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Emergency Fundraising Campaign for Scholarships to Overcome COVID-19

  • 작성처
  • Date2020.04.14
  • 11335

Ewha launched an "Emergency Fund-raising Campaign for Overcoming COVID-19" to support enrolled students in economic difficulties caused by COVID-19. The fund raised through this campaign, in which Ewha members, alumnae and supporters participate, will be provided in a scholarship of less than 500,000 won to students who suffer from sudden financial difficulties resulted from unemployment of their parents and the loss of their part-time jobs. 


On April 10 (Fri), President Kim Heisook announced to faculty, alumnae and supporters that Ewha would launch an "Emergency Fundraising Campaign to Overcoming COVID-19” with an aim of encouraging their participation. President Kim stressed that a growing number of people are suffering from a war against the COVID-19 with no end in sight, and it is of no exception for Ewha students. She also called for attention and support, saying, "Ewha has a history of overcoming difficulties with an indomitable will in times of crisis, and I sincerely wish Ewha to successfully deal with the crisis by combining its potential and capabilities as a female intelligence community, as it has been since its beginning.” 

The fundraising campaign has been receiving keen attention and response from the very start. An alumna contacted the school and gladly donated 10 million won, saying, "I hope it will help students who stop studying because they don’t have tuition fees in this time of difficulties.” There is a growing enthusiasm towards the campaign, including professors who willingly sent 1 million won worrying their students whom they meet only via online, and school staff who donated part of their salaries. Thanks to a series of donations from faculty members, retired faculty members, alumnae and supporter, about 50 million won was raised on the first day alone with over 100 contributors.

Emergency fundraising to overcome the Covid-19 crisis will be held until mid-May. Participation is available through the website for Ewha Fund at the Office of University Relations and Development (http://giving.ewha.ac.kr).