박윤정(朴允晶) 교수
식품영양학과 /시스템헬스융합전공[대학원]
박윤정 교수는 신산업융합대학 식품영양학과 교수로 NutriEpigenomics(대사후성유전학) 연구실을 이끌고 있다. 미국 코넬대학 영양학 대학원에서 ‘Critical Elements in the Control of Epigenetic Patterns’ 에 관한 연구로 박사학위를 받았으며, 이후 독일암센터에서 Roman Herzog 장학금 지원을 받으며 박사후과정 동안 만성질병의 후성유전적 기전과 바이오마커에 대해 연구를 진행하였다. 현재 Genomics, transcriptomics, epigenomics를 포함한 다중오믹스 분석을 활용하여, 영양소나 식품성분이 대사조절에 미치는 영향과 이러한 변화가 어떻게 다음 세대로 전달되는지 연구하는데 역점을 두고 있다. 또한 후성유전적 기전을 매개로 한 생체시계 조절에 미치는 영향을 분석하여 대사질환이나 노화의 가역적 변화 가능성을 탐색하고 있다. 현재까지 <Nature Medicine>, <EMBO Molecular Medicine>, <PLoS Genetics>, <Molecular Cell> 등 권위지를 비롯한 SCI 급 국제학술지에 논문을 다수 발표했으며, 『Epigenetics and Human Health』,『Personalized Epigenetics』 등의 저서에 저자로 참여하였다. 독일암센터 등 선도적 연구기관들과 국제 공동연구를 진행하고 있다.
- 생활환경관 307호
- 02-3277-6533
- 연구관심분야
- 대사와 후성유전, 영양의 세대전달, 분자영양
- Alterations in cardiac DNA methylation in human dilated cardiomyopathy EMBO Molecular Medicine, 2013, v.5 no.3, 413-429
- BCAT1 promotes cell proliferation through amino acid catabolism in gliomas carrying wild-type IDH1 Nature Medicine, 2013, v.19 no.7, 901-908
- Anti-obesity effect of butyrate links to modulation of gut microbiome and epigenetic regulation of muscular circadian clock Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 2024, v.127, 109590
- Associations of meal timing and sleep duration with incidence of obesity: a prospective cohort study Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, 2024, v.28 no.6, 100220
- Effects of Dietary Protein Intake Levels on Peripheral Circadian Rhythm in Mice International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2024, v.25 no.13, 7373
- Function of NAD metabolism in white adipose tissue: lessons from mouse models Adipocyte, 2024, v.13 no.1, 2313297
- H3.3-G34W in giant cell tumor of bone functionally aligns with the exon choice repressor hnRNPA1L2 CANCER GENE THERAPY, 2024, v.31 no.8, 1177-1185
- Protein Restriction in Metabolic Health: Lessons from Rodent Models Nutrients, 2024, v.16 no.2, 229
- The associations between intakes of one-carbon metabolism-related vitamins and breast density among young women Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention, 2024, v.33 no.4, 567-575
- Association between use of vitamin and mineral supplement and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in hypertensive adults Scientific Reports, 2023, v.13 no.1, 13670
- Association of NAFLD with FGF21 Polygenic Hazard Score, and Its Interaction with Protein Intake Level in Korean Adults Nutrients, 2023, v.15 no.10, 2385
- Meal-Based Intervention on Health Promotion in Middle-Aged Women: A Pilot Study Nutrients, 2023, v.15 no.9, 2108
- Short-Term Effects of Weight-Loss Meal Replacement Programs with Various Macronutrient Distributions on Gut Microbiome and Metabolic Parameters: A Pilot Study Nutrients, 2023, v.15 no.22, 4744
- A review of recent evidence of dietary protein intake and health Nutrition Research and Practice, 2022, v.16 no.3, 37-46
- Epigenetics: general characteristics and implications for oral health Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics, 2015, v.40 no.1, 14-22
- 폐경 후 골감소증 여성에 대한 12주간의 영양교육과 운동 중재 전·후 식품 및 영양소 섭취량 변화와 골밀도 지표 변화와의 관계 대한지역사회영양학회지, 2013, v.18 no.3, 213-222
- 한국 성인의 과일 및 비타민 C 섭취량과 치주염 간의 관련성: 2007~2010년 국민건강영양조사 대한치과재료학회지, 2013, v.40 no.2, 77-86
- [학술지논문] Anti-obesity effect of butyrate links to modulation of gut microbiome and epigenetic regulation of muscular circadian clock JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL BIOCHEMISTRY, 2024, v.127 no.1 , 1-13
- [학술지논문] Associations of meal timing and sleeping duration with incidence of obesity in Korean adults: A prospective cohort study JOURNAL OF NUTRITION HEALTH & AGING, 2024, v.28 no.6 , 1-10
- [학술지논문] Food-related media use and eating behavior in different food-related lifestyle groups of Korean adolescents in metropolitan areas Nutrition Research and Practice, 2024, v.18 no.5 , 687-700
