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Ewha University

The Graduate School of Translation & Interpretation

Ji-Bong Son Professor

Department of Interpreting & Translation

손지봉 프로필 사진
Prof. Son of the Graduate School of Translation and Interpretation at Ewha Womans University is an expert on interpretation and translation between Korean and Chinese. She graduated from Korea University with a Bachelor’s degree in English literature. She received Master’s degree in Korean-Chinese interpretation and translation from the Graduate School of Interpretation and Translation at Han Kuk University of Foreign Studies. She received Master’s degree and Doctoral degree in modern literature and oral literature respectively from the Graduate school of Korean Studies at The Academy of Korean Studies. 
She has published a number of papers on the translation activities of modern Chinese translators, while at the same time conducting comparative studies of traditional stories of Korea and China. She has thus far published about forty papers in journals registered with National Research Foundation of Korea, including ‘A Study on the National Translation Project Proposed by Liang Qichao(2012),’ and ‘Comparative Studies on the Perceptions of Kings As Represented in Traditional Stories of Korea and China(2014).’ 
She has authored or co-authored 20 books, which comprise ‘Chinese Interpretation Note for International Conference(Ewha Womans University Press), ‘Advanced Business Translation in Chinese’(Ewha Womans University Press) and ‘A Study on Chinese Characters in Korean Traditional Stories.’ 
She has conducted as many as 800 interpretation services at international conferences, including the summit meeting between Korea and China. Presently, she serves as an editorial board member of Chinese edition of ‘Koreana’, a quarterly published by Korea Foundation, vice president of the Korea Association of Translators and Interpreters, vice president of the Korea Association of Interpretation and Translation Education and an editorial board member of the Korea Society of Interpretation and Translation Studies.  
  • International Education Building #406
  • 02-3277-3599
  • Office hours
    • 월 10-12시, 3-5시, 수 10-11시, 1-2시
Research Record
  • 정보기술을 활용한 중국 통역 교육 연구 현황 T&I REVIEW, 2024, v.14 no.1, 131-148
    KCI dColl.
  • 한중 설화에 나타난 선생 형상 비교 연구 포은학연구, 2023, v.32, 245-267
    KCI dColl.
  • 번역 교육의 효율화를 위한 웹 기반 학습 관리 플랫폼 개발: 프로토타입의 사용성을 중심으로 번역학연구, 2022, v.23 no.4, 67-95
    KCI dColl.
  • 정몽주 효행의 의의와 여묘(廬墓)설화 고찰 포은학연구, 2020, v.25, 209-231
    KCI dColl.
  • 국내 통번역교육 교육내용의 현황과 의미 번역학연구, 2019, v.20 no.4, 115~140
    KCI dColl.
  • 첸중수(錢鍾書)의 번역가 인식의 의의와 한계 통역과 번역, 2019, v.21 no.3, 55-74
    KCI dColl.
  • 한‧중 열불열설화(烈不烈說話) 비교 연구 포은학연구, 2019, v.23, 251-273
    KCI dColl.
  • 21세기 중국 내 한국현대문학 번역출판현황 고찰 통역과 번역, 2018, v.20 no.3, 1~20
    KCI dColl.
  • 한중 설화에 나타난 쥐의 형상 비교 연구 포은학연구, 2018, v.21, 209~225
    KCI dColl.
  • 韓·中·日 忠犬說話 比較硏究 포은학연구, 2017, v.19, 255~279
    KCI dColl.
  • 호랑이와 인간의 결연설화에 나타난 한중(韓中) 인식 비교 열상고전연구, 2017, no.55, 259-286
    KCI dColl.
  • 21세기 중한 문학 번역의 현황과 전망 한중인문학연구, 2015, v.48, 63-85
    KCI dColl.
  • 충신 개자추(介子推)설화의 한중 비교 포은학연구, 2015, v.15, 205-226
    KCI dColl.
  • 루쉰(魯迅)의 번역활동과 번역방법 연구-경역(硬譯)을 중심으로 통역과 번역, 2014, 제16권 2호, 59-85
    KCI dColl.
  • 한․중 설화에 나타난 국왕인식 비교 열상고전연구, 2014, 40호, 409-445
    KCI dColl.
  • [학술지논문] Current status of Chinese interpretation education using information technology T&I REVIEW, 2024, v.14 no.1 , 131-148
  • [학술지논문] 한중 설화에 나타난 선생 형상 비교 연구 포은학연구, 2023, v.32 no.0 , 245-267
  • [학술지논문] A Study on the Significance of Jeong Mong-Ju's Filial Acts and Tales about the Living by the Grave Custom 포은학연구, 2020, v.25 no.0 , 209-231
  • [학술지논문] The significance and limitations of Qian Zhongshu's perceptions of translators 통역과 번역, 2019, v.21 no.3 , 55-74
  • [저역서] 春香(원 서명) 서울셀렉션, 2022, 314
  • [기타] 중국어본2022년 가을호 (한국구제교류재단에서 발행한 외국어 잡지) 2022
  • [기타] 중국어본2022년 봄호 (한국국제교류재단에서 발행한 외국어 잡지) 2022
  • [기타] 중국어본2022년 여름호 (한국국제교류재단에서 발행한 외국어 잡지) 2022
  • [기타] 중국어본2021년 겨울호(한국국제교류재단에서 발행한 외국어 잡지) 2021
  • 2024-2nd

    • Consecutive Interpreting AB II

    • Simultaneous Interpreting AB II

    • Simultaneous Interpreting AB II

  • 2024-1st

    • Simultaneous Interpreting AB I

    • Simultaneous Interpreting AB I

    • Translation in Arts & Culture II

  • 2023-1st

    • Simultaneous Interpreting AB I

    • Simultaneous Interpreting AB I

    • Literary Translation AB lI

  • 2022-2nd

    • Simultaneous Interpretation AB II

    • Simultaneous Interpretation AB II

    • Literary Translation AB lI

  • 2022-1st

    • Simultaneous Interpretation AB I

    • Simultaneous Interpretation AB I

    • Literary Translation AB I

  • 2021-2nd

    • Simultaneous Interpretation AB II

    • Simultaneous Interpretation AB II

    • Literary Translation AB lI

  • 2021-1st

    • Simultaneous Interpretation AB I

    • Simultaneous Interpretation AB I

    • Literary Translation AB I

Academic Background

Academy of Korean Studies 문학박사(한국학)