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Ewha University

College of Education

Dongsun Yim Professor

Communication Disorders/Social Economy

임동선 프로필 사진
Dongsun Yim, Ph. D., CCC-SLP, Principal Investigator, is a tenure track Assistant Professorof Communication Disorders at EWHA Womans University. Dr. Yim earned her doctoral degree from University of Minnesota and worked as a researcher at Stanford University. She also served as a faculty at Nothwestern University in the Departmenf of Communication Sciences and Disorders. Dr. Yim has many years of expertise in the area of monolingual and bilingual children with LI, with recent research focused on developing processing-dependent tasks for these children. Her research interest focuses on the relationship between language learning and nonlinguistic cognitive processing, as well as providing clinical services to individuals with communicative disorders.
  • Education Building A #502
  • 02-3277-6720
  • Office hours
    • T(1-5PM) TH(1-5PM)
  • Research Interests
Research Record
  • ADHD 아동의 화용 언어능력에 대한 메타분석 언어치료연구, 2024, v.33 no.1, 67-77
    KCI dColl.
  • Children's communication repair strategies: Online versus face-to-face interaction Journal of Communication Disorders, 2024, v.108, 106406
    SCIE SSCI Scopus dColl.
  • Exploring the influence of the home literacy environment on early literacy and vocabulary skills in Korean–English bilingual children Frontiers in Psychology, 2024, v.15, 1336292
    SSCI Scopus dColl.
  • 성인 영어 학습자의 외재적⋅내재적 학습 요인이 영어 말하기 능력에 미치는 영향 학습자중심교과교육연구, 2024, v.24 no.14, 775-788
    KCI dColl.
  • 신경망을 이용한 어휘 학습 예측모형 탐색 연구 언어치료연구, 2024, v.33 no.1, 23-34
    KCI dColl.
  • 웹 기반 부모보고형 언어-정서 선별검사의 신뢰도 및 타당도 예비연구 특수교육학연구, 2024, v.58 no.4, 153-173
    KCI dColl.
  • 처리속도와 처리용량이 영상 속도에 따라 이야기 이해력에 미치는 영향 언어치료연구, 2024, v.33 no.2, 45-55
    KCI dColl.
  • 초등학교 1학년의 읽기이해력에 따른 언어능력 및 읽기이해력 예측 요인 연구 언어치료연구, 2024, v.33 no.3, 69-80
    KCI dColl.
  • The Impact of Reading Modalities and Text Types on Reading in School-Age Children: An Eye-Tracking Study Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 2023, v.13 no.19, 10802
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • 이야기 과제 제시 조건에 따른 지문 유형과 질문 유형별 학령기 아동의 이야기 이해력 비교 언어치료연구, 2023, v.32 no.2, 49-60
    KCI dColl.
  • 초등 1-4학년 언어발달지연 아동과 일반 아동의 이야기 산출 회상 능력과 작업기억과의 관계 특수교육학연구, 2023, v.58 no.3, 165-192
    KCI dColl.
  • 텍스트 유형 및 이야기 양식에 따른 초등학교 1∼6학년의 이야기 이해 능력 아동학회지, 2023, v.44 no.4, 389-400
    KCI dColl.
  • The Effect of Home Literacy Environment on Receptive and Expressive Vocabulary Skills in Preschool Children Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2022, v.27 no.1, 14-26
    Scopus dColl.
  • The Effect of the Strategy of Three Types Questions in Interactive Book Reading on Language Delayed and Typically Developed Children's Learning of Vocabulary Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2022, v.27 no.1, 27-49
    Scopus dColl.
  • The Influence of Children’s Temperament, Phonological Working Memory, Mother Related Factors, and Language Environment on Vocabulary Development in Korean Monolingual and English-Korean Bilingual Children Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2022, v.27 no.2, 281-296
    KCI dColl.
  • 가정의 사회경제적 지위와 부모-자녀 간 상호작용이 아동들의 언어능력 및 집행기능에 미치는 영향 한국심리학회지: 발달, 2022, v.35 no.1, 27-54
    KCI dColl.
  • 책읽기 전략에 따른 다운증후군 아동과 일반 아동의 어휘 습득 언어치료연구, 2022, v.31 no.4, 57-68
    KCI dColl.
  • 패널 자료를 활용한 유아 언어능력에 대한 직접 평가와 간접 평가 결과의 종단적 예측력 및 영향 요인 비교 아동학회지, 2022, v.43 no.1, 1-17
    KCI dColl.
  • 한국어-영어 이중언어 사용 집단 간 채점 방식에 따른 수용어휘력검사 수행 비교 언어치료연구, 2022, v.31 no.2, 99-106
    KCI dColl.
  • A Longitudinal Analysis of Language Ability based on Language-use in Multicultural Families: Verifying the Mediating Effect of Bicultural Acceptance Attitude and Ego-resilience Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2021, v.26 no.1, 54-68
