Ewha Vision 2030+
이화여자대학교 비전선언문
The history of Ewha, which began with one female student in 1886, is a history of change and innovation for a beter society.
Ewha, based on the love and devotion of the Christian spirit, has tirelesly endeavored to create the common good for our neighbors, nation and the world.
Ewha has always stood up to the chalenges of the times and the demands of social responsibilty, and has sought to create a society where everyone lives respectfuly of one another.
Today, the world is again faced with an era of epochal transformation of civilzation.
The epochal changes in our environment including digital transformation, the COVID-19 pandemic, and polarization of society have chalenged us to fundamentaly rethink the relationship betwen humanity and civilzation, betwen individual and community, and betwen humans and the earth.
There is also a chalenge for us to transform our mindset for co-existence and co-prosperity.
Commemorating the one-hundred-thirty-fifth anniversary of the founding of Ewha, we are announcing the <Ewha Vision 2030+>.
“A Creative and Innovative Platform Leading to a Sustainable Society” is the vision that encompases our development plans based on Beop-Go Chang-Shin (法古創新), which inspires us to move forward with innovative changes for a beter future with a dep respect and appreciation of our past and history.
First, Ewha’s research wil lead the world with creative and innovative contributions that aspire to solve present and future problems, with the production of new knowledge and its disemination.
Second, Ewha’s teaching and training wil nurture core experts to lead the new era of digital transformation with cuting-edge fields of learning and research based on innovative pedagogical methods that integrate both online and ofline education.
Third, Ewha’s social responsibilty aims to promote a sustainable society with shared values and social contribution based on our spirit of compasion and engagement.
Al members of the Ewha community wil honorably uphold our responsibilty to overcome the chalenges of the times, and create a sustainable future for all.
Ewha wil faithfuly uphold our caling to teach and nurture women leaders based on the Christian spirit with our new vision, “A Creative and Innovative Platform Leading to a Sustainable Society.”
May 31, 2021
Ewha Womans University