Aaram Yun Associate Professor aaramyun@ewha.ac.kr
- Department of Cyber Security/Division of Artificial Intelligence and Software
- Asan Engineering Building #509
- 02-3277-2782
DAEHUN NYANG Professor nyang@ewha.ac.kr
- Department of Cyber Security/HOKMA College of General Education/Division of Artificial Intelligence and Software
- Asan Engineering Building #341
- 02-3277-4289
Ho Bae Assistant Professor hobae@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Department of Cyber Security/Division of Artificial Intelligence and Software/Department of Artificial Intelligence
- Asan Engineering Building #105-3
- 02-3277-4348
Inshil Doh Associate Professor isdoh1@ewha.ac.kr 홈페이지
- Department of Cyber Security/Department of Artificial Intelligence
- Ewha Campus Complex #B111
- 02-3277-6529
CHOI WON HYOK Adjunct Professor whchoi@ewha.ac.kr
- Department of Cyber Security
TAEKANG WOO Adjunct Professor tkwoo@ewha.ac.kr
- Department of Cyber Security
Yoo, Kwang-Hyun Professor for Special Appointment khyoo123@ewha.ac.kr
- Department of Cyber Security
이종현 Professor for Special Appointment jhyun.lee@ewha.ac.kr
- Department of Cyber Security
- 02-3277-4857