    Scopus dColl.
  • AI 스피커의 상호작용 유지 전략 사용 여부가 아동 발화 및 이야기 이해 수행에 미치는 영향: 표현 언어발달 수준에 따른 차이 비교 연구 언어치료연구, 2021, v.30 no.2, 1-8
    KCI dColl.
  • Relative Clause Sentence Processing in Korean-Speaking School-Aged Children With and Without Specific Language Impairment JOURNAL OF SPEECH LANGUAGE AND HEARING RESEARCH, 2021, v.64 no.2, 510-530
    SCIE SSCI Scopus dColl.
  • The Relationship between Social Skills, Executive Functions, and Story Comprehension in Children with and without Specific Language Impairment Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2021, v.26 no.1, :34-53
    Scopus dColl.
  • 건청 자녀를 둔 청각장애 부모를 대상으로 한 이야기 상호작용 교육의 효과: AI 스피커를 활용한 사례 연구 언어치료연구, 2021, v.30 no.1, 89-101
    KCI dColl.
  • 다문화 학생의 모국어 사용이 학생 및 부모요인에 미치는 영향 언어치료연구, 2021, v.30 no.1, 135-147
    KCI dColl.
  • 말 늦은 아동의 표현어휘 및 화용언어 예측 요인 언어치료연구, 2021, v.30 no.4, 27-41
    KCI dColl.
  • 성인의 책읽기 전략에 따른 학령전기 언어발달지연 아동과 일반아동의 수용 및 표현 어휘 학습 효과 비교 연구 언어치료연구, 2021, v.30 no.3, 19-31
    KCI dColl.
  • 이중언어 및 단일언어 환경 아동의 모국어 노출 및 어휘 발달 비교 연구 언어치료연구, 2021, v.30 no.4, 63-72
    KCI dColl.
  • 학령전기 아동들의 이야기 이해 및 이야기 문법 산출 능력과 실행기능의 관계 한국심리학회지: 발달, 2021, v.34 no.2, 61-86
    KCI dColl.
  • 4~6세 일반아동 및 언어발달지연 아동의 음운인식 및 음운처리 능력이 언어 능력에 미치는 영향 말소리와 음성과학, 2020, v.12 no.1, 51-63
    KCI dColl.
  • 5개월 추적연구를 통한말 늦은 아동의 표현어휘 발달 예측 요인 특수교육, 2020, 제19권 1호, 5-28
    KCI dColl.
  • A comparative study of Chunking skills in bilingual children and monolingual children with and without specific language impairment Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2020, v.25 no.25, 242-257
    Scopus dColl.
  • A comparative study on the vocabulary learning of children according to selective attention latent group Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2020 , 26-37
    Scopus dColl.
  • Discriminant Analysis of Assessment Tools in Identifying Language Impairment in Korean-English Bilingual Children Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2020, v.25 no.3, 531-545
    Scopus dColl.
  • Item Analysis for Korean-Working Memory Measures for Children (K-WMM-C) Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2020, v.25 no.4, 809-829
    Scopus dColl.
  • Predicting Story Comprehension of Preschool Children with and without Specific Language Impairment through Eye Movement and Executive Function Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2020, v.25 no.4, 775-796
    Scopus dColl.
  • Quick Incidental Learning of Words by Children with and without Specific Language Impairment: An Eye-tracking Study Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2020, v.25 no.3, 499-516
    Scopus dColl.
  • The implementation of inherent strategies on children with and without language delay: SNARC effect and chunking effect Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2020 , 14-25
    Scopus dColl.
  • The relationship between emotional behavior characteristics reported by parents and teachers and language of Korean mono-cultural and culturally diverse children Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2020, v.25 no.25, 227-241
    Scopus dColl.
  • 다문화 가정 내 모국어 사용에 따른 다문화 청소년의 언어 능력 및 사회적 지지 탐색 다문화교육연구, 2020, v.13 no.3, 141-162
    KCI dColl.
  • 단기종단연구를 통한 아동의 언어능력 예측요인 탐색연구: 작업기억을 중심으로 언어치료연구, 2020, v.19 no.2, 137-144
    KCI dColl.
  • 자유놀이 상황에서 성인의 질문유형에 따른 3-5세 일반아동과 어휘발달지연 아동의 주제유지를 위한 언어능력 탐색 연구 유아특수교육연구, 2020, v.20 no.4, 159-179
    KCI dColl.
  • 중학교 2학년 다문화청소년의 이중언어능력과 모국어 사용 정도에 따른 군집분석 학습자중심교과교육연구, 2020, v.20 no.11, 591-612
    KCI dColl.
  • 책읽기 중재 시 어휘 노출 빈도 및 학령전기 아동들의 어휘력, 작업기억 능력이 표현어휘 학습에 미치는 영향 한국심리학회지: 발달, 2020, v.33 no.3, 89-114
    KCI dColl.
  • 학령 전기 아동의 처리 용량 및 처리 속도와 그림책 이야기 이해력 및 안구 움직임 패턴 간 상관관계 연구 언어치료연구, 2020, v.29 no.3, 57-67
    KCI dColl.
  • 학령기 어휘지연 아동과 일반아동의 집행기능과 읽기이해 비교 및 상관관계 연구 아동학회지, 2020, v.41 no.2, 73-88
