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College News

Professor June-Yub Lee, named NRF Natural Science Project Manager

  • Date2021.04.12
  • 4800

Professor June-Yub Lee was appointed by the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) as Program Manager(PM) of the Division of Natural Sciences last April 1st. The NRF is Korea’s biggest research foundation aiming to promote the Nation’s academic, scientific technology and research competence. The foundation was established as a merger of Korea Science and Engineering Foundation(KOSEF), Korea Research Foundation(KRF), and Korea Foundation for International Cooperation of Science and Technology(KICOS). The Division of Natural Sciences is one of the 5 Divisions under the Directorate of Basic Research in Science & Engineering.

For the next two years, Professor Lee will be managing projects regarding the Division of Natural Sciences including research trend analysis and planning, evaluation management and more. In addition, he will also take care of other divisions of the Directorate for Basic Research. Professor Lee mentioned that, “in order to contribute to the leap of research competence once more, especially regarding quantitative parts such as funding and number of the papers published, we need to plan the support system of the Basic Research field in a broader perspective.” Also, he added that “the new National R&D Innovation Act was enacted this year and current support system is based on characteristics of each field on funding distribution. I will continuously do my best so that a researcher-friendly managing system could be well established.”

Professor Lee has been holding his offices as Vice President at Office of Admissions, President at the Institution of Math and Science Academy for Advanced Studies in Ewha. Externally, he worked as Vice President of Korean Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, and member of the executive committee at the 2014 International Congress of Mathematicians held in Seoul.