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The Research Group of Professor Youngmin You Has Discovered a Model Capable of Predicting the Operational Lifetime of...

  • 작성처
  • Date2021.03.10
  • 10422

The Research Group of Professor Youngmin You Has Discovered a Model Capable of Predicting the Operational Lifetime of Organic Light-Emitting Devices

A research team led by Professor Youngmin You of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science has established a model that can predict the lifespan of Organic Light-Emitting Devices (OLEDs) for the first time. Conducted by Yu Kyung Moon (first author), a graduate of the Combined Bachelor's-Master's Program of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, the results of the study was compiled into a paper and published in Advanced Materials, a world-renowned scientific journal on materials science within the top 1.014% of JCR in chemistry and physics, on February 15 (Monday), 2021.

The group has been focusing on the interactions between dopants and host materials, which are the key components of the light-emitting layers of OLEDs, in order to elucidate their influences on the operational stability of devices. The operational lifetime of OLEDs depends critically on the intrinsic stability of the materials. The group initiated research projects to uncover the chemical mechanisms that cause the deterioration of materials. Earlier studies published in Nature Communications in 2018 were on the blue-phosphorescent light-emitting layers, which receive huge academic attention.

This time, the research group identified the entire processes of decomposition of thermally activated delayed fluorescence (TADF) dopants and host materials, including the formation of charge-separated species. Based on direct spectroscopic evidence, the group established a numerical model that can predict the operational lifetime of OLEDs. This model can be utilized to choose the best materials for the enhanced longevity of OLEDs.

Professor You said, “It was difficult to know how long a display will be operated. But, our model can predict the operational lifetime of OLEDs, given the materials,” further voicing his expectations by adding “This study will provide an important steppingstone for improving the operational stability of OLEDs and significantly enhance the design of stable organic electronic materials.”