    KCI dColl.
  • 학령기 이중언어 아동의 두 언어 능숙도와 부모의 L1/L2 사용률 간의 관계 이중언어학 , 2020, no. 79, 217-247
    KCI dColl.
  • 학령전기 언어발달지연 아동과 일반 아동의 이야기 이해 능력과 작업기억과의 관계 언어치료연구, 2020, v.29 no.4, 57-70
    KCI dColl.
  • 18-36개월 유아의 표현어휘력에 기여하는 단어의 음운유사도 양상 Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2019, v.24 no.3, 553~564
    KCI dColl.
  • A meta-analysis of the event-related potential during auditory processing in infants with familial risk for dyslexia and its correlation to language abilities [난독증 가족력이 있는 영유아의 청각적 정보 처리 시 나타난 사건관련전위에 대한 메타분석 및 이후 언어능력과의 상관 연구] Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2019, v.24 no.4, 837-851
    Scopus dColl.
  • A needs analysis of mothers from multicultural family for child language development screening tests: Using Focus Group Interview Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2019, v.24 no.3, 565-575
    Scopus dColl.
  • An eye-tracking study of picture book reading in preschool children with and without language delay [그림책 읽기에서 일반아동 및 어휘발달지연 아동의 이야기 이해 능력 및 안구 운동 패턴 분석: 시선추적기 연구] Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2019, v.24 no.2, 299-316
    Scopus dColl.
  • Sustained attention of children with and without specific language impairment and the relations with quick incidental learning using eye-tracker [단순언어장애 아동과 정상 발달 아동의 지속주의 능력과 시선추적연구를 통한 빠른우연학습의 관계] Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2019, v.24 no.4, 852-867
    Scopus dColl.
  • The Potential Usage of Language Skills for Predicting Recovery from Persistent Group in Korean Speaking Children Who Stutter Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2019, v.24 no.1, 141~153
    KCI dColl.
  • The phonological similarity pattern of words contributing to expressive vocabulary in 18- to 36-Month-Old Toddlers Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2019, v.24 no.3, 553-564
    Scopus dColl.
  • Towards Interpersonal Assistants: Next-Generation Conversational Agents Opportunities With Always-on Microstructural Conversation Intervention Assistants IEEE PERVASIVE COMPUTING, 2019, v.18 no.2, 21-31
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • 그림책 읽기에서 일반아동 및 어휘발달지연 아동의 이야기 이해 능력 및 안구 운동 패턴 분석: 시선추적기 연구 Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2019, v.24 no.2, 299~316
    KCI dColl.
  • 단순언어장애 아동의 마음이론과 정보처리 및 언어능력 간의 관계 언어치료연구, 2019, v.28 no.4, 101~110
    KCI dColl.
  • 베트남어-한국어사용 다문화 가정과 한국 가정의 의성의태어 사용 비교 Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2019, v.24 no.2, 288~298
    KCI dColl.
  • 북한이탈주민의 문장 읽기 억양 특성-음도범위와 청지각적 평가를 중심으로 말소리와 음성과학, 2019, v.11 no.3, 9~21
    KCI dColl.
  • 성인의 세 가지 책읽기 전략에 따른 학령전기 아동의 어휘학습 능력 언어치료연구, 2019, v.28 no.2, 77~89
    KCI dColl.
  • 어휘 노출 강도에 따른 책읽기를 활용한 어휘 중재가 단순언어장애아동의 어휘 학습에 미치는 효과 언어치료연구, 2019, v.28 no.4, 123~136
    KCI dColl.
  • 언어발달지체 아동의 음운루프, 시․공간 잡기장, 일화적 완충기, 억제기능과 문법 능력 간의 관계 특수교육학연구, 2019, v.54 no.2, 183~204
    KCI dColl.
  • 영유아 언어발달 선별검사 개발을 위한 다문화가정 어머니의 요구 분석: 포커스 그룹 인터뷰를 중심으로 Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2019, v.24 no.3, 565~575
    KCI dColl.
  • 잠재적 프로파일 분석을 통한 한국어 단일언어 아동과 한국어-영어 이중언어 아동의 유형 연구 특수교육, 2019, v.18 no.4, 135~157
    KCI dColl.
  • 학령기 어휘지연 아동과 일반 아동의 문맥 유무에 따른 관용어 이해능력 비교 및 집행기능과의 관계 교육학연구, 2019, v.57 no.4, 215-246
    KCI dColl.
  • 학령전기 단순언어장애 아동 및 또래아동의 마음이론, 집행기능, 언어능력간의 관계 특수교육, 2019, v.18 no.3, 59~81
    KCI dColl.
  • 한국어-영어 이중언어 화자의 사용 언어, 문맥, 언어 능숙도에 따른 기본 주파수 변화 말소리와 음성과학, 2019, v.11 no.1, 9-18
    KCI dColl.
  • 함께 책 읽기 방식에 따른 어휘발달지연 아동과 일반아동의 어휘 학습능력 비교 언어치료연구, 2019, v.28 no.2, 57~65
    KCI dColl.
  • The effect of linguistic knowledge and Korean phonotactic probability on nonword repetition and fast mapping ability Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2018, v.23 no.2, 477-495
    Scopus dColl.
