- All
- Department of Political Science & International Relations
- Department of Public Administration
- Department of Economics
- Department of Library & Information Science
- Department of Sociology
- Department of Social Welfare
- Department of Psychology
- Department of Consumer Studies
- Division of Communication & Media
Baehyun Min Associate Professor bhmin01@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Department of Climate and Energy Systems Engineering/Sustainable and Resilient Society Convergence Major/Social Economy/HOKMA College of General Education
- Research Cooperation Building #404
- 02-3277-6946
Bo-Myung Kim Assistant Professor bomyung@ewha.ac.kr
- Women's Studies
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #524
- 02-3277-3470
Byoung Hoon Seok Associate Professor bhseok@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Department of Economics
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #606
- 02-3277-2773
Byoung Won Min Professor byomin@ewha.ac.kr
- Department of Political Science & International Relations
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #601
- 02-3277-2766
Choong Rai Nho Professor drno@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Department of Social Welfare
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #520
- 02-3277-3576
Chung-Lae Cho Professor clcho@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Department of Public Administration
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #507
- 02-3277-2754
Da Un Yoo Professor daun.yoo@ewha.ac.kr
- Department of Architecture/Social Economy
- Asan Engineering Building #308
- 02-3277-6651
David Lee Associate Professor lee211@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Department of Public Administration/HOKMA College of General Education/Social Economy
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #525
- 02-3277-4040
Dongho Jo Professor jo@ewha.ac.kr
- North Korean Studies/Social Economy
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #323
- 02-3277-4571
Dongsun Yim Professor sunyim@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Communication Disorders/Social Economy
- Education Building A #502
- 02-3277-6720
Eun-Ha Namkung Assistant Professor enamkung@ewha.ac.kr
- Department of Social Welfare
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #503
Eun-Young Chah Professor echah@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Department of Economics
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #510
- 02-3277-2797
Eunice Eunsil Kim Associate Professor eunicekim@ewha.ac.kr
- Department of Psychology
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #416
- 02-3277-3027
Eunkyung Chung Professor echung@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Department of Library & Information Science
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #418
- 02-3277-6641
Geunjoo Lee Professor geunjoo@ewha.ac.kr
- Department of Public Administration/Scranton Honors Program
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #417
- 02-3277-4062
Gunho Lee Professor buildsky@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Division of Communication & Media/Graduate Program in Children and Media
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #612
- 02-3277-6855
Harris Hyunsoo Kim Professor harrishkim@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Department of Sociology/Graduate Program in Children and Media
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #325
- 02-3277-4643
Hee Won Cha Professor heewon@ewha.ac.kr
- Division of Communication & Media/Graduate Program in Children and Media
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #311
- 02-3277-4079
Hee-Kyu Heidi Park Associate Professor heekyu.park@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Department of Christian Studies/Social Economy
- Humanities Building #319
- 02-3277-4463
Hosin Song Professor hsong@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Department of Economics/HOKMA College of General Education
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #618
- 02-3277-4566
Hye Eun Lee Professor hyeeunlee77@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Division of Communication & Media/Graduate Program in Children and Media
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #403
- 02-3277-6937
Hye Sun Lee Professor lhs@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Division of Design/EcoCreative/Social Economy
- Arts & Design Building C #405
- 02-3277-3929
Hye-Won Lee Professor hwlee@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Department of Psychology
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #619
- 02-3277-4103
Hyejung Cheon Professor hjcheon@ewha.ac.kr
- Department of Consumer Studies/HOKMA College of General Education
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #402
- 02-3277-4099
Hyekyong Choi Professor chk@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Department of Consumer Studies
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #412
- 02-3277-3100
Hyemi Lee Associate Professor hyemilee@ewha.ac.kr
- Department of Consumer Studies
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #202-2
- 02-3277-4220
Hyun-nie Ahn Professor ahn12@ewha.ac.kr
- Department of Psychology/HOKMA College of General Education
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #425
- 02-3277-2643
Ick-Joong Chung Professor ichung@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Department of Social Welfare/Scranton Honors Program
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #305
- 02-3277-6718
Inbae Kim Professor ibkim@ewha.ac.kr
- Department of Economics
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #505
- 02-3277-4064
Inhan Kim Associate Professor ihkimpsc@ewha.ac.kr
- Department of Political Science & International Relations/HOKMA College of General Education/Department of International Studies