- [학술지논문] H3.3-G34W in giant cell tumor of bone functionally aligns with the exon choice repressor hnRNPA1L2 CANCER GENE THERAPY, 2024, v.31 no.5 , 1-9
- [학술지논문] Low-protein diet affects peripheral circadian clocks via endoplasmic reticulum stress response in mice International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2024, v.25 no.7373 , 1-15
- [학술지논문] The associations between intakes of one-carbon metabolism-related vitamins and breast density among young women CANCER EPIDEMIOLOGY BIOMARKERS & PREVENTION, 2024, v.33 no.4 , 567-575
- [학술지논문] protein restriction in metabolic health: lessons from rodent models NUTRIENTS, 2024, v.16 no.229 , 1-15
- [학술지논문] Association between use of vitamin and mineral supplement and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in hypertensive adults SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 2023, v.13 no.1 , 1-13
- [학술지논문] Association of NAFLD with FGF21 Polygenic Hazard Score, and Its Interaction with Protein Intake Level in Korean Adults NUTRIENTS, 2023, v.15 no.10 , 2385-2385
- [학술지논문] Associations of Food Insecurity with Dietary Inflammatory Potential and Risk of Low Muscle Strength NUTRIENTS, 2023, v.15 no.5 , 1-14
- [학술지논문] Meal-Based Intervention on Health Promotion in Middle-Aged Women: A Pilot Study NUTRIENTS, 2023, v.15 no.9 , 2108-2108
- [학술지논문] Short-Term Effects of Weight-Loss Meal Replacement Programs with Various Macronutrient Distributions on Gut Microbiome and Metabolic Parameters: A Pilot Study NUTRIENTS, 2023, v.15 no.22 , 1-16
- [학술지논문] 2020 Korean Dietary Reference Intakes for Protein: Estimation of protein requirements and the status of dietary protein intake in the Korean population Journal of Nutrition and Health, 2022, v.55 no.1 , 10-20
- [학술지논문] 40세 이상 성인 한국인에서 한국형 식사염증지표 수준에 따른 당뇨병 발생률 및 당화혈색소 수준 변화 연구 Journal of Nutrition and Health, 2022, v.55 no.2 , 263-277
- [학술지논문] A review of recent evidence of dietary protein intake and health NUTRITION RESEARCH AND PRACTICE, 2022, v.16 no.0 , S37-S46
- [학술지논문] Adenosine derivatives from Cordyceps exert antitumor effects against ovarian cancer cells through ENT1-mediated transport, induction of AMPK signaling, and consequent autophagic cell death BIOMEDICINE & PHARMACOTHERAPY, 2022, v.153 no.0 , 113491-113491
- [학술지논문] Association between Use of Nutrition Labels and Risk of Chronic Kidney Disease: The Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) 2008-2019 NUTRIENTS, 2022, v.14 no.9 , 1731-1731
- [학술지논문] Effects of Dietary Fat to Carbohydrate Ratio on Obesity Risk Depending on Genotypes of Circadian Genes NUTRIENTS, 2022, v.14 no.3 , 478-478
- [학술지논문] The Anticancer Effect of Natural Plant Alkaloid Isoquinolines INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES, 2021, v.22 no.4 , 1653-1653
- [학술지논문] EHMT2 Inhibition Induces Cell Death in Human Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer by Altering the Cholesterol Biosynthesis Pathway INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES, 2020, v.21 no.3 , 1002-1002
- [학술지논문] Effects of Coffee Intake on Dyslipidemia Risk According to Genetic Variants in the ADORA Gene Family among Korean Adults NUTRIENTS, 2020, v.12 no.2 , 493-493
- [학술지논문] Globally altered epigenetic landscape and delayed osteogenic differentiation in H3.3-G34W-mutant giant cell tumor of bone NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 2020, v.11 no.5414 , 1-16
- [학술지논문] Altered expression of inflammation-associated genes in the hypothalamus of obesity mouse models NUTRITION RESEARCH, 2019, v.70 no.Special SI , 40-49
- [학술지논문] Promotion of Cell Death in Cisplatin-Resistant Ovarian Cancer Cells through KDM1B-DCLRE1B Modulation INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES, 2019, v.20 no.10 , 2443-2443
- [학술지논문] Diet-induced obesity leads to metabolic dysregulation in offspring via endoplasmic reticulum stress in a sex-specific manner INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OBESITY, 2018, v.42 no.2 , 244-251