  • The relationship of nonlinguistic visual processing capacity, speed, and vocabulary ability in children with specific language impairment Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2018, v.23 no.2, 451-461
    Scopus dColl.
  • The role of executive function for vocabulary acquisition and word learning in preschool-age children with and without vocabulary delay Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2018, v.23 no.1, 43-59
    Scopus dColl.
  • 부모 보고형 아동 언어 능력 평가도구(KBPR)의 표준화를 위한 예비연구 언어치료연구, 2018, v.27 no.2, 69~84
    KCI dColl.
  • 부모교육을 통한 이야기책 읽기 중재가 어휘발달지연 아동과 부모의 상호작용 및 발화에 미치는 영향 특수교육, 2018, v.17 no.2, 5~33
    KCI dColl.
  • 책읽기 부모교육이 부모의 전략, 아동의 발화, 상호작용에 미치는 영향 및 전이 효과 특수교육학연구, 2018, v.53 no.2, 179~206
    KCI dColl.
  • A comparative study between the direct and overheard speech of primary caregiver of late talkers and typically developing infants Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2017, v.22 no.2, 205-217
    Scopus dColl.
  • A comparative study of chunking mechanism in children with and without Language Delay Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2017, v.22 no.2, 233-244
    Scopus dColl.
  • Common Versus Unique Findings on Processing-Based Task Performance in Korean Speaking Children with Cochlear Implants Otology and Neurotology, 2017, v.38 no.9, e339-e344
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Diagnostic accuracy of working memory tasks depending on scoring unit and condition in preschool children Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2017, v.22 no.3, 485-499
    Scopus dColl.
  • Linguistic disfluency induced by nonword and sentence repetition tasks in preschool children with and without vocabulary delay Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2017, v.22 no.4, 657-668
    Scopus dColl.
  • Nonword production performance according to vocal rehearsal condition in children with language delay Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2017, v.22 no.3, 471-484
    Scopus dColl.
  • Performance on the Novel Bound-Morpheme Generalization (NBMG) task in Korean-English bilingual children Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2017, v.22 no.1, 47-65
    Scopus dColl.
  • Sentence comprehension ability and working memory capacity as a function of syntactic structure and canonicity in 5- and 6-year-old children Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2017, v.22 no.4, 643-656
    Scopus dColl.
  • The relationship of grammatical judgment and implicit learning in 4- to 6-year-old children with and without specific language impairment Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2017, v.22 no.1, 35-46
    Scopus dColl.
  • Effects of Structural Priming on Complex Sentence Production in Korean-English Bilingual Children Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2016, v.21 no.4, 617
    KCI dColl.
  • Executive function in Korean-English bilingual children with and without vocabulary delay Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2016, v.21 no.3, 472-487
    Scopus dColl.
  • Receptive vocabulary assessment in Korean-English bilingual children: Cross-linguistic investigations Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2016, v.21 no.1, 131-138
    Scopus dColl.
  • Relationship between implicit learning and phonological awareness in children with articulation and phonological disorders Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2016, v.21 no.1, 37-46
    Scopus dColl.
  • TalkLIME: Mobile system intervention to improve parent-child interaction for children with language delay UbiComp 2016 - Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, 2016, 2016, 304-315
    Scopus dColl.
  • Visual and Auditory Statistical Learning and Language Performance in Children With Normal Hearing and Children With Cochlear Implant 언어치료연구, 2016, v.25 no.3, 173~190
    KCI dColl.