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #604
- 02-3277-4494
Jae Hyung Do Professor doh@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Department of Law/Social Economy
- Law Building #407
- 02-3277-6657
Jaeho Yun Professor yunjaeho@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Department of Economics
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #516
- 02-3277-4468
Jeongkoo Yoon Professor jkyoon@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Division of Business Administration/Department of Business Administration/Social Economy/Behavioral Socioeconomics
- Ewha-Shinsegae Building (Business) #439
- 02-3277-6647
Jhungsoo Park Professor parkj@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Department of Public Administration
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #316
- 02-3277-2819
Ji Hyun Kim Professor kim.jh@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Department of Library & Information Science/HOKMA College of General Education
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #307
- 02-3277-4166
Ji Young Ahn Professor jy-ahn@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Division of Business Administration/Social Economy/Department of Business Administration
- Ewha-Shinsegae Building (Business) #511
- 02-3277-6714
Ji-Whan Yun Professor jiwhanyun@ewha.ac.kr
- Department of Political Science & International Relations
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #202-1
- 02-3277-4469
Jihyang Choi Associate Professor choi20@ewha.ac.kr
- Division of Communication & Media/Graduate Program in Children and Media
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #302
- 02-32772265
Jin Lee Professor leejin@ewha.ac.kr
- Department of Economics
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #617
- 02-3277-2771
Jiyoung Kang Professor kangjiyoung@ewha.ac.kr
- Division of Communication & Media/Graduate Program in Children and Media
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #309
JongSerl Chun Professor jschun@ewha.ac.kr
- Department of Social Welfare/Social Economy
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #322
- 02-3277-6696
Jongkon Lee Associate Professor jongkonlee@ewha.ac.kr
- Department of Political Science & International Relations
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #326
- 02-3277-2717
Joo Won Park Professor joowon.park@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- College of Medicine/Social Economy
- Esther Building #513
- 02-6986-6201
Joohee Lee Professor j.lee@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Department of Sociology/Social Economy
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #508
- 02-3277-4644
Jung Sung Ae Professor jassa@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- College of Medicine/Social Economy
- Esther Building #1035
- 02-6986-6002
Jung-Sun Kim Professor jungsun@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Department of Sociology
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #422
- 02-3277-2260
Kim, Sunhye Assistant Professor skim11@ewha.ac.kr
- Women's Studies
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #621
- 02-3277-4363
Kiseok Hong Professor khong@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Department of Economics
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #319
- 02-3277-3909
Kung Jin Lee Assistant Professor kungjinlee@ewha.ac.kr
- Department of Library & Information Science
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #509
- 02-3277-2227
Kyoung Ok Seol Professor koseol@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Department of Psychology
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #523
- 02-3277-3918
Kyung Hee Kim Professor tugend87@ewha.ac.kr
- Department of Political Science & International Relations
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #405
- 02-3277-5946
Lee Euna Associate Professor euna1441@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Women's Studies
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #312
- 02-3277-3561
Mi-Kyeong Cha Professor cha@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Department of Library & Information Science
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #624
- 02-3277-2228
Min Hee Go Associate Professor minheego@ewha.ac.kr
- Department of Political Science & International Relations
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #320
- 02-3277-6800
Minah Kang Professor minahkang@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Department of Public Administration/Department of International Studies/Social Economy
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #314
- 02-3277-4100
Minjung Park Professor minjung_park@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Department of Economics
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #310
- 02-3277-2781
Minzee Kim Associate Professor minzeekim@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Department of Sociology
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #613
- 02-3277-3790
Moohyung Cho Assistant Professor moohyungcho@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Department of Political Science & International Relations
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #324
- 02-3277-4141
Myoung-Hwan Ahn Professor terryahn65@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Department of Climate and Energy Systems Engineering/Sustainable and Resilient Society Convergence Major/Social Economy
- Research Cooperation Building #402
- 02-3277-4462
Myung Hwi Lee Professor hwii@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Department of Economics
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #313
- 02-3277-4078
Sae Kyung Yu Professor sgyu@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Division of Communication & Media/Graduate Program in Children and Media
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #413
- 02-3277-3448
Sae-Young Han Professor evenhow@ewha.ac.kr
- Child Development & Intervention/Graduate Program in Children and Media
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #304
- 02-3277-4380
Sang Mi Cho Professor sangmicho@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Department of Social Welfare/Social Economy
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #317
- 02-3277-6637
Sang Taek Kim Professor sangkim@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Department of Economics/Scranton Honors Program
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #607
- 02-3277-2772
Sang Yong Lee Professor syly@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Department of Library & Information Science
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #308
- 02-3277-4492
Sangsoo Lee Assistant Professor sangsoolee@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Department of Sociology
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #513
- 02-3277-2253
Se Hoon Bang Associate Professor bang@ewha.ac.kr
- Department of Economics
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #321
- 02-3277-4564
Seiwan Kim Professor swan@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Department of Economics/Social Economy/Behavioral Socioeconomics
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #616
- 02-3277-4467
Seon Ki PARK Professor spark@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Department of Climate and Energy Systems Engineering/Sustainable and Resilient Society Convergence Major/Social Economy
- New Engineering Building #559
- 02-3277-3331
SetByol Choi Professor choseta@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Department of Sociology
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #610
- 02-3277-3910
Seung-Chul Yoo Professor communication@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Division of Communication & Media/HOKMA College of General Education/Posthuman Studies/Graduate Program in Children and Media
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #301
- 02-3277-2240
Seung-Kwon Chin Professor skchin@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Department of Sociology
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #622
- 02-3277-2244
Seung-yeon Lee Professor slee1@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Department of Psychology
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #409
- 02-3277-2649
So Hyun Joo Professor sohyunjoo@ewha.ac.kr
- Department of Consumer Studies/Behavioral Socioeconomics/Social Economy
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #205
- 02-3277-3099
SoHyun Lee Professor solee@ewha.ac.kr
- Department of Special Education/Social Economy
- Education Building B #570
- 02-3277-2680
Sohye Lim Professor s.lim@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Division of Communication & Media/Graduate Program in Children and Media
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #512
- 02-3277-2239
Sook-Yeon Won Professor sywon@ewha.ac.kr
- Department of Public Administration
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #519
- 02-3277-4101
Soon-Hee Joung Professor jsh@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Department of Consumer Studies
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #414
- 02-3277-3070
Soondool Chung Professor sdchung@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Department of Social Welfare
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #424
- 02-3277-4102
Soontae An Professor soontae@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Division of Communication & Media/Graduate Program in Children and Media/Big Data Analytics
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #318
- 02-3277-3449
Su-Young Kim Professor suyoung.kim@ewha.ac.kr
- Department of Psychology/Behavioral Socioeconomics
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #602
- 02-3277-3792
Sujin Yang Associate Professor sujinyang@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Department of Psychology/Division of Communication & Media/Graduate Program in Children and Media
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #603
- 02-3277-4053
Sung Hee Park Professor shpark1@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Division of Communication & Media/Graduate Program in Children and Media
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #506
- 02-3277-3912
Sung Hyun Kim Professor sungkim@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Department of Economics
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #423
- 02-3277-4063
Sung Mi Kim Assistant Professor sungmi@ewha.ac.kr
- Department of Political Science & International Relations
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #605
- 02-3277-4480
Sung-Kyung Yoo Professor skyoo@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Department of Psychology
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #615
- 02-3277-3911
Sungbin Youk Assistant Professor sungbinyouk@ewha.ac.kr
- Division of Communication & Media/Graduate Program in Children and Media
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #303
- 02-3277-3290
Trent M. Bax Associate Professor trentbax@ewha.ac.kr
- Department of Sociology
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #201-2
- 02-3277-2466
Usic Kim Professor usickim@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Department of Sociology/HOKMA College of General Education/Behavioral Socioeconomics
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #406
- 02-3277-2245
Won Gon Park Professor wongon@ewha.ac.kr
- North Korean Studies/Global Korean Studies/Department of International Studies
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #411
Woon Kyung Lee Assistant Professor lwk@ewha.ac.kr
- Child Development & Intervention/Graduate Program in Children and Media
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #420
- 0232774610
YOON HO YOUNG Assistant Professor hoyoungyoon@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Division of Communication & Media/Graduate Program in Children and Media
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #620
- 02-3277-4491
Yeon Kyoung Chung Professor ykchung@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Department of Library & Information Science
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #407
- 02-3277-2838
Yikweon Jang Professor jangy@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- EcoScience/Life Sciences/Social Economy/EcoCreative
- Science Building B #B318-1
- 02-3277-4496
Yong-Sang Choi Professor ysc@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Department of Climate and Energy Systems Engineering/Sustainable and Resilient Society Convergence Major/Social Economy
- New Engineering Building #353
- 02-3277-4461
Yoomi Choi Professor yoomi@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Division of Design/Social Economy/Interdisciplinary Program of Media, Arts and Humanities
- Arts & Design Building C #207
- 02-3277-4091
Yoomi Kim Associate Professor kimym@ewha.ac.kr
- Department of Public Administration
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #408
- 02-3277-4030
Yoon Kyung Kim Professor yoonkkim@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Department of Economics/East Asian Studies/HOKMA College of General Education
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #419
- 02-3277-4690
Yujin Choi Professor yujinchoi@ewha.ac.kr
- Department of Public Administration
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #517
- 02-3277-2753
Yun Jung Choi Professor yunchoi@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Division of Communication & Media/Graduate Program in Children and Media/EcoCreative
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #410
- 02-3277-6684
Yung Wook Kim Professor kimyw@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Division of Communication & Media/Scranton Honors Program/Graduate Program in Children and Media
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #609
- 02-3277-2237
CHUNG, YOOJIN Research Professor chungyoojin@ewha.ac.kr
- Communication & Media Research Center
- 4273
Choi, Hae hoon Adjunct Professor chh1989@ewha.ac.kr
- Department of Psychology
Choi, Jong Ok Adjunct Professor 154036@ewha.ac.kr
- Department of Psychology
Chung, Hee Soo Invited Professor hsoochung2021@ewha.ac.kr
- Social Economy
EunHye Oh Adjunct Professor ehoh1@ewha.ac.kr
- Department of Consumer Studies
Eunyoung Cho Adjunct Professor ijoeun0@ewha.ac.kr
- Division of Communication & Media
Hae Jung Lee Adjunct Professor hjlee00@ewha.ac.kr
- North Korean Studies
Hae Jung Oh Adjunct Professor ohj00@ewha.ac.kr
- Division of Communication & Media
Hannah Lee Research Professor hannah21@ewha.ac.kr
- Age Integration Research Institute
Heejung Kim Distinguished Professor heejungskim@ewha.ac.kr
- Department of Psychology
Hong Sang Jin Invited Professor sjhong23@ewha.ac.kr
- North Korean Studies
Hwa Jung Kho Adjunct Professor khohj@ewha.ac.kr
- Department of Consumer Studies
Hye-Sun Kim Adjunct Professor hsun88@ewha.ac.kr
- Department of Library & Information Science
JANG INSOOK Adjunct Professor cool@ewha.ac.kr
- North Korean Studies
- 0232155762
Jae-Kyoung Lee Professor for Special Appointment jklee@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Institute for Journalism Education
- 02-3277-2267
Jeon Hye Sook Research Professor jeonhs@ewha.ac.kr
- Institute for Social Welfare Research
Jihyung Han Invited Professor jihyunghan@ewha.ac.kr
- Department of Consumer Studies
Jiyoung Yoon Adjunct Professor graceyoon928@ewha.ac.kr
- Department of Consumer Studies
Jung-Eun Kim Adjunct Professor j-e.kim@ewha.ac.kr
- Child Development & Intervention
Junsung Hong Visiting Professor
- Department of Social Welfare
Kim Soohyun Adjunct Professor minkie73@ewha.ac.kr
- Department of Psychology
Kyunmi Kim Invited Professor kmk3339@ewha.ac.kr
- Division of Communication & Media
LEE KYUWON Adjunct Professor kwleee68@ewha.ac.kr
- Division of Communication & Media
- 781-3815
LEE SANG ROK Adjunct Professor myzodan@ewha.ac.kr
- Division of Communication & Media
Lee Eun-Young Adjunct Professor ley@ewha.ac.kr
- Department of Consumer Studies
Lee, Ji Yeon Research Professor jlee88@ewha.ac.kr
- Institute for Social Welfare Research
Nho Soung Suk Visiting Professor nho@ewha.ac.kr
- Department of Psychology
- 02-3277-6665
Oh Eunju Adjunct Professor oej0101@ewha.ac.kr
- Department of Consumer Studies
PARK, Jinchai Adjunct Professor parkjinchai@ewha.ac.kr
- Department of Consumer Studies
Park Hyun Jung Visiting Professor 154561@ewha.ac.kr
- Division of Communication & Media
Park Jaehang Adjunct Professor parkjaehang@ewha.ac.kr
- Division of Communication & Media
Park, Juhwa Adjunct Professor juhwapark@ewha.ac.kr
- North Korean Studies
Pei Hsiu Yeh Visiting Professor tomyeh@ewha.ac.kr
- Department of Psychology
Peter J. Schulz Visiting Professor peterschulz@ewha.ac.kr
- Division of Communication & Media
- +41 58 666 4
Pil Young Kim Visiting Professor pilyoung.kim@ewha.ac.kr
- Department of Psychology
- Division of Communication & Media
SEO ILHO Adjunct Professor cjrh15@ewha.ac.kr
- Division of Communication & Media
SOO-JIN, KIM Research Professor sjinkim@ewha.ac.kr
- Communication & Media Research Center
- 02-3277-4154
Soyoun Kim Research Professor soyounkim@ewha.ac.kr
- Department of Social Welfare
Susan Hyun Yoon Visiting Professor
- Department of Social Welfare
YANG, Ah-Jung Research Professor ahjung002@ewha.ac.kr
- Communication & Media Research Center
Yoon Sun Young Invited Professor ycool@ewha.ac.kr
- Child Development & Intervention
- Department of Social Welfare
Zhi Eh Lor Professor for Special Appointment zlor@ewha.ac.kr
- Division of Communication & Media