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Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science Wins Encouragement Prize at the 2024 Campus Patent Universiade

  • Date2025.01.22
  • 25928

화공신소재공학과 학부생팀 ‘2024 캠퍼스 특허 유니버시아드 대회’ 장려상 수상

(From left) Professor Kim Young-chan from the Department of Chemistry & Nanoscience, Students Lee Ah-young, Oh Seung-yeon, Lee Woo-jin from the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Professor Baek In-gyu from the Department of Physics

An undergraduate team from the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science (Advisor: Professor Baek In-gyu) won the Encouragement Prize at the 2024 Campus Patent Universiade (CPU) Competition.

The competition, now in its 17th year, is hosted by the Korea Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) and organized by the Korea Invention Promotion Association (KIPA), National Academy of Engineering of Korea (NAEK), and the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies (KOFST). The competition aims to enhance university students' strategic analytical skills related to intellectual property and promote the commercialization of inventions.

Lee Ah-young, Lee Woo-jin (entered Ewha in 2021), and Oh Seung-yeon (entered Ewha in 2022) from the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science voluntarily participated in a project from the spring to fall semester of 2024. They analyzed the latest patents related to 3D NAND technology across various companies and presented their developed strategies for technology preemption. As a result, they received high praise from the intellectual property officer at SK Hynix and were awarded the Encouragement Prize for third place.

Lee Ah-young, the team leader, shared, “Through my participation in the competition, I improved my knowledge of patents and big data analysis skills. This experience was even very helpful in exploring my career path.”

Professor Baek In-gyu from the Department of Physics added, “Winners of this competition, sponsored by numerous major domestic corporations, receive preferential treatment when applying for jobs at these companies. That is why many universities systematically prepare for this competition every year. It is meaningful that the undergraduate students from the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science achieved such great results in their first year of participation. Moving forward, we will continue to support our students in developing insights into the industry and enhancing their ability to utilize patents.”