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Ewha Ventures Forth into the World – Ewha’s Global Programs

  • 작성처
  • Date2024.03.15
  • 115025

Ewha Ventures Forth into the World – Ewha’s Global Programs 

During vacation time, Ewha conducted various programs on the Ewha campus and across the world to support the strengthening of the Ewha students’ global capacity.

The Ewha-HUAP, an Ewha-Harvard network

1월 진행된 HUAP 보스톤 컨퍼런스 | 3월 본교에서 진행된 HAUP 서울 컨퍼런스

The Ewha-HUAP Seoul Conference was held from March 10, 2024 (Sun.) to 16 (Sat.). The Harvard Undergraduates in Asia Program (HUAP) is a conference aimed at creating international networks of students and fostering future experts in Asia through academic and cultural exchanges among students at Harvard and its partner universities across Asia. Ewha has been participating in this program as Harvard’s first and only Korean partner university since 2007.

This year’s conference was held under the theme of “Embracing the Unknown – The Path Less Traveled,” with 10 Ewha students of different majors and 13 visiting Harvard students participating. Over the seven days, students conducted various exchange activities by attending the startup sprint workshop aimed at exploring innovative solutions to overcome the climate crisis, as well as lectures by Ewha faculty members and renowned experts on various topics such as ChatGPT, art curation, and humanitarian action, while also partaking in diverse cultural programs.

하버드 래드클리프 오케스트라와 본교 음악대학 오케스트라 합동공연 모습

Ewha maintains a close relationship with Harvard University as Harvard's sole exchange program partner in Korea, jointly operating the Ewha-Harvard Summer School Program alongside Harvard since 2006 in addition to the Ewha-HUAP. In 2023, Ewha hosted the Harvard Model Congress Asia on the Ewha campus, and on March 12, 2024 (Tue.), the Harvard-Radcliffe Orchestra, a collegiate symphony orchestra consisting of Harvard students, visited Ewha and played a joint performance with the orchestra of the Ewha College of Music at Kim Young-ui Hall. Through such exchanges, the two universities have deepened and expanded their network.

Ewha Global Frontier, in-depth exploration of various topics

Under the 2023 Ewha Winter Global Frontier Program supported by the Office of Student Affairs, seven teams travelled to five countries in Europe and the Americas and conducted a range of activities, including exploring various topics such as safety, environment, robots, and AI and establishing relevant practical action plans. The Ewha Global Frontier is a short-term overseas exploratory program designed to foster global leaders with a daring spirit, outstanding drive, and problem-solving skills. The program allows students to independently select their own topic and plan for exploration in teams of four members, and then visit international bodies, public institutions, global corporations, and universities to explore their chosen topic. Since airfare and exploration expenses are funded as a scholarship and participating students receive various benefits including the certification of leadership activities, the program boasts a high degree of satisfaction among its participants.

Faculty-led Study Abroad Program, a global major-oriented intensive learning program

유아교육과 교수인솔팀 | 커뮤니케이션미디어학부 교수인솔팀A total of 90 participants in seven teams have successfully completed their activities under the Faculty-led Study Abroad Program for Second Half of 2023. Supported by the Office of International Affairs to strengthen Ewha students’ global competency, the Faculty-led Study Abroad Program is an overseas learning program in which professors travel overseas with their students during vacation time to conduct joint classes and seminars with prominent overseas universities and institutions. The program offers credits as a summer session course or through the transfer of overseas credits.

Ewha has been diversifying its inbound global programs as well as outbound programs in order to enhance educational innovation in response to digital transformation. In addition, the school has attracted outstanding international students and established a comprehensive management system for such students at all stages, thereby strengthening the support for the nurturing of global female leaders.