Explanation of the University Symbol
The university symbol is the focal symbol of all visual communication representing Ewha Womans University both inside and outside the school. The back image, a single pear blossom, refers to the school name and symbolizes dignified students who strive towards intelligence and virtue. The symbol was designed and developed to ensure unity in visual images that represent the school. Because the symbol is intended to create a sense of belonging among members of the Ewha community and deliver a consistent image, there are some restrictions on its use. The minimum size rule was established in consideration of the symbol’s reproducibility and forbids displays smaller than 10mm in diameter.
The University symbol Grid
The Minimum Size Rule
University Symbol PNG DownloadThe AI file can be downloaded through the faculty/staff bulletin board on the Ewha Portal Information System.
The Ewha Womans University UI may not be changed without permission or used for commercial purposes.