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Invitation Event held for International Foundation for Ewha Womans University

  • 작성처
  • Date2024.06.19
  • 75394

Invitation Event held for International Foundation for Ewha Womans University

사랑과 감사를 전하다, 이화국제재단 초청행사 개최Ewha Womans University hosted an invitation event for the International Foundation for Ewha Womans University (IFEWU) from Wednesday, May 29 to Friday, May 31. This event was organized to express gratitude to the IFEWU and donors, whose unwavering support has been instrumental in Ewha’s development, while also encouraging their continued interest and support to explore a relationship of mutual growth with Ewha. The visit to Ewha was attended by over 40 members of the IFEWU, including President Mary Ann Swenson, board members, and donors. Representing Ewha, President Eun Mee Kim and key officials greeted the guests and expressed gratitude alongside around 20 students who benefited from the IFEWU scholarships firsthand.

The IFEWU is a nonprofit organization established in April 1970 with the aim to support Ewha by Christian organizations including the United Methodist Church, as well as alumnae based in North America and their family members. The foundation has since made significant contributions to Ewha’s development by funding various development initiatives such as improving the educational environment, sponsoring construction projects and providing scholarships.

5월 29일(수) 이삼봉홀The event on Wednesday, May 29 was divided into three parts: the welcome ceremony, the Ewha Donors Wall celebration, and a campus tour. During the welcome ceremony, President Eun Mee Kim expressed her gratitude, saying, “Our gratitude goes out to the IFEWU and each and every donor for accompanying Ewha and sharing in its noble mission on its long journey of growth into a cradle of women’s education worldwide.” In the second part, the names and contributions of donors were honored on the Ewha Donors Wall. A total of 42 donors who donated more than KRW 100 million through the IFEWU had their names engraved on plaques on the Analogue Wall, along with photos and videos of each donor on display. The subsequent campus tour and the visit to Ewha Womans University Seoul Hospital on Thursday, May 30, allowed the IFEWU board members and donors to explore major campus buildings including the Welch-Ryang Auditorium and the Ewha Archives, in addition to the hospital’s medical facilities. On Friday, May 31, the guests also attended the 138th-anniversary celebration and commemorative luncheon at the Welch-Ryang Auditorium. During the anniversary speech at the luncheon, President Eun Mee Kim highlighted the vital role of the IFEWU in Ewha’s progress and presented a special plaque of appreciation.

2부 행사 ‘기부자 명예의 전당’IFEWU President Mary Ann Swenson shared her sentiments by remarking, “It is an honor to be part of Ewha’s incredible journey from opening its doors to a single student 138 years ago to becoming a world-renowned university today.” She added, “I hope that Ewha will continue to provide new opportunities and possibilities to countless women around the world.”30일(목) 이대서울병원 방문 프로그램