  • 경직형과 이완형 마비말장애아동에서 조음속도와 말명료도 및 작업기억능력 간의 관계 말소리와 음성과학, 2016, v.8 no.2, 41~48
    KCI dColl.
  • 단순언어장애 아동의 구문점화 방식에 따른 복문 산출 능력과 암묵적 학습 및 작업기억 간의 관계 Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2016, v.21 no.4, 590
    KCI dColl.
  • 발화분석 어플리케이션을 활용한 부모교육 프로그램이 자폐범주성장애 아동과 부모의 발화 개시 및 반응과 대화차례 주고받기에 미치는 영향 언어치료연구, 2016, v.25 no.3, 87~103
    KCI dColl.
  • 아동 의사소통 체크리스트(CCC)를 활용한 화용언어장애아동의 의사소통능력 평가에 대한 메타분석 Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2016, v.21 no.3, 436~450
    KCI Scopus dColl.
  • 언어장애아동 판별을 위한 구어 및 시공간적 작업기억의 효용성 탐색 Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2016, v.21 no.2, 193~205
    KCI Scopus dColl.
  • 일차성 언어장애(PLI)아동의 통계적 학습능력 언어치료연구, 2016, v.25 no.3, 61~69
    KCI dColl.
  • 한국어-영어 이중언어사용 아동의 어휘발달지연 유무에 따른 집행기능 비교 Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2016, v.21 no.3, 472~487
    KCI Scopus dColl.
  • 휴머노이드 교육용 로봇을 이용한 이야기 중재가 자폐범주성장애 아동의 구문표현능력에 미치는 영향 Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2016, v.21 no.2, 244~261
    KCI Scopus dColl.
  • Domain-specific working memory performance in children with and without specific language impairment Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2015, v.20 no.1, 13-23
    Scopus dColl.
  • Factor analysis of working memory tasks based on information processing characteristics: Predictive factors of receptive vocabulary and quick incidental learning in children with typically developing and receptive vocabulary delay Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2015, v.20 no.2, 304-318
    Scopus dColl.
  • Interaction skills via spontaneous speech sample analysis: 2-to 5-year-old children with and without language impairment Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2015, v.20 no.3, 364-373
    Scopus dColl.
  • Lexical representation of emotions for high functioning autism(HFA) via emotional story intervention using smart media Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings, 2015, v.18, 1983-1988
    Scopus dColl.
  • Predictors of word learning in children with specific language impairment Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2015, v.20 no.1, 1-12
    Scopus dColl.
  • Study of working memory intervention in children with delay in vocabulary development: Effects on working memory and language ability Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2015, v.20 no.4, 469-489
    Scopus dColl.
  • The effectiveness of parental education via smartphone application on number of utterances and initiation ratio Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2015, v.20 no.4, 500-509
    Scopus dColl.
  • 학령전기 단순언어장애 및 일반아동의 문법성 메타언어인식과 집행기능 수행능력 비교분석 언어치료연구, 2015, v.24 no.4, 345-359
    KCI dColl.
  • Analysis on needs based survey of parents and speech-language pathologists for smartphone programs Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2014, v.19 no.4, 486-500
    Scopus dColl.
  • TalkBetter: Family-driven mobile intervention care for children with language delay Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, CSCW, 2014 , 1283-1296
    Scopus dColl.
  • The assessment of language impairment in bilingual children through learning and memory tasks Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2014, v.19 no.1, 31-44
    Scopus dColl.
  • 단순언어장애 아동의 작업기억 하위체계와 수용어휘능력 간의 관계 언어치료연구, 2014, 제23권 2호, 35-44
    KCI dColl.
  • 스마트폰 프로그램 개발을 위한 의사소통장애 아동 부모 및 전문가 요구 분석 Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2014, 제19권 4호, 486-500
    KCI dColl.
  • 이중언어사용자의 표음문자 및 표의문자 반응시간 차이 특수교육, 2014, 제13권 2호, 111-125
    KCI dColl.
  • 주의력 결핍 및 과잉행동장애(ADHD)아동과 일반아동의 화용능력 및 집행기능수행능력 비교 연구 특수교육, 2014, 제13권 1호, 89-105
    KCI dColl.
  • 학령기 단순언어장애아동의 작업기억과 은유 이해능력 간의 관계: 언어성 및 비언어성 과제를 중심으로 Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2014, 제19권 2호, 191-198
    KCI dColl.
