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Ewha University

The Graduate School of Business

Sangmi Chai Professor

Division of Business Administration/HOKMA College of General Education/Department of Business Administration

채상미 프로필 사진
Sangmi Chai is an assistant professor in Ewha School of Business, Ewha Womans University. She received her Ph.D in Management at School of Management, SUNY at Buffalo. Her concentraion was Management Information Systems and her research areas are information assurance, online community, trust in knowledge management. After receving her Ph.D., she worked at Slippery Rock University, PA in USA as an assistant professor. Her research papers appear in many top tier journals such as Journal of Management Information Systems, International Journal of Information Management, Decision Support Systems, IEEE Transactions on Professional Communications and Information Systems Frontiers.
  • Associate Dean, The College of Business Administration/Division Chair, Division of Business Administration
  • Ewha-Shinsegae Building (Business) #402
  • 02-3277-2780
Research Record
  • A Study on Information Asymmetry and Investor Sentiment in the Cryptocurrency Market based on the Economic Policy Uncertainty Index (EPU) 신용카드리뷰, 2023, v.17 no.2, 100-117
    KCI dColl.
  • Constructing a User-Centered Fake News Detection Model by Using Classification Algorithms in Machine Learning Techniques IEEE ACCESS, 2023, v.11, 71517-71527
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Impacts of Users' Information Security Perceptions on the Use of Mobile Payment Service 신용카드리뷰, 2023, v.17 no.4, 107-125
    KCI dColl.
  • 대학 교육의 메타버스 활용 현황 및 도입 전략에 대한 연구: 단계별 메타버스 도입 프레임워크 개발을 바탕으로 지식경영연구, 2023, v.24 no.1, 1-29
    KCI dColl.
  • The role of agility in responding to uncertainty: A cognitive perspective Advances in Production Engineering And Management, 2022, v.17 no.1, 57-74
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Why do people speak about products online? The role of opinion leadership Information Technology and Management, 2022
    SSCI Scopus dColl.
  • Ai model for predicting legal judgments to improve accuracy and explainability of online privacy invasion cases Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 2021, v.11 no.23, 11080
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI: 자기주권신원) 연구 동향 분석: 사회경제, 법률, 기술적 고찰을 중심으로 정보시스템연구, 2021, v.30 no.4, 119-152
    KCI dColl.
  • The Utility of Information Security Training and Education on Cybersecurity Incidents: An empirical evidence Information Systems Frontiers, 2021, v.23 no.2, 361-373
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • 국내 정보보호 교육 표준 프레임워크 개발; 연령 및 직무 맞춤의 이원화(Two-track) 교육과정을 중심으로 정보보호학회논문지, 2021, v.31 no.5, 1083-1095
    KCI dColl.
  • Comparing the effects of two methods of education (online versus offline) and gender on information security behaviors Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems, 2020, v.30 no.2, 308-327
    Scopus KCI dColl.
  • Does cultural difference matter on social media? An examination of the ethical culture and information privacy concerns Sustainability (Switzerland), 2020, v.12 no.19, 8286
    SCIE SSCI Scopus dColl.
  • 중․노년층의 온라인 개인정보보호 행동에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구; 한국과 중국 인터넷 사용자를 중심으로 정보시스템연구, 2020, v.29 no.1, 51-74
    KCI dColl.
  • 코로나19 (COVID-19) 관련 위험정보 탐색과 처리가 코로나19 예방 행동 및 정보 공유에 미치는 영향 한국IT서비스학회지, 2020, v.19 no.5, 65-81
    KCI dColl.
  • ISMS-P와 GDPR의 개인정보보호 부문 연계 분석 한국IT서비스학회지, 2019, v.18 no.2, 55-73
    KCI dColl.
  • Impact of information security investment on security incidents: Organizational perspectives JP Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, v.2019 no.Special Issue 1, 25-45
    Scopus dColl.
  • Impact of justice in the supply chain relationship on implementing supply chain integration International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2019, v.8 no.6, 1199-1212
    Scopus dColl.
  • 암호화폐 거래자 사이에 형성되는 정보 비대칭 현상에 관한 연구 Journal of Information Technology Applications & Management, 2019, v.26 no.3, 29-41
    KCI dColl.
  • GDPR 환경에서 국내 개인정보보호 관련 인증제도 및표준 발전방향에 대한 연구 한국통신학회논문지, 2018, v.43 no.2, 416~426
    KCI dColl.
  • General Data Protection Regulation(GDPR) 시행에따른 정보보호담당관(DPO)의 국내 정착 방안에 대한연구 한국통신학회논문지, 2018, v.43 no.2, 427~438
    KCI dColl.
  • The Value of Personal Information: An Exploratory Study for Types of Personal Information and Its Value Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems, 2018, v.28 no.3, 154~166
    KCI dColl.
  • The effects of institution-Based trust on community commitments: A regulatory focus perspective Data Base for Advances in Information Systems, 2018, v.49 no.3, 34-53
    SSCI Scopus dColl.
  • 개인정보 소유감을 형성하는 영향 요인에 관한 연구 Information Systems Review, 2018, v.20 no.3, 33~49
    KCI dColl