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Ewha College of Nursing Selected for the College of Nursing Training Support Project by the Ministry of Health and Wel..

  • 작성처
  • Date2022.07.20
  • 8625

Ewha College of Nursing Selected for the College of Nursing Training Support Project by the Ministry of Health and Welfare

The College of Nursing was selected for the “2022 College of Nursing Training Support Project” organized by the Ministry of Health and Welfare.

The College of Nursing Training Support Project is designed to help new nurses adapt to clinical settings and contribute to the improvement of medical quality by enhancing clinical practice and training for nursing students. Through this project, the College of Nursing will receive KRW 600 million and create a state-of-the-art simulation education environment based on the fourth industrial revolution technologies to cultivate talents suitable for the rapidly changing healthcare environment, which might involve, for example, response to novel infectious diseases.

As Korea’s first college of nursing established as an undergraduate course in 1955, the College of Nursing at Ewha Womans University has been playing a leading role, producing over 1,000 Korean and foreign nursing educators. It introduced a clinical professor system for the first time in Korea in 2013 and adopted high-fidelity simulator practice for capacity building of nursing educators and training for students. Furthermore, it has consolidated its position not only as the country’s first but also as the best nursing education institute, organizing and providing programs to enhance the simulation education capacity of nursing educators and sharing information through the Korean Society for Simulation in Nursing founded by Ewha as a national network of nursing educators of simulation practice.

Through this project, the College of Nursing will further secure high-fidelity simulators for the Ewha Nursing Simulation Center, which was established in 2013, and create a state-of-the-art simulation education environment equipped with facilities including isolated intensive care units and virtual reality simulation education rooms. In addition, it will expand the faculty to provide high quality simulation education and develop multifaceted practice modules and simulation curriculum based on the rapidly changing healthcare environment. The College of Nursing will not only support professors and nursing educators of partner institutes to enhance their capacity by building a consortium with small- and medium-sized local hospitals and colleges of nursing, but also conduct simulation practical education to improve the practical capability of nurses from Ewha Womans University hospitals and its partners.