  • 학습 및 기억과제를 통한 이중언어아동의 언어발달지체 평가 Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2014, 제19권 1호, 31-44
    KCI dColl.
  • 한국어 문장따라말하기 검사의 점수체계 비교 연구 언어치료연구, 2014, 제23권 1호, 17-29
    KCI dColl.
  • [학술지논문] Pragmatic Abilities in Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Meta-Analysis 언어치료연구, 2024, v.33 no.1 , 67-77
  • [학술지논문] Exploring the influence of the home literacy environment on early literacy and vocabulary skills in Korean-English bilingual children FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, 2024, v.15 no.0 , 133629-133646
  • [학술지논문] Exploring the interplay of semantic knowledge in bilingual children: heritage language and second language Frontiers in Language Sciences , 2024, v.3 no.0 , 1325344-1325344
  • [학술지논문] Linguistic Disfluencies in Korean-English Bilingual Children in the Narrative Generation and Retell Task Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2024, v.29 no.1 , 145-159
  • [학술지논문] The Effect of Online Bilingual Shared Book Reading on Vocabulary Learning for Korean-English Bilingual Children Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2024, v.29 no.1 , 14-27
  • [학술지논문] A Preliminary Study on the Reliability and Validity of the Web-based Parent Screening of Language and Emotion 특수교육학연구, 2024, v.58 no.4 , 153-173
  • [학술지논문] Exploring the Utility of Narrative Comprehension and Production Tasks to Identify Vocabulary Delay Using Eye-Tracker Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2023, v.28 no.4 , 718-732
  • [학술지논문] The Impact of Reading Modalities and Text Types on Reading in School-Age Children: An Eye-Tracking Study APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, 2023, v.13 no.19 , 10802-10802
  • [학술지논문] The Influence of Language and Cognitive Skills on Narrative Retelling for Preschoolers with and without Specific Language Impairment Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2023, v.28 no.4 , 703-717
  • [학술지논문] The Relationship between Linguistic Disfluencies and Cognitive Abilities in School-aged Children with and without Vocabulary Delay Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2023, v.28 no.2 , 240-254
  • [학술지논문] Story Comprehension Skills of School-Aged Children by Passage and Question Type According to Story Conditions 언어치료연구, 2023, v.32 no.2 , 49-60
  • [학술지논문] The Relationship Between Narrative Skills and Working Memory in School-age Children With and Without Language Delay 특수교육학연구, 2023, v.58 no.3 , 165-192
  • [학술지논문] 텍스트 유형 및 이야기 양식에 따른 초등학교 1∼6학년의 이야기 이해 능력 아동학회지, 2023, v.44 no.4 , 389-400
  • [학술지논문] Relative Clause Sentence Processing in Korean-Speaking School-Aged Children With and Without Specific Language Impairment JOURNAL OF SPEECH LANGUAGE AND HEARING RESEARCH, 2021, v.64 no.2 , 510-530
  • [학술지논문] The Relationship between KBPR and Working Memory in Children with and without Specific Language Disorder: Phonological Loop and Episodic Buffer Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2021, v.26 no.2 , 321-336
  • [학술지논문] 건청 자녀를 둔 청각장애 부모를 대상으로 한 이야기 상호작용 교육의 효과: AI 스피커를 활용한 사례 연구 언어치료연구, 2021, v.30 no.1 , 89-101
  • [학술지논문] 다문화 학생의 모국어 사용이 학생 및 부모요인에 미치는 영향 언어치료연구, 2021, v.30 no.1 , 135-147
  • [학술지논문] 말 늦은 아동의 표현어휘 및 화용언어 예측 요인 언어치료연구, 2021, v.30 no.4 , 27-41
  • [학술지논문] 5개월 추적연구를 통한말 늦은 아동의 표현어휘 발달 예측 요인 특수교육, 2020, v.19 no.1 , 5-28
  • [학술지논문] Discriminant Analysis of Assessment Tools in Identifying Language Impairment in Korean-English Bilingual Children Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2020, v.25 no.3 , 531-545
  • [학술지논문] How do affective variables (motivation, linguistic confidence, ego-resilience) predict language-based problem-solving skills in second language learners? Clinical Archives of Communication Disorders, 2020, v.5 no.2 , 66-76
  • [학술지논문] Item Analysis for Korean-Working Memory Measures for Children (K-WMM-C) Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2020, v.25 no.4 , 809-829
