E-House, opened in August 2016, is an eco-friendly building for undergraduate freshmen and graduate students from outside Seoul and abroad, and it can accommodate about 2,150 students. Different from traditional corridor style, it is a unit type where 4 to 10 students share a living room to cooperate and communicate with one another and cultivate ewhaen spirit among residents, yet it protects students’ privacy.
- E-House(Next to Hanwoori)
- Tel. +82-2-3277-5905
- Fax. +82-2-3277-5006
- (Undergraduate) dmtry@ewhaen.ac.kr
- (Graduate) dmtrygr@ewhaen.ac.kr
Hanwoori House
Hanwoori House, opened in February 1999, is located at a place with the most spectacular view in our campus. The dormitory consists of Building 101 for undergraduate students, Building 102 (Soseul-gwan) for students who study for state examination and Building 103 which opened in February 2016. Hanwoori House can accommodate approximately 1,330 residents and it plays an important role in cultivating intercultural communication and ewhaen spirit among residents.
- Hanwoori Building 101, 103
- Tel. +82-2-3277-5001
- Fax. +82-2-3277-5006
- (Undergraduate) dmtry@ewhaen.ac.kr
- (Graduate) dmtrygr@ewhaen.ac.kr
Soseul-gwan(Hanwoori Building 102)
Soseul-gwan is a dormitory for ewhaen Law School students, preparing for the bar exam to be laywers and leaders. With about 130 single rooms and 110 double rooms, Soseul-gwan consist of various facilities such as reading room, study room, seminar room, auditory room and computer room. Providing the superior academic environment, Soseul-gwan offers the best support for the future legal experts.
- Hanwoori Building 102
- Tel. +82-2-3277-5009
- Fax. +82-2-3277-5010
- dmtrylaw@ewhaen.ac.kr
I-House consists of 5 buildings in total - Building A&B, ewhaen-Samsung International House opened in 2006, building D in 2012, and building E in 2013. I-House can accommodate about 770 residents, including exchange students, ewhaen Language Center students and guests who visit ewhaen from all over the world. I-House is equipped with a fitness room, computer rooms, laundry rooms and kitchenettes on each floor to offer a high level of comfort and provide a pleasant residential life by ensuring comfortable living environment.
- I-House
- Tel. +82-2-3277-6001
- Fax. +82-2-3277-6003
- ihouse@ewhaen.ac.kr
Medical College Dormitory
Medical college dormitory opened on February 2019, along with the relocation of college of medicine’s Magok campus. Medical college dormitory can accommodate about 179 residents and is equipped with various facilities such as lecture room, medical library and seminar rooms to support the academic work of students of medicine.
- Medical College Dormitory
- Tel. +82-2-6986-6006
- mediewha@ewha.ac.kr