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The 2023 Spring Commencement Ceremony Held

  • 작성처
  • Date2024.02.27
  • 49553

The 2023 Spring Commencement Ceremony Held

Ewha hosted the 2023 Spring Commencement Ceremony at Welch-Ryang Auditorium at 2 p.m. on February 26, 2024 (Mon.). The ceremony was attended by a total of 3,461 graduating students, with 2,185 receiving a bachelor’s degree, 1,159 receiving a master’s degree, and 117 receiving a doctoral degree.

2023학년도 전기 학위수여식 개최

The commencement ceremony opened with a procession led by President Eun Mee Kim and the deans of the undergraduate and graduate schools, then continued for an hour in order of the Pledge of Allegiance, hymn singing, scripture reading, prayer, presidential address, conferment of diplomas, celebratory performance, school anthem, and benediction.

2023학년도 전기 학위수여식 개최In the presidential address, President Eun Mee Kim mentioned Mary F. Scranton, the founder of Ewha Haktang and Po Goo Nyo Goan, which were the first women's educational institution and women's hospital in Korea, respectively, as well as Lulu E. Frey, who established the College at Ewha Haktang under the ironclad conviction that a nation’s future depends on its women and thereby contributed significantly to the education of Korea's first women to earn a bachelor's degree. Through the stories of the two icons of Ewha, President Kim highlighted the three keywords embodied by the slogan “Ewha Vaccine CTT”: Challenge (Ewha students with a challenging spirit), Thankful (Ewha students who feel and express gratitude) and Trailblazer (Ewha students with the capability of pioneering a new era). “I hope each of you will grow as a person who is capable of fulfilling your calling with a challenging sprit, devoting yourself to building a better society and world while appreciating the love and blessings you’ve received, and shaping a bright future based on the new possibilities you discovered by inheriting the spirit of Ewha, a true trailblazer through generations,” remarked President Kim in a message to the graduating students.

2023학년도 전기 학위수여식 개최

At the commencement ceremony, a total of 176 international students from countries around the world such as the U.S., Vietnam, Japan, China, and France, including four scholarship recipients from the Ewha Global Partnership Program (EGPP), received their diplomas with 69 students receiving a bachelor’s degree and 107 earning a master’s degree or a doctoral degree. The EGPP under Ewha Womans University was designed to select talented women from developing countries and provide full scholarships and living expenses in a bid to educate and nurture global female talent. Boasting outstanding academic performances, recipients of the scholarship are expected to make full use of the capabilities they honed at Ewha after graduation, either finding employment in Korea and abroad, or entering into higher education programs.