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Ewha Holds “1st Sweden-Korea Nobel Memorial Program” Online Symposium

  • 작성처
  • Date2020.12.01
  • 6122

Ewha Womans University co-hosted the 1st Korea-Sweden Nobel Memorial Program in collaboration with the Embassy of Sweden in Seoul, Korea, on Tuesday, December 1.

Launched for the first time this year, the online symposium is a venue designed to expand the knowledge on research and achievements of each category of the 2020 Nobel Prizes and to discuss science, economics, and literature with the general public. Amid the increasing importance of basic science and the growing interest and expectations of the Korean people towards winning a Nobel Prize, Ewha Womans University and the Embassy of Sweden in Korea co-hosted this event to provide a platform for sharing knowledge in an accessible way for the general public to foster interest in the Nobel Prizes among younger generations.

At the opening ceremony broadcast live on YouTube on Tuesday, December 1, Swedish Ambassador Jakob Hallgren remarked, “It is of great significance that a new program was launched to reach the Korean public on the subject of this year's Nobel Prizes. I look forward to revitalizing cooperation between the two countries in research and development and education related to the fields of science and technology and the humanities.”

Swedish Ambassador to Korea Jakob Hallgren (left), President Kim Heisook (center) delivering a welcoming speech

In her welcoming message, President Kim Heisook noted, “Ewha opened a new era by producing the first female physicist and chemist in Korea, and has endlessly devoted itself to the field of science and technology by dedicating great efforts into research and innovation. It is a great pleasure to announce that Ewha’s legacy and capacity of innovation played a significant role in this event.”

Under the sponsorship of the Embassy of Sweden in Korea, four leading Swedish universities (Lund University, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Gothenburg University, Umeå University) and Ewha Womans University, as well as domestic institutions such as the Korean Academy of Science and Technology and the Literature Translation Institute of Korea, participated in this program, which consists of three symposiums on the academic subjects of this year’s Nobel laureates in Science, Economics, and Literature. The symposium on economics, jointly hosted by the Swedish Embassy and Ewha Womans University, was held from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm. During this session, Professor Olof Johansson-Stenman at the University of Gothenburg and President Choi Byung-il of the Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies offered in-depth presentations on the two U.S. economists who won the 2020 Nobel Prize in Economics for “Inventions of New Auction Formats.”

Professor Johansson-Stenman (left) and Professor Choi Byung-il (right), presenters for the economics session