채기준 명예교수
채기준 교수는 연세대학교 수학과에서 학사학위를 받았으며, 미국 Syracuse University 컴퓨터과학과와 North Carolina State University 컴퓨터공학과에서 석사학위와 박사학위를 취득하였다. 박사학위 취득 후 1990년 8월부터 1992년 2월까지 미국 해군사관학교(USNA) 컴퓨터과학과 조교수로 재직하였으며, 1992년 3월부터 현재까지 이화여대 공과대학 컴퓨터공학과 교수로 재직하고 있으며, 현재 데이터사이언스대학원장과 AI융합학부장을 겸직하고 있다. 이화여대에서는 정보전산원장, 정보과학대학원 교학부장, 정보통신처장, 정보통신연구소장, IT특성화 사업단장, (재)그래픽스연구원장, 입학처장, 컴퓨터·전자공학부 학부장 및 전공주임교수, 공과대학 학장을 역임하였다. 대외적으로는 개방형컴퓨터통신연구회(OSIA) 회장, 한국정보과학회/한국정보처리학회/한국정보보호학회 부회장을 역임하였으며, 국내외 여러 학술대회의 조직/운영/프로그램 위원장으로 봉사하였다. 연구분야는 정보통신 및 네트워크보안 분야로 댜양한 유무선 네트워크의 성능분석 및 프로토콜 설계, 블록체인/Smart Grid/USN/CDN/SDN 등의 Network Security에 관심을 가지고 있으며, SCI(E) 저널 논문 40여편을 포함하여 국제 학술지 및 학술대회 130여편, 국내 140여편의 논문을 게재하였고 40여건의 특허를 출원 및 등록하는 등 활발한 연구활동을 수행하고 있다
- Cell Based Raft Algorithm for Optimized Consensus Process on Blockchain in Smart Data Market IEEE ACCESS, 2022, v.10, 85199-85212
- Hierarchical Blockchain-Based Group and Group Key Management Scheme Exploiting Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Urban Computing IEEE ACCESS, 2022, v.10, 27990-28003
- Efficient and Secure Blockchain System for Digital Content Trading IEEE ACCESS, 2021, v.9, 77438-77450
- Improved Raft Algorithm exploiting Federated Learning for Private Blockchain performance enhancement International Conference on Information Networking, 2021 , 828-832
- Selective blockchain system for secure and efficient D2D communication Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2021, v.173, 102817
- AFRL: Adaptive Federated Reinforcement Learning for Intelligent Jamming Defense in FANET JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKS, 2020, v.22 no.3, 244-258
- Federated Learning-Based Cognitive Detection of Jamming Attack in Flying Ad-Hoc Network IEEE Access, 2020, v.8, 4338-4350
- On-Device AI-Based Cognitive Detection of Bio-Modality Spoofing in Medical Cyber Physical System IEEE Access, 2019, v.7, 2126-2137
- CSDSM: Cognitive Switch-based DDoS Sensing and Mitigation in SDN-driven CDNi Word COMPUTER SCIENCE AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 2018, v.15 no.1, 163-185
- Evolving neural network intrusion detection system for MCPS International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology, ICACT, 2018, v.2018-February, 1040-1045
- Lightweight authentication for distributed mobile P2P communications Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2018, v.612, 580-589
- NRIT: Non-redundant indirect trust search algorithm for a cross-domain based CDNi-P2P architecture International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology, ICACT, 2018, v.2018-February, 992-998
- RMBC: Randomized mesh blockchain using DBFT consensus algorithm International Conference on Information Networking, 2018, v.2018-January, 712-717
- Secure medical image-sharing mechanism based on visual cryptography in EHR system International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology, ICACT, 2018, v.2018-February, 463-467
- Selective fuzzy ensemble learner for cognitive detection of bio-identifiable modality spoofing in MCPS International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology, ICACT, 2018, v.2018-February, 63-67
- A Secure and Efficient Key Authentication using Bilinear Pairing for NFC Mobile Payment Service Wireless Personal Communications, 2017 , 1-17
- Enhanced password processing scheme based on visual cryptography and OCR International Conference on Information Networking, 2017 , 254-258
- Evolving neural network intrusion detection system for MCPS International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology, ICACT, 2017 , 183-187
- Non-redundant indirect trust search algorithm based on a cross-domain trust model in content delivery network International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology, ICACT, 2017 , 72-77
- Secure and structured IoT smart grid system management INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WEB AND GRID SERVICES, 2017, v.13 no.2, 170-185
- A cross-domain trust model for reputation management in hybrid CDNi-P2P network 2016 6th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering, WCSE 2016, 2016, 2016, 180-184
- A group authentication scheme based on lagrange interpolation polynomial Proceedings - 2016 10th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, IMIS 2016, 2016 , 386-391
- An anonymous IP-based privacy protection routing mechanism for CDNi International Conference on Information Networking, 2016, v.2016-March, 75-80
- Authentication for mobile open IPTV service security Proceedings - 2016 10th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, IMIS 2016, 2016 , 381-385
- Message from the ICOIN 2016 General Co-chairs International Conference on Information Networking, 2016, v.2016-March
- Mutual authentication based on visual cryptography and OCR for secure IoT service 2016 6th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering, WCSE 2016, 2016, 2016, 214-219
