안재윤(安在尹) 교수
통계학과 /호크마교양대학
안재윤 교수는 자연과학대학교 통계학과 소속 교수로 미국 아이오아대학에서 통계학 전공(보험계리학)으로 박사학위를 받았으며, 주 연구분야는 보험 및 위험관리이다. 현재 위험관리 측도에 관한 연구, 금융 및 보험에서의 공동화 및 반공동화 현상에 관한 연구를 진행하고 있으며 <NAAJ(North American Actuarial Journal)>, <IME(Insurance Mathematics and Insurance)> 등 해외 저명 보험 학술지에 다수의 논문을 발표하였다.
- 자연과학대학부학장
- 종합과학관 B동 B517호
- 02-3277-2378
- Stochastic monotone wing property: A new dependence structure for copulas Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2024, v.484, 108932
- 통계적 분포를 통한 주택 화재 심도 추정 응용통계연구, 2023, v.36 no.6, 591-618
- A copula transformation in multivariate mixed discrete-continuous models Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2021, v.415, 54-75
- A multi-year microlevel collective risk model Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 2021, v.100, 309-328
- Bayesian analysis of multivariate crash counts using copulas ACCIDENT ANALYSIS AND PREVENTION, 2021 , 105431
- On copula-based collective risk models: from elliptical copulas to vine copulas SCANDINAVIAN ACTUARIAL JOURNAL, 2021, v.2021 no.1, 1-33
- On the ordering of credibility factors INSURANCE MATHEMATICS & ECONOMICS, 2021, v.101, 626-638
- Predictive risk analysis using a collective risk model: Choosing between past frequency and aggregate severity information Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 2021, v.96, 127-139
- Bonus-Malus premiums under the dependent frequency-severity modeling SCANDINAVIAN ACTUARIAL JOURNAL, 2020, v.2020 no.3, 172-195
- Double-counting problem of the bonus–malus system Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 2020, v.93, 141-155
- On Minimal Copulas under the Concordance Order Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 2020, v.184 no.3, 762-780
- On structural properties of an asymmetric copula family and its statistical implication Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2020, v.393, 126-142
- The Poisson random effect model for experience ratemaking: Limitations and alternative solutions Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 2020, v.91, 26-36
- Construction of multiple decrement tables under generalized fractional age assumptions COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS, 2019, v.133, 104-119
- Investigating dependence between frequency and severity via simple generalized linear models JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN STATISTICAL SOCIETY, 2019, v.48 no.1, 13-28
- A case study for intercontinental comparison of herd behavior in global stock markets Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods, 2018, v.25 no.2, 185-197
- A case study for intercontinental comparison of herd behavior in global stock markets COMMUNICATIONS FOR STATISTICAL APPLICATIONS AND METHODS, 2018, v.25 no.2, 185~197
- Does hunger for bonuses drive the dependence between claim frequency and severity ? INSURANCE MATHEMATICS & ECONOMICS, 2018, v.83, 32-46
- Measuring herd behavior: Properties and pitfalls Dependence Modeling, 2017, v.5 no.1, 316-329
- Multivariate countermonotonicity and the minimal copulas Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2017, v.317, 589-602
- Extreme value theory in mixture distributions and a statistical method to control the possible bias Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 2016, v.45 no.4, 581
- Extreme value theory in mixture distributions and a statistical method to control the possible bias Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 2016, 14 May 2016
- On multivariate countermonotonic copulas and their actuarial application Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 2016, v.37 no.4, 387-396
- Financial interpretation of herd behavior index and its statistical estimation JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN STATISTICAL SOCIETY, 2015, v.44 no.2, 295-311
- Negative dependence concept in copulas and the marginal free herd behavior index Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2015, v.288, 304-322
- On high-dimensional two sample mean testing statistics: a comparative study with a data adaptive choice of coefficient vector Computational Statistics, 2015, 18 Jul 2015
- Asymptotic theory for the empirical Haezendonck-Goovaerts risk measure INSURANCE MATHEMATICS & ECONOMICS, 2014, v.55, 78-90
- On the multidimensional extension of countermonotonicity and its applications INSURANCE MATHEMATICS & ECONOMICS, 2014, v.56 no., 68-79
- Statistical Estimation of Extreme Values in the Mixture Distributions 리스크관리연구, 2014, 제25권 3호, 31-56
- [학술지논문] DR-LSTM: Dimension reduction based deep learning approach to predict stock price Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods, 2024, v.31 no.2 , 213-234
- [학술지논문] Stochastic monotone wing property: A new dependence structure for copulas FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS, 2024, v.484 no.0 , 108932-108932
- [학술지논문] A simple Bayesian state-space model for the collective risk model SCANDINAVIAN ACTUARIAL JOURNAL, 2022, v.0 no.0 , 1-21
- [학술지논문] Designing a Bonus-Malus system reflecting the claim size under the dependent frequency-severity model PROBABILITY IN THE ENGINEERING AND INFORMATIONAL SCIENCES, 2022, v.36 no.4 , 963-987
- [학술지논문] A copula transformation in multivariate mixed discrete-continuous models FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS, 2021, v.415 no.0 , 54-75
- [학술지논문] A multi-year microlevel collective risk model INSURANCE MATHEMATICS & ECONOMICS, 2021, v.100 no.0 , 309-328
- [학술지논문] Generalized Linear Mixed Models for Dependent Compound Risk Models Variance, 2021, v.14 no.1 , 00-00
- [학술지논문] On the ordering of credibility factors INSURANCE MATHEMATICS & ECONOMICS, 2021, v.101 no.0 , 626-638
- [학술지논문] Bonus-Malus premiums under the dependent frequency-severity modeling SCANDINAVIAN ACTUARIAL JOURNAL, 2020, v.2020 no.3 , 172-195
- [학술지논문] Double-counting problem of the bonus-malus system INSURANCE MATHEMATICS & ECONOMICS, 2020, v.93 no.0 , 141-155
- [학술지논문] On Minimal Copulas under the Concordance Order JOURNAL OF OPTIMIZATION THEORY AND APPLICATIONS, 2020, v.184 no.3 , 762-780
- [학술지논문] On structural properties of an asymmetric copula family and its statistical implication FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS, 2020, v.393 no.0 , 126-142
- [학술지논문] The Poisson random effect model for experience ratemaking: Limitations and alternative solutions INSURANCE MATHEMATICS & ECONOMICS, 2020, v.91 no.0 , 26-36
- [학술발표] Neural Credibility Virtual 24th International congress on insurance: mathematics and economics, 미국, Zoom, 2021-07-07 Virtual 24th International congress on insurance: mathematics and economics, 2021
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The University of Iowa Ph.D.(Statistics)
The University of Iowa M.S.(Statistics)
서울대학교 이학사(수리과학부)