  • [학술지논문] Predicting Story Comprehension of Preschool Children with and without Specific Language Impairment through Eye Movement and Executive Function Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2020, v.25 no.4 , 775-796
  • [학술지논문] Quick Incidental Learning of Words by Children with and without Specific Language Impairment: An Eye-tracking Study Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2020, v.25 no.3 , 499-516
  • [학술지논문] The implementation of inherent strategies on children with and without language delay: SNARC effect and chunking effect Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2020, v.25 no.1 , 14-25
  • [학술지논문] 학령전기 언어발달지연 아동과 일반 아동의 이야기 이해 능력과 작업기억과의 관계 언어치료연구, 2020, v.29 no.4 , 57-70
  • [학술지논문] 단기종단연구를 통한 아동의 언어능력 예측요인 탐색연구: 작업기억을 중심으로 언어치료연구, 2020, v.29 no.2 , 137-144
  • [학술지논문] 자유놀이 상황에서 성인의 질문유형에 따른 3-5세 일반아동과 어휘발달지연 아동의 주제유지를 위한 언어능력 탐색 연구 유아특수교육연구, 2020, v.20 no.4 , 159-179
  • [학술지논문] 학령기 이중언어 아동의 두 언어 능숙도와 부모의 L1/L2 사용률 간의 관계 이중언어학, 2020, v.0 no.79 , 217-247
  • [학술지논문] The relationship between emotional behavior characteristics reported by parents and teachers and language of Korean mono-cultural and culturally diverse children Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2020, v.25 no.25 , 227-241
  • [학술지논문] A meta-analysis of the event-related potential during auditory processing in infants with familial risk for dyslexia and its correlation to language abilities Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2019, v.24 no.4 , 837-851
  • [학술지논문] A needs analysis of mothers from multicultural family for child language development screening tests: Using Focus Group Interview Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2019, v.24 no.3 , 565-575
  • [학술지논문] An eye-tracking study of picture book reading in preschool children with and without language delay Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2019, v.24 no.2 , 299-316
  • [학술지논문] Sustained attention of children with and without specific language impairment and the relations with quick incidental learning using eye-tracker Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2019, v.24 no.4 , 852-867
  • [학술지논문] 북한이탈주민의 문장 읽기 억양 특성-음도범위와 청지각적 평가를 중심으로 말소리와 음성과학, 2019, v.11 no.3 , 9-21
  • [학술지논문] The phonological similarity pattern of words contributing to expressive vocabulary in 18- to 36-Month-Old Toddlers Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2019, v.24 no.3 , 553-564
  • [학술지논문] Towards Interpersonal Assistants: Next-Generation Conversational Agents Opportunities With Always-on Microstructural Conversation Intervention Assistants IEEE PERVASIVE COMPUTING, 2019, v.18 no.2 , 21-31
  • [학술지논문] Usage of onomatopoeic and mimetic words in Vietnamese-Korean bilingual compared to Korean monolingual families Communication Sciences and Disorders, 2019, v.24 no.2 , 288-298
  • [학술지논문] 단순언어장애 아동의 마음이론과 정보처리 및 언어능력 간의 관계 언어치료연구, 2019, v.28 no.4 , 101-110
  • [학술지논문] 성인의 세 가지 책읽기 전략에 따른 학령전기 아동의 어휘학습 능력 언어치료연구, 2019, v.28 no.2 , 77-89
  • [학술지논문] 어휘 노출 강도에 따른 책읽기를 활용한 어휘 중재가 단순언어장애아동의 어휘 학습에 미치는 효과 언어치료연구, 2019, v.28 no.4 , 123-136
  • [학술지논문] Phonological Loops, Visuospatial Sketchpad, Episodic Buffers, and Inhibition: The Relationship with Grammar Skills in Children with a Language Delay 특수교육학연구, 2019, v.54 no.2 , 183-204
  • [학술지논문] 잠재적 프로파일 분석을 통한 한국어 단일언어 아동과 한국어-영어 이중언어 아동의 유형 연구 특수교육, 2019, v.18 no.4 , 135-157
  • [학술지논문] Comparison of Idiom Comprehension Ability and Its Relationship to Executive Functions in School-Aged Children with and without Vocabulary Delay 교육학연구, 2019, v.57 no.4 , 215-246
  • [학술지논문] 학령전기 단순언어장애 아동 및 또래아동의 마음이론, 집행기능, 언어능력간의 관계 특수교육, 2019, v.18 no.3 , 59-81
  • [학술지논문] 한국어-영어 이중언어 화자의 사용 언어, 문맥, 언어 능숙도에 따른 기본 주파수 변화 말소리와 음성과학, 2019, v.11 no.1 , 9-18
  • 2024-2nd