- Securing information flow in content delivery networks with visual and quantum cryptography International Conference on Information Networking, 2016, v.2016-March, 463-468
- An efficient defense mechanism for spoofed IP attack in SDN based CDNi International Conference on Information Networking, 2015, v.2015-January, 92-97
- Authentication and Key Management Based on Kerberos for M2M Mobile Open IPTV Security INTELLIGENT AUTOMATION AND SOFT COMPUTING, 2015, v.21 no.4, 543-558
- Key management mechanism in ALTO/SDN based CDNi architecture International Conference on Information Networking, 2015, v.2015-January, 110-115
- Secure Authentication for Structured Smart Grid System Proceedings - 2015 9th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, IMIS 2015, 2015, 8-10 JUL 2015, 200-204
- Security system architecture for data integrity based on a virtual smart meter overlay in a smart grid system Soft Computing, 2015, 16 SEP 2015
- Data aggregation using temporal and spatial correlations in advanced metering infrastructure International Conference on Information Networking, 2014 , 541-544
- Multi-defense mechanism against DDoS in SDN based CDNi Proceedings - 2014 8th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, IMIS 2014, 2014, 2-4 JUL 2014, 447-451
- OCPM: Ortho code privacy mechanism in smart grid using ring communication architecture AD HOC NETWORKS, 2014, v.22, 93-108
- Pairwise and Group Key Setup Mechanism for Secure Machine-to-Machine Communication COMPUTER SCIENCE AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 2014, v.11 no.3, 1071-1090
- Secure U-healthcare service based on wireless sensor network Information (Japan), 2014, v.17 no.1, 181-195
- Service security for smart grid system Proceedings - 2014 8th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, IMIS 2014, 2014, 2-4 JUL 2014, 427-432
- User authentication mechanism based on secure positioning system in RFID communication Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2014, v.280 LNEE, 683-690
- User authentication mechanism based on secure positioning system in RFID communication Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2014, v.280 LNEE
- Welcome message from the international workshop organizers FINGNet 2014 Proceedings - 2014 8th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, IMIS 2014, 2014, 2-4 JUL 2014, xxxvi
- [학술지논문] Cell Based Raft Algorithm for Optimized Consensus Process on Blockchain in Smart Data Market IEEE ACCESS, 2022, v.10 no.1 , 85199-85212
- [학술지논문] Hierarchical Blockchain-Based Group and Group Key Management Scheme Exploiting Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Urban Computing IEEE ACCESS, 2022, v.10 no.1 , 27990-28003
- [학술지논문] Efficient and Secure Blockchain System for Digital Content Trading IEEE ACCESS, 2021, v.9 no.0 , 77438-77450
- [학술지논문] AFRL: Adaptive Federated Reinforcement Learning for Intelligent Jamming Defense in FANET JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKS, 2020, v.22 no.3 , 244-258
- [학술지논문] Federated Learning-Based Cognitive Detection of Jamming Attack in Flying Ad-Hoc Network IEEE ACCESS, 2020, v.8 no.1 , 4338-4350
- [학술지논문] On-Device AI-Based Cognitive Detection of Bio-Modality Spoofing in Medical Cyber Physical System IEEE ACCESS, 2019, v.7 no.1 , 2126-2137
- [학술발표] Design of Blockchain System for Protection of Personal Information in Digital Content Trading Environment The 34th International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN 2020), 스페인, 바르셀로나, 2020-01-08 The 34th International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN 2020), 2020, 152-157
- [학술발표] Raft 알고리즘의 성능 향상을 위한 연합학습 기반 지도자 선출 기법 2020년도 한국통신학회 하계종합학술발표회, 대한민국, 평창, 2020-08-14 2020년도 한국통신학회 하계종합학술발표회, 2020, 593-594
- [학술발표] Randomly Elected Blockchain System based on Grouping Verifiers for Efficiency and Security The 22nd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Communications Technology (ICACT2020), 대한민국, 평창, 2020-02-17 The 22nd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Communications Technology (ICACT2020), 2020, 159-165
- [학술발표] Binarized Multi-factor Cognitive Detection of Bio-modality Spoofing in Fog based Medical Cyber Physical System The 33rd International Conference on Information Networking, 말레이지아, 쿠알라룸프르, 2019-01-09 The 33rd International Conference on Information Networking, 2019, 43-48
- [학술발표] 분산 시스템에서 비정형 로그 처리를 위한 셀 저장 기반 합의 알고리즘 2019 제 29회 통신정보 합동학술대회(JCCI), 대한민국, 강릉, 2019-05-03 2019 제 29회 통신정보 합동학술대회(JCCI), 2019
- [학술발표] 퍼블릭 블록체인 환경에서 개인정보보호를 위한 거래방안 2019 제 29회 통신정보 합동학술대회(JCCI), 대한민국, 강릉, 2019-05-02 2019 제 29회 통신정보 합동학술대회(JCCI), 2019
컴퓨터프로그래밍및실습 강의 계획서 상세보기
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정보통신과컴퓨터네트워크 강의 계획서 상세보기
- 학수번호 38479분반 01
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Syracuse University 이학석사(전산학)
연세대학교(서울) 이학사(수학)
North Carolina State University at Raleigh Ph.D.(컴퓨터공학)