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Ewha Outlines the Guidelines on Face-to-face Classes and Exams 2020

  • 작성처
  • Date2020.09.11
  • 11415

Ewha has established necessary facilities for infectious disease prevention and control in addition to the relevant guidelines to keep the campus safe for the fall semester of 2020.

The Ewha Safety Team created the "Guidelines on Face-to-face Classes and Exams 2020," which is being disseminated in various ways including notices posted throughout the Ewha campus and webpages, as well as posts on social media. Major guidelines include attending online classes if you are sick (stop going to school); carrying the access card when going to school and ensuring to wear a mask; submitting to temperature checks at body temperature checkpoints, and wearing a temperature check confirmation wristband; ensuring to wear a mask and a temperature check confirmation wristband in the classroom; sitting only on chairs with an "Available for sitting" sticker; and returning home if you're sick. 

According to the guidelines, all Ewha members visiting the campus for face-to-face classes and exams are required to have their body temperature checked at a body temperature checkpoint installed at four spots including at the front of the security office on the ground-floor of Hak-gwan, at the lobby on the first basement level of Ewha-POSCO Building, at Neil Lounge near the ECC Gate No. 1, and at the ECC Gate No. 12 (exit towards Admission Hall), and wear the wristband confirming the completion of a body temperature check before entering a classroom. The color of the wristband varies by the day of the week, and you may put on the wristband yourself upon receiving it after a body temperature check. 

If you are not using a classroom, you do not need to wear the wristband. Those who enter a library or a reading room are monitored by thermal imaging cameras and not required to wear the wristband. However, according to the executive order of the Seoul Metropolitan Government, it is mandatory to wear a mask anywhere on the campus and those who violate the order may be restricted from using campus facilities. In particular, you cannot use the open learning space, ECC lounge, and multi-purpose facilities without wearing a mask. 

Kim Young-Suk, the Head of Office of Facilities Management, remarked, "Wearing a mask at all times, whether indoors or outdoors, will be uncomfortable, but please comply with the guidelines, bearing in mind that it is the first step in protecting the safety of all Ewha members as well as the wearer' health." He also emphasized, "Please make sure to observe the infection control rules such as washing hands and wearing a mask, especially when using areas with unspecified high traffic such as lounges and resting areas."