- [학술지논문] Links between Serine Biosynthesis Pathway and Epigenetics in Cancer Metabolism Clinical Nutrition Research, 2018, v.7 no.3 , 153-160
- [학술지논문] Silencing of peroxiredoxin II by promoter methylation is necessary for the survival and migration of gastric cancer cells EXPERIMENTAL AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE, 2018, v.50 no.1 , 1-13
- [학술지논문] The Anticancer Properties of Cordycepin and Their Underlying Mechanisms INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES, 2018, v.19 no.10 , 3027-3027
- [학술지논문] Transcriptome and protein interaction profiling in cancer cells with mutations in histone H3.3 SCIENTIFIC DATA, 2018, v.5 no.0 , 180283-180283
- [학술지논문] Anti-cancer effect of Scutellaria baicalensis in combination with cisplatin in human ovarian cancer cell BMC COMPLEMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE, 2017, v.17 no.277 , 1-10
- [학술지논문] Epigenetics: Linking nutrition to molecular mechanisms in aging PREVENTIVE NUTRITION AND FOOD SCIENCE, 2017, v.22 no.2 , 81-89
- [학술지논문] TET-mediated hydroxymethylcytosine at the Ppar gamma locus is required for initiation of adipogenic differentiation INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OBESITY, 2017, v.41 no.4 , 652-659
- [학술지논문] The histone variant H3.3 G34W substitution in giant cell tumor of the bone link chromatin and RNA processing SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 2017, v.7 no.13459 , 1-14
- [학술지논문] 2015 Korean Guidelines for the Management of Dyslipidemia: Executive Summary (English Translation) KOREAN CIRCULATION JOURNAL, 2016, v.46 no.3 , 275-306
- [학술지논문] Association between consumption of milk and dairy products, calcium and riboflavin, and periodontitis in Korean adults: Using the 2007-2010 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys JOURNAL OF NUTRITION AND HEALTH, 2014, v.47 no.4 , 258-267
- [학술지논문] Can Proopiomelanocortin Methylation Be Used as an Early Predictor of Metabolic Syndrome? DIABETES CARE, 2014, v.37 no.3 , 734-739
- [학술지논문] Long Noncoding RNA TARID Directs Demethylation and Activation of the Tumor Suppressor TCF21 via GADD45A MOLECULAR CELL, 2014, v.55 no.4 , 604-614
- [학술지논문] 만 40세 성인의 우울기분과 생활습관과의 관계 JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY OF FOOD SCIENCE AND NUTRITION(한국식품영양과학회지), 2014, v.43 no.5 , 772-783
- [학술지논문] Alterations in cardiac DNA methylation in human dilated cardiomyopathy EMBO MOLECULAR MEDICINE, 2013, v.5 no.3 , 413-429
- [학술지논문] BCAT1 promotes cell proliferation through amino acid catabolism in gliomas carrying wild-type IDH1 NATURE MEDICINE, 2013, v.19 no.7 , 901-+
- [학술지논문] Epigenetic biomarkers: a step forward for understanding periodontitis Journal of Periodontal & Implant Science, 2013, v.43 no.3 , 111-120
- [학술지논문] Relationships between obesity, blood and urinary compositions, and dietary habits and depressed mood in Koreans at the age of 40, a life transition period Journal of Nutrition and Health, 2013, v.46 no.3 , 261-275
- [저역서] 생활속의 영양학 교문사, 2023, 576
- [저역서] Personalized epigenetics - Nutrigenomics: Personalized Nutrition meets Epigenetics Elsevier_Academic Press, 2015, 591
- [학술발표] DNA methylation and Type II diabetes: Novel biomarkers 2024 한국당뇨병예방연구(KDPS) 춘계 심포지엄, 대한민국, 2024-04-27 2024 한국당뇨병예방연구(KDPS) 춘계 심포지엄, 2024
- [학술발표] FGF21 polygenic hazard score and protein intake on risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, 한국지질동맥경화학회 춘계학술대회, 대한민국, 2023-04-01 한국지질동맥경화학회 초록, 2023
- [학술발표] Transcriptomics-based Exploration of Tissue-specific Biomarkers for Circadian Metabolic Regulation using the Time Restriction Feeding Model The Korea Nutrition Society International Conference , 대한민국, 2023-10-13 The Korea Nutrition Society International Conference , 2023
