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Ewha Holds a Farewell Ceremony for the 2023 Fall Semester International Exchange and Visiting Students

  • 작성처
  • Date2023.12.28
  • 28372

Ewha Holds a Farewell Ceremony for the 2023 Fall Semester International Exchange and Visiting Students

Organized by the Office of International Affairs, a farewell ceremony was held for the 2023 Fall Semester International Exchange and Visiting Students on December 11, 2023 (Mon.) at Lee Sam-bong Hall of the ECC building.

The event began with a farewell speech by Vice President Inhan Kim of the Office of International Affairs, who remarked, “Your experiences at Ewha are sure to have presented you with opportunities to deepen your knowledge and understanding of other cultures, based on which I hope you will go on to form vital spokes of global networks on behalf of Ewha and Korea.”

Following his speech, a video showcasing the activities of exchange and visiting students in the fall semester of 2023 was screened to share the fond memories they made together during the semester. The video showed students actively and joyfully participating in various field trips and events to strengthen their friendships, including making Korean festive and seasonal food, crafting a pearl key chain, and going ice skating. Around 380 exchange and visiting students from 29 countries studied at Ewha in the fall semester of 2023, and the number of international students at Ewha has been gradually increasing since the declaration of the endemic phase for COVID-19 and satisfaction for international programs at Ewha likewise has been marking a high point. Emma Wramsby (Lund University, Sweden) presented her impression on behalf of her peers to share her experiences during the semester she spent at Ewha, describing her surprise upon first arriving in Korea and extending her gratitude to the passionate and friendly Korean friends who she met during her stay. Anthony Jacob Joson (Temple University, U.S.) shared his experience of field trips with diverse groups of friends, including hiking trips and visits to amusement parks, and expressed that he will not forget his memories at Ewha and his desire to come back one day.

The event ended successfully with the conferment of certificates and a group photograph. In particular, a photo booth prepared as a pre-ceremony event proved its high popularity with many of the students in attendance.

The International Exchange Affairs Team is dedicated to raising the quality of programs for international exchange and visiting students. The team is also developing various field trips to allow international students studying at Ewha to experience fascinating aspects of Korean culture, and providing a variety of active support in all areas of life to help international students to adapt to their time in Korea and to enhance their satisfaction in Ewha programs by, for example, holding social events to foster friendships.