[Academic] August 2024 Graduation Ceremony Notice
- 작성처교무처 학적팀
- Date2024.07.24
- 51216
August 2024 Graduation Ceremony Notice
Congratulations on your graduation.
Below, you can find information on graduation ceremony for students graduating in August 2024.
※ Undergraduate students can check graduation result at: <MyEureka→Academic Affairs→Graduation→View Graduation Confirmation>
1. Graduation Ceremony
A. Date & Venue: Friday, 10:00 August 30th, 2024, Welch-Ryang Auditorium(Chapel)
The ceremony will run for approximately 1 hour.
B. Dress code: Graduation gown, hat, tassel, hood(graduate students only)
C. Please arrive no later than 09:40 and be seated at your designated seats.
(You cannot enter or leave during the graduation ceremony.)
D. Please receive your certificate at the department office after the graduation ceremony.
2. Graduation Gown Rent & Return: gown, hat, and hood(undergraduate and master student)
A. Period: Rent(Thursday, August 22nd to Friday, August 30th)
Return(Friday, August 30th to Tuesday, September 3rd)
- Please check with your college/department office for details
B. Location: College/department Office
C. Doctoral students must prepare their own graduations gown, hat and hood.
<Hood color – please match your color according to your Korean degree name>
Degree | Color | Degree | Color |
문학 | White | 간호학 | Peach |
철학(박사), 정치학 행정학, 경제학, 문헌정보학, 사회학, 사회복지학, 심리학, 아동학, 북한학, 커뮤니케이션학, 포스트휴먼융합인문학 | Navy | 의학 | Green |
공학, 건축학 | Red | ||
디지털미디어학(석사) 미디어디자인학(박사) | Grey | ||
음악학/음악 | Pink | ||
교육학, 과학교육학, 교육공학(박사), 수학교육학, 특수교육학(박사) | Sky blue | 조형예술, 예술학, 디자인학 융합미술치료학(박사), 영상예술 | Light brown |
의류학 | Light purple | ||
언어병리학 | Turquoise | 무용학/무용 | Deep violet |
법학 | Dark magenta | 체육학 | Dark green |
경영학, 데이터분석학 | Brown | 생명윤리학 | Plum |
이학, 컴퓨터의학, 유전상담학 | Yellow | 음악치료학 | Light green |
약학 | Orange | 사회적경제학 | Lime punch |
보건학 | Academy blue | 아시아여성학 | Violet |
3. Important Notice
A. We ask for your kind cooperation to attend the ceremony in a solemn manner.
B. Inquiries for graduation of Professional/Special Graduate School should be directed to the graduate school administration office.
C. Seats for parents are available at the Case Hall(Graduate School Building), and the Student Union Small Theater(Student Union)
where the ceremony will be aired live.
D. Please wear a mask during the ceremony considering the program of ceremony that includes singing university song and hymn.
E. Please use public transportation due to limited parking space. Once the parking is full, car entry will be limited.
You may refer to attachment for details on vehicle entrance on campus.
Vice President for Faculty and Academic Affairs
Ewha Womans University