- [학술발표] Uncovering Epigenetic Signature on Preventive intervention for diabetes 2023 한국당뇨병예방연구(KDPS) 춘계 심포지엄, 대한민국, 2023-05-20 2023 한국당뇨병예방연구(KDPS) 춘계 심포지엄, 2023
- [학술발표] A Potential Mechanism Underlying Paternal Transmission of Diet-induced Metabolic Stress through Angiogenin-mediated tRNA fragmentation the 22nd IUNS-ICN International Congress of Nutrition , 일본, 2022-12-06 the 22nd IUNS-ICN International Congress of Nutrition , 2022
- [학술발표] Butyrate-induced anti-obesity effects via changes in gut microbiome and muscle oxidative metabolism the 22nd IUNS-ICN International Congress of Nutrition , 일본, 2022-12-06 Proceeding of the 22nd IUNS-ICN International Congress of Nutrition , 2022
- [학술발표] Effects of Nicotinamide Mononucleotide on Liver and Adipose tissue by Diet and Age 2022 International Conference of the Korean Nutrition Society, 대한민국, 2022-10-14 2022 International Conference of the Korean Nutrition Society, 2022
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- [학술발표] Precision Nutrition and Health Management: A Meal-based Intervention for Postmenopausal Women 2022 International Conference of the Korean Nutrition Society, 대한민국, 2022-10-14 2022 International Conference of the Korean Nutrition Society, 2022
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- [학술발표] Alkbh5, an RNA demethylase, is involved in fine-tuning of cell differentiation Nutrition 2019 , 미국, 2019-06-09 Nutrition 2019 , 2019
- [학술발표] Alkbh5, an RNA demethylase, was required for induction of myogenesis in the C2C12 cell model. 2019 International Conference of the Korean Nutrition Society , 대한민국, 2019-10-11 2019 International Conference of the Korean Nutrition Society , 2019
- [학술발표] Anticancer effects of Cordyceps militaris extract in human ovarian cancer cells via ADORA2B. Nutrition 2019 , 미국, 2019-06-10 Nutrition 2019 by American Society for Nutrition , 2019
- [학술발표] Chelidonium majus L extract reduce cell viability and c-Myc overexpression sensitize C majus L induced apoptosis. 2019 International Conference of the Korean Nutrition Society, 대한민국, 2019-10-11 2019 International Conference of the Korean Nutrition Society, 2019
- [학술발표] Epigenetic marks on nucleic acids fine-tune cell differentiation as metabolic sensors. The Federation of European Nutrition Societies (FENS) 2019 Conference , 아일랜드, 2019-10-17 The Federation of European Nutrition Societies (FENS) 2019 Conference , 2019
- [학술발표] Implementation and practice of nutrigenomics for precision medicine 2019 Annual conference of Korean Society of Clinical Nutrition , 대한민국, 2019-06-28 2019 Annual conference of Korean Society of Clinical Nutrition , 2019
- [학술발표] Alteration of the TET2 gene and its expression are associated with higher proliferation and poor prognosis in NSCLC 한국영양학회 국제학술대회, 대한민국, 평창, 2018-10-18 한국영양학회 국제학술대회, 2018
- [학술발표] Associations between Genetic Variants of Circadian Clock Genes, Nutrients Intake, and Susceptibility to Chronic Diseases International Conference of KFN annual meeting , 대한민국, 부산, 2018-11-01 International Conference of KFN annual meeting , 2018
- [학술발표] Effects of Glutaminolysis on Proliferation of Non-small Lung Cancer Cell and its molecular mechanism International Conference of KFN annual meeting , 대한민국, 부산, 2018-11-01 International Conference of KFN annual meeting , 2018
- [학술발표] Genetic Variants of Circadian Clock Genes influence risk of Chronic Diseases 12th International congress of ISNN, 캐나다, Manitoba, 2018-09-30 ISNN, 2018
- [학술발표] Suppression of alkbh5 triggers adipogenic induction via regulating c/ebp 한국영양학회 국제학술대회, 대한민국, 평창, 2018-10-19 한국영양학회 국제학술대회, 2018
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- 학수번호 11222분반 13
- 1학년 ( 1학점 목 7~7
- 맞춤영양과 진로탐색 / 교수연구실 (생활환경관 307호)
- 학수번호 33418분반 01
- 1학년 ( 3학점 , 3시간) 월 4~4 , 목 5~5
- 영어강의
- 학수번호 G18067분반 01
- 학년 ( 3학점 , 3시간) 목 7~8
- 학수번호 G18070분반 01
- 학년 ( 3학점 , 3시간) 월 5~6 (생활607)
- 언어변경,영어강의
Cornell University Ph.D.(Div. of nutritional science molecular nutrition)