of Registered Nurses Working in Medium-Sized Korean Hospitals Workplace Health and Safety, 2018, v.66 no.12, 588-596
- Determinants of Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intent in Home Health Workers: The Role of Job Demands and Resources JOURNAL OF APPLIED GERONTOLOGY, 2017, v.36 no.1, 56-70
- Nursing teams: behind the charts Journal of Nursing Management, 2017, v.25 no.5, 354-365
- Work Hours of Immigrant Versus U.S.-Born Female Workers Workplace Health and Safety, 2017, v.65 no.10, 478-486
- CMS Nonpayment Policy, Quality Improvement, and Hospital-Acquired Conditions: An Integrative Review Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 2016
- Do clinician disruptive behaviors make an unsafe environment for patients? Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 2016, v.31 no.2, 115-123
- Health Status and Health Service Utilization: Barriers and Facilitators for Korea Medicaid Beneficiaries Journal of korean biological nursing science, 2016, v.18 no.3, 144~152
- Korean Immigrant Women's Health Care Utilization in the United States: A Systematic Review of Literature ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, 2016, v.28 no.2, 107-133
- Nurse practitioners' job satisfaction in rural versus nonrural areas JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSE PRACTITIONERS, 2016, v.28 no.9, 471-478
- Nurse practitioners' work hours and overtime: How much, and under what working conditions? JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSE PRACTITIONERS, 2016, v.28 no.3, 138-143
- The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Reimbursement Policy and Nursing-Sensitive Adverse Patient Outcomes NURSING ECONOMICS, 2016, v.34 no.4, 161-
- Triggers Contributing to Health Care Clinicians’ Disruptive Behaviors Journal of Patient Safety, 2016, 2 Nov 2016
- Visual analytics for pattern discovery in home care: Clinical relevance for quality improvement Applied Clinical Informatics, 2016, v.7 no.3, 711-730
- Health care provider social network analysis: A systematic review NURSING OUTLOOK, 2015, v.63 no.5, 566-584
- Implementation of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' Nonpayment Policy for Preventable Hospital-Acquired Conditions in Rural and Nonrural US Hospitals JOURNAL OF NURSING CARE QUALITY, 2015, v.30 no.4, 313-322
- Use of temporary nursing staff and nosocomial infections in intensive care units JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NURSING, 2015, v.24 no.7-8, 980-990
- Analysis of Nurse Staffing and Patient Outcomes Using Comprehensive Nurse Staffing Characteristics in Acute Care Nursing Units JOURNAL OF NURSING CARE QUALITY, 2014, v.29 no.4, 318-326
- Assessing the relationships between nurse work hours/overtime and nurse and patient outcomes: Systematic literature review NURSING OUTLOOK, 2014, v.62 no.2, 138-156
- Impact of States' Nurse Work Hour Regulations on Overtime Practices and Work Hours among Registered Nurses HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH, 2014, v.49 no.5, 1638-1658
- [학술지논문] Verbal Abuse Among Nurses Working in a Nepalese Government Hospital ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, 2020, v.32 no.8 , 440-446
- [학술지논문] 간호교육에서 플립 러닝의 효과와 전략에 대한 체계적 문헌고찰 Health & Nursing , 2018, v.30 no.2 , 1-9
- [학술지논문] 성인 뇌전증 환자의 불안 및 우울이 수면의 질에 미치는 영향 Health & Nursing , 2018, v.30 no.2 , 21-32
- [학술지논문] 간호사 근무시간의 현황, 관련 과제 및 개선방안 Health & Nursing , 2017, v.29 no.2 , 1-9
- [학술지논문] Texas Nurse Staffing Trends Before and After Mandated Nurse Staffing Committees Policy, Politics, and Nursing Practice, 2015, v.16 no.3-4 , 79-96
- [학술지논문] Factors Associated With Hospital Staff Nurses Working On-call Hours: A Pilot Study WORKPLACE HEALTH SAFETY, 2013, v.61 no.5 , 203-203
- [학술지논문] Presence of Nurse Mandatory Overtime Regulations and Nurse And Patient Outcomes NURSING ECONOMICS, 2013, v.31 no.2 , 59-59
- [학술지논문] Nurse Overtime, Working Conditions, and the Presence of Mandatory Nurse Overtime Regulations WORKPLACE HEALTH SAFETY, 2012, v.60 no.5 , 205-214
