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Chatbot Service Based on AI Technology Launched

  • 작성처
  • Date2022.02.16
  • 19440

Chatbot Service Based on AI Technology Launched

Ewha newly launched an AI-based chatbot service (https://chat.ewha.ac.kr/) on February 16 (Wed.) for the first semester of 2022. 

In response to the demands of digital transformation in various working environments and to enhance administrative quality and work efficiency, the Office of Information and Communications has promoted the “Ewha Womans University Chatbot Service Construction Project” for six months since September 2021. The Office of Information and Communications held a naming contest for the chatbot last November to encourage the participation of Ewha members, and Chat-E was selected as its name through an online vote and deliberation. In this January, a beta test was conducted with student participants to increase the accuracy of answers from the chatbot.  

The newly-established chatbot provides following services: contents of academic affairs such as registration, course application, grades, enrollment, and graduation; campus life guidance including student activities, scholarships, and IT technical support; and information services through links to school sites such as EUREKA, the Ewha library, the Cyber Campus, the THE Portfolio system, etc. In addition, it offers a variety of services for user convenience, such as the autocompletion of major keywords, quick menus, and greeting messages. Enrolled students and freshmen can quickly obtain useful information online through the chatbot service, which is expected to serve as a valid communication channel in the contact-free era. From the service provider’s perspective, it is expected to increase their concentration on work by providing set answers to frequently-asked questions. 

Jeong-Tae Kim, Vice President of Information and Communications, remarked, “The Office of Information and Communications is promoting various projects to preemptively respond to digital transformation and expand IT services using intelligent technology. The chatbot service is expected to provide high-quality campus contents and administrative services to students and increase the efficiency of handling on-campus complaints in order to improve students' satisfaction towards administrative services.” He also added, “Ewha will continue to advance the service by increasing the accuracy of information provided by the chatbot, expanding the scope of information and providing English translations.”