    • K-MOOC:Children’s Outstanding Language Learning Abilities-Approach from Bilinguals

    • Clinical Observation Ⅰ: Intervention

      • Subject No G14603Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Fri 1~2 (EDU-)
    • Parents Education of the Language Disordered Children

      • Subject No G14623Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Fri 5~6 (EDU-)
    • Communication in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Children

      • Subject No G14629Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Thu 2~3 (POSCO-151)
    • Introduction to Communication Disorders

      • Subject No G14640Class No 01
      • Year ( 1Credit , 1Hour) Mon 5~6 (EDU-)
    • Clinical Practicum Ⅱ: Assessment

      • Subject No G14644Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Fri 3~4 (EDU-)
    • Language Disorders with Autism Intervention

      • Subject No G16824Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Tue 5~6 (EDU-)
  • 2024-1st

    • K-MOOC:Children’s Outstanding Language Learning Abilities-Approach from Bilinguals

    • Computational Medicine; Translating Models to Medicine

      • Subject No 38920Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Mon 3~4
      • Major Requisite
    • Seminars in Fluency Disorders

      • Subject No G14556Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Tue 5~6 (POSCO-357)
    • Clinical Practicum Ⅰ: Assessment

      • Subject No G14558Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Fri 1~2 (EDU-)
    • Clinical Observation Ⅱ: Intervention

      • Subject No G14561Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Fri 5~6 (EDU-)
    • Seminars in Language Development and Disorders Ⅰ

      • Subject No G14574Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Thu 2~3 (POSCO-357)
    • Communication Disorders with Cleft Palate Intervention

      • Subject No G16822Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Thu 5~6 (EDU-)
    • Understanding of School Education on the Biblical Worldview

      • Subject No ED225Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Thu 8~9 (EDU-)
  • 2023-2nd

    • K-MOOC:Children’s Outstanding Language Learning Abilities-Approach from Bilinguals 강의 계획서 상세보기

    • Seminars in Language Development

      • Subject No G14600Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Thu 2~3 (POSCO-360)
    • Clinical Observation I: Intervention

      • Subject No G14603Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Fri 1~2 (EDU-)
  • 2023-1st

    • K-MOOC:Children’s Outstanding Language Learning Abilities-Approach from Bilinguals 강의 계획서 상세보기

    • Computational Medicine; Translating Models to Medicine 강의 계획서 상세보기

      • Subject No 38920Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Mon 3~4
      • Major Requisite
    • Clinical Observation II: Intervention

      • Subject No G14561Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Fri 5~6 (EDU-)
    • Seminars in Language Development and Disorders I

      • Subject No G14574Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Thu 2~3 (EDU-)
  • 2022-2nd

    • K-MOOC:Children’s Outstanding Language Learning Abilities-Approach from Bilinguals

    • Seminars in Language Development

      • Subject No G14600Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Thu 2~3 (EDU-A402)
    • Clinical Observation I: Intervention

      • Subject No G14603Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Fri 1~2 (EDU-)
    • Clinical Practicum II: Assessment

      • Subject No G14644Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Fri 5~6 (EDU-)
    • Language Disorders with Autism Intervention

      • Subject No G16824Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Thu 7~8 (ECC-)
  • 2022-1st

    • K-MOOC:Children’s Outstanding Language Learning Abilities-Approach from Bilinguals

    • Computational Medicine; Translating Models to Medicine

      • Subject No 38920Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Mon 3~4
      • Major Requisite
    • Clinical Practicum I: Assessment

      • Subject No G14558Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Fri 1~2 (-)
    • Clinical Observation II: Intervention

      • Subject No G14561Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Fri 5~6 (-)
    • Seminars in Language Development and Disorders I

      • Subject No G14574Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Thu 2~3 (EDU-)
    • Seminars in Speech and Language Assessment

      • Subject No G14597Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Wed 5~6 (EDU-)
    • Introduction to Communication Disorders

      • Subject No G14640Class No 01
      • Year ( 1Credit , 1Hour) Mon 7~7 (EDU-A402)
    • Communication Disorders with Cleft Palate Intervention

      • Subject No G16822Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Thu 5~6 (EDU-)
    • Understanding of School Education on the Biblical Worldview

      • Subject No ED225Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Fri 8~9 (-)
  • 2021-2nd

    • K-MOOC:Children’s Outstanding Language Learning Abilities-Approach from Bilinguals

    • Seminars in Language Development

      • Subject No G14600Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Tue 2~3 (EDU-A414)
    • Clinical Observation I: Intervention

      • Subject No G14603Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Fri 1~2 (EDU-)
    • Advanced Seminars in Language Disorders

      • Subject No G14638Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Fri 2~3 (EDU-)
    • Introduction to Communication Disorders

      • Subject No G14640Class No 01
      • Year ( 1Credit , 1Hour) Mon 7~7 (EDU-)
    • Clinical Practicum II: Assessment

      • Subject No G14644Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Fri 5~6 (EDU-)
    • Language Disorders with Autism Intervention

      • Subject No G16824Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Thu 7~8 (EDU-A414)