- [학술지논문] Nurse Staffing, Quality of Care, and Quality of Life in U. S. Nursing Homes, 1996-2011 An Integrative Review JOURNAL OF GERONTOLOGICAL NURSING, 2012, v.38 no.12 , 46-U103
- [학술지논문] Nursing Overtime: Why, How Much, and Under What Working Conditions? NURSING ECONOMICS, 2012, v.30 no.2 , 60-71
- [학술지논문] Organizational socialization of international nurses in the New York metropolitan area INTERNATIONAL NURSING REVIEW, 2012, v.59 no.1 , 81-87
- [학술지논문] State mandatory overtime regulations and newly licensed nurses' mandatory and voluntary overtime and total work hours NURSING OUTLOOK, 2012, v.60 no.2 , 60-71
- [학술지논문] Assessing the relationships between nurse working conditions and patient outcomes: systematic literature review JOURNAL OF NURSING MANAGEMENT, 2011, v.19 no.6 , 700-713
- [학술지논문] Impact of nursing unit turnover on patient outcomes in hospitals Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 2010, v.42 no.1 , 40-49
- [학술지논문] Mandatory overtime regulations and nurse overtime Policy, Politics, and Nursing Practice, 2010, v.11 no.2 , 99-107
- [학술지논문] Use of temporary nurses and nurse and patient safety outcomes in acute care hospital units Health Care Management Review, 2010, v.35 no.4 , 333-344
- [학술지논문] Cross-cultural application of the Korean version of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Breast-Cancer-Specific Quality of Life Questionnaire (EORTC QLQ-BR23) SUPPORTIVE CARE IN CANCER, 2004, v.12 no.6 , 441-445
- 학수번호 37426분반 01
- 1학년 ( 2학점 , 2시간) 화 5~6 (헬116)
- 영어강의 전공필수
자기주도선택실습 강의 계획서 상세보기
- 학수번호 37462분반 01
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- 전공필수 전공필수, 팀티칭
- 학수번호 37947분반 01
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- 영어강의 전공기초
- 학수번호 G14034분반 01
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간호학연구수행 강의 계획서 상세보기
- 학수번호 G16674분반 01
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Global nursing issues
- 학수번호 33535분반 01
- 3학년 ( 1.5학점 , 1.5시간) 금 5~6 (헬116)
- 영어강의 Not open to exchange student
- 학수번호 35597분반 01
- 1학년 ( 3학점 , 3시간) 화 5~6 (헬107)
- 전공필수,영어강의 팀티칭
- 학수번호 36604분반 01
- 4학년 ( 1.5학점 , 1.5시간) 월 2~3 (헬116)
- 전공필수 전공필수 병원실습으로 8주간 이론수업
- 학수번호 37244분반 01
- 3학년 ( 1.5학점 , 4.5시간)
- 전공필수 팀티칭
- 학수번호 G13966분반 01
- 학년 ( 3학점 , 3시간) 목 6~7 (헬303)
- 학수번호 37426분반 01
- 1학년 ( 2학점 , 2시간) 수 2~3 (헬116)
- 영어강의 전공기초, 팀티칭
국제교류및협력사업실습(캡스톤디자인) 강의 계획서 상세보기
- 학수번호 37468분반 01
- 3학년 ( 1.5학점 , 4.5시간)
- 전공필수 전공필수, 팀티칭
- 학수번호 37947분반 01
- 2학년 ( 1.5학점 , 1.5시간) 화 4~4 (헬116)
- 영어강의 전공기초
- 학수번호 G14034분반 01
- 학년 ( 3학점 , 3시간) 목 4~5 (헬116)
- 학수번호 G14061분반 01
- 학년 ( 3학점 , 3시간) 금 4~5 (헬302)
1학년세미나(간호대) 강의 계획서 상세보기
- 학수번호 11224분반 05
- 1학년 ( 1학점 수 7~7 (헬107)
- 걸어가는 길, 방향, 속도, 가치
Global nursing issues
- 학수번호 33535분반 01
- 3학년 ( 1.5학점 , 1.5시간) 금 2~3 (헬116)
- 영어강의 Not open to exchange student
- 학수번호 35597분반 01
- 1학년 ( 3학점 , 3시간) 화 5~6 (헬107)
- 전공필수,영어강의 간호대학 전공 교과목,팀티칭
보건의료법 강의 계획서 상세보기
- 학수번호 36604분반 01
- 4학년 ( 1.5학점 , 1.5시간) 금 6~7 (헬116)
- 전공필수 병원실습으로 8주간 이론수업
- 학수번호 G13965분반 01
- 학년 ( 3학점 , 3시간) 목 6~7 (헬301)
- 학수번호 G18071분반 01
- 학년 ( 3학점 , 3시간) 목 4~5 (포159)
근거기반실무와교육 강의 계획서 상세보기
- 학수번호 NU251분반 01
- 학년 ( 3학점 , 3시간) 화 8~9 (헬303)
- 학수번호 37426분반 01
- 1학년 ( 2학점 , 2시간) 수 2~3
- 영어강의 팀티칭
- 학수번호 37468분반 01
- 3학년 ( 3학점 , 9시간)
- 전공필수 팀티칭
- 학수번호 37947분반 01
- 2학년 ( 1.5학점 , 1.5시간) 월 3~3
- 영어강의
- 학수번호 G14061분반 01
- 학년 ( 3학점 , 3시간) 금 6~7 (헬116)
- 학수번호 G16676분반 01
- 학년 ( 3학점 , 3시간) 금 4~5 (헬302)
- 학수번호 NU251분반 01
- 학년 ( 3학점 , 3시간) 수 8~9
- 시간변경
- 학수번호 11224분반 05
- 1학년 ( 1학점 수 7~7 (헬107)
- 걸어가는 길, 방향, 속도, 가치
Global nursing issues
- 학수번호 33535분반 01
- 3학년 ( 1.5학점 , 1.5시간) 월 4~5 (헬116)
- 영어강의
- 학수번호 35597분반 01
- 1학년 ( 3학점 , 3시간) 금 6~7
- 전공필수,영어강의
- 학수번호 38028분반 01
- 1학년 ( 2학점 , 2시간) 수 2~3
- 학수번호 G18067분반 01
- 학년 ( 3학점 , 3시간) 목 7~8
- 학수번호 G18071분반 01
- 학년 ( 3학점 , 3시간) 목 2~3 (헬303)
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Ph.D.(Health Policy and Administration)
서울대학교 보건학석사 (보건학과)
서울대학교 간호학사(간호학과)
University of Texas, Austin 2013-08-19 ~ 2016-02-29
The State Univ of New York, Buffalo 2011-08-18 ~ 2013-05-22
The State Univ of New York, Buffalo 2008-08-21 ~ 2011-08-17