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College News

Prof. Young J. Kim was elected as the Korean computer graphics society president.

  • Date2022.01.04
  • 5143

Prof. Young J. Kim of the computer science and engineering department was elected as the 15th president of the Korean computer graphics society (KCGS) at the annual society meeting on December 16th.

Computer graphics (CG) is a fundamental technology necessary to implement such diverse software applications as computer games, special visual effects (VFX), virtual and augmented reality, and robotics. It also plays a crucial role in advancing metaverse technology.

KCGS was founded in 1993 and initiated the Pacific Graphics conference, a leading CG academic conference globally, also held at Ewha Womans University in 2014. KCGS organized the leading CG conference, SIGGRAPH Asia, in 2010 and 2020 and plans to do another one in 2022 in Daegu. The KCGS journal is accredited by the national research foundation of Korea. Undoubtedly, KCGS has played a critical role in shepherding Korean CG research at a world-class level.

Prof. Kim will preside in the KCGS for the next two years. He was appointed as Ewha fellow in 2016 and currently serves as the director of computer graphics and virtual reality center, simulated-reality and contents convergence center, and university IT research center, sponsored by the ministry of science and ICT in Korea.