Joohee Lee Professor
Department of Sociology/Social Economy
Joohee Lee is Professor of Sociology at Ewha Womans University in Korea. Before joining the faculty at Ewha Sociology Department, she was research fellow at the Korea Labor Institute (KLI). She received her PhD in Sociology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her major research interests are changing industrial relations in a global economy, industrial democracy at the workplace, and strategies for political labor movements. A more recent area of interest concerns nonstandard employment and a high road social citizenship model at work. Her books include The New Structure of Labor Relations: Tripartism and Decentralization (2004, Cornell Univ. Press, with Harry C. Katz and Wonduck Lee), and The Korean Trade Union Movements in the 21st Century (2002, Hanul Press; in Korean), which received 2003 Book of Excellence Award from the National Academy of Sciences, Korea. She also published many articles both in English and Korean.
- Ewha-POSCO Building (Social Sciences) #508
- 02-3277-4644
- Office hours
- 화 10:00-11:30am
Research Record
- Shadow Labor in Care Services: Why Do South Korean Women Care Workers Work Such Long Hours and Get Paid So Little? Journal of Korean Studies, 2023, v.28 no.2, 253-280
- 중국의 두 자녀 정책이 고용상의 성차별에 미친 영향 젠더와 문화, 2023, v.16 no.1, 117-152
- 청년 플랫폼노동자의 일경험과 사회보험에 대한 태도 사회복지정책과실천, 2022, v.8 no.3, 45-87
- 코로나19 시기 원격등교에서 나타난 고교 유형별 교육 불평등 실태와 함의 경제와 사회, 2022, no.133, 187-239
- 서비스업 불안정 노동 재생산 기제: 최저임금과 노동조합에 대한 인식을 중심으로 산업노동연구, 2019, v.25 no.3, 239-289
- 퀘백 노동연대기금의 한국적 적용 사회적경제와 정책연구, 2019, v.9 no.3, 89-121
- More Protection, Still Gendered: The Effects of Non-Standard Employment Protection Acts on South Korean Women Workers Journal of Contemporary Asia, 2017, v.47 no.1, 46-65
- South Korea: Work, care and the Wollstonecraft dilemma Women, Work and Care in the Asia-Pacific, 2017 , 214-229
- Who is working while sick? Nonstandard employment and its association with absenteeism and presenteeism in South Korea International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 2016, v.89 no.7, 1-7
- inequality, distanciation and exploitation EUROPEAN POLITICAL SCIENCE, 2015, v.14 no.2, 187-190
- 가사도우미, 요양보호사, 유통업체 판매직 근로관계의 특성과 노동법의 실효적인 규율 방향 노동법논총, 2015, v.33, 77-111
- 모호한 고용관계의 한국적 특성 및 전망 동향과 전망, 2015, v.95, 252-289
- 일자리에서의 불평등 인식이 정신건강에 미치는 영향: 고용형태를 중심으로 산업노동연구, 2015, v.21 no.3, 147-180
- 세대별 고용형태에 따른 복지국가 만족도 및 선호 비교 경제와 사회, 2014, 103호, 129-165
- [학술지논문] Shadow Labor in Care Services: Why Do South Korean Women Care Workers Work Such Long Hours and Get Paid So Little? JOURNAL OF KOREAN STUDIES, 2023, v.28 no.2 , 253-280
- [학술지논문] 중국의 두 자녀 정책이 고용상의 성차별에 미친 영향 젠더와 문화, 2023, v.16 no.1 , 117-152
- [학술지논문] Youth Platform Workers' Attitudes towards Social Insurance 사회복지정책과실천, 2022, v.8 no.3 , 45-87
- [학술지논문] 코로나19 시기 원격등교에서 나타난 고교 유형별 교육 불평등 실태와 함의 경제와 사회, 2022, v.0 no.133 , 187-239
- [학술지논문] 지방정부 코포라티즘과 서울시 노동이사제 산업관계연구, 2020, v.30 no.4 , 1-30
- [학술지논문] The Mechanisms of Reproducing Precarious Work in Service Sectors: The Case of South Korea 산업노동연구, 2019, v.25 no.3 , 239-289
- [학술지논문] 퀘백 노동연대기금의 한국적 적용 사회적경제와 정책연구, 2019, v.9 no.3 , 89-121
- [저역서] 차별하는 구조 차별받는 감정 글항아리, 2023, 265
Social Policy
- Subject No 33715Class No 01
- 3Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Mon 4~4 (POSCO555) , Thu 5~5 (POSCO555)
Social Policy Seminar
- Subject No G18838Class No 01
- Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Mon 5~6 (POSCO355)
Social Stratification and Inequality
- Subject No 33699Class No 01
- 3Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Tue 5~5 (POSCO160) , Thu 6~6 (POSCO160)
Gender and Organization
- Subject No G13085Class No 01
- Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Tue 6~7 (POSCO-454)
Sociology of Work and Employment 강의 계획서 상세보기
- Subject No 33713Class No 01
- 2Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Tue 6~6 (ECC) , Thu 4~4 (142)
Studies in Social Policy
- Subject No G13088Class No 01
- Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Thu 6~7 (POSCO-364)
HOKMA Seminar 강의 계획서 상세보기
- Subject No 11302Class No 11
- 1Year ( 1Credit Thu 7~7
Exploring the Social Sciences 강의 계획서 상세보기
- Subject No 11304Class No 01
- 1Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Fri 3~4 (POSCO160)
Political Sociology Seminar 강의 계획서 상세보기
- Subject No 36020Class No 01
- 4Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Mon 4~4 (ECC) , Thu 5~5 (143)
Work and Organization in Contemporary Society
- Subject No G11266Class No 01
- Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Tue 5~6 (ECC-)
Social Policy
- Subject No 33715Class No 01
- 3Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Mon 3~3 , Wed 2~2
Studies in Social Policy
- Subject No G13088Class No 01
- Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Tue 5~6
Political Sociology Seminar
- Subject No 36020Class No 01
- 4Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Mon 3~3 (POSCO160) , Wed 2~2 (POSCO160)
Gender and Organization
- Subject No G13085Class No 01
- Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Mon 5~6
Academic Background
University of Wisconsin-Madison Ph.D.(사회학)