- Office of the Chaplain
- Office of Communications
- Office of Education Innovation
- Reserve Officers' Training Corps
- Center for Research Compliance
- Office of Comptroller
- Ewha Academy for Advanced Studies
- University Library
- Ewha Womans University Museum
- Natural History Museum
- Ewha Archives
- Ewha Institute for Leadership Development
- Career Development Center
- Center for Entrepreneurship
- University Health Service Center
- Center for Human Rights
- Ewha Womans University Press
- Ewha Media Center
- Ewha Language Center
- Center for Arts & Culture Education
- Center for Child Development and Disability
- Community Welfare Center
- Dormitory(Hanwoori Hall)
- Ewha Womans University Church [CHAP]
- Upper Room Evangelistic Association
- Graduate Institutional Research Center(GIRC)
- Graduate Research Support Center
- Center for Women's Leadership Development
- Institute of Archives and Records Management
- Center for Innovation in Engineering Education
- Office of Teaching Profession
- Ewha Teacher Education Center(ETEC)
- Gifted Education Center
- International Convention Management Center
- Community Sports Education Center
- Center for Pharmacy Healthcare Communication
- Pharmaceutical and Bio-pharm Convergence Education Center
- 이화의학교육센터
Dormitory(Hanwoori Hall)
Ewha is the first female school dormitory in Korea. Ewha residence started as a Korean-style building and became western-styled dormitory main hall(1897-1923), the brand new building “Frey hall(1923-1935)” that time equipped with water-supply and steam system and “Hwanghwa building(1932-1935)”. At the end of the era of Chung-dong in 1935, the new dormitory was built along with the transfer of the new village campus (1935-1974), where some 600 people lived with modern facilities. Today, it consist of Hanwoori House opened in 1999(undergraduate students, law school students, students preparing to take a state exam), I-House(exchange students, Ewha language center program students, foreign faculty and researchers), E-House opened in 2016(freshman, graduate students), and Medical college dormitory opened in Feb, 2019. Approximately 4,300 students mingle, make lasting memories and work towards their goals and challenges.
E-House which was built along with Hanwoori House was newly constructed as 8 environmentally friendly buildings utilizing ‘Green Energy’ such as sunlight generation, and geothermal power generation. Indoor space of university dormitory, which can accommodate approximately 2,150 freshman and graduate students is not the common form of hallway dormitory but the form of public residential housing unit. It accommodates 2~10 people altogether, since it is designed as a public residential housing unit including single to quad rooms. Students can naturally learn cooperation, communication and teamwork through housing experience in Ewha. E-House also has guestroom for short-term research faculty and researchers.
- E-House
- Tel. +82-2-3277-5905
- Fax. +82-2-3277-5006
- dmtry@ewha.ac.kr (Undergrauate)
- dmtrygr@ewha.ac.kr (Graduate)
Hanwoori House
Hanwoori House which is located in the most favoured position near Palbok hill with scenic view consist of building 101, building 102(Soseul-gwan), and building 103(Ottogi Global House) opened in Feb, 2016 with approximately 1,330 residents. Undergraduate students stays in the Hanwoori building 101, 103(Ottogi Global House) and building 102(Soseul-gwan) is for the law school students and students who preparing to take a state exam.
- Hanwoori House
- Tel. +82-2-3277-5001
- Fax. +82-2-3277-5006
- dmtry@ewha.ac.kr (Undergrauate)
- dmtrygr@ewha.ac.kr (Graduate)
I-House which is located nearby University church and west gate consist of 5 buildings incluidng buliding A&B, EWHA-SAMSUNG international dormitory opened in Feb, 2016, bulding D opened in 2012, building E opened in 2013. I-House is for exchange students from all over the world, Ewha language program students and guests
- I-House
- Tel. +82-2-3277-6001
- Fax. +82-2-3277-6003
- ihouse@ewha.ac.kr
Medical college dormitory
Medical college dormitory opened on February 2019, along with the relocation of college of medicine’s Magok campus. Medical college dormitory can accommodate about 179 residents and is equipped with various facilities such as lecture room, medical library and seminar rooms to support the academic work of students of medicine.
- Medical college dormitory
- Tel. +82-2-6986-6006
- mediewha@ewha.ac.kr