- Office of the Chaplain
- Office of Communications
- Office of Education Innovation
- Reserve Officers' Training Corps
- Center for Research Compliance
- Office of Comptroller
- Ewha Academy for Advanced Studies
- University Library
- Ewha Womans University Museum
- Natural History Museum
- Ewha Archives
- Ewha Institute for Leadership Development
- Career Development Center
- Center for Entrepreneurship
- University Health Service Center
- Center for Human Rights
- Ewha Womans University Press
- Ewha Media Center
- Ewha Language Center
- Center for Arts & Culture Education
- Center for Child Development and Disability
- Community Welfare Center
- Dormitory(Hanwoori Hall)
- Ewha Womans University Church [CHAP]
- Upper Room Evangelistic Association
- Graduate Institutional Research Center(GIRC)
- Graduate Research Support Center
- Center for Women's Leadership Development
- Institute of Archives and Records Management
- Center for Innovation in Engineering Education
- Office of Teaching Profession
- Ewha Teacher Education Center(ETEC)
- Gifted Education Center
- International Convention Management Center
- Community Sports Education Center
- Center for Pharmacy Healthcare Communication
- Pharmaceutical and Bio-pharm Convergence Education Center
- 이화의학교육센터
Office of Teaching Profession
The Office of Teaching Profession serves to manage and supervise all the relevant processes of the teacher education programs of Ewha. It aims to help the school realize a globalized, scientifically-disciplined yet domestically-customized educational system in Korea. To achieve this goal, it is dedicated to train and nurture teachers who are equipped with extensive knowledge, skills and educational philosophies as well as those who are have accepted the challenge to lead the educational community.
It carries out administrative duties to foster well-trained teachers in both personality and expertise. These duties include the operation of the programs, the selection of candidates who are not from the Education College, the supervision of fieldwork such as student teaching or fieldwork at life-long education centers, volunteer teaching activities, and prerequisite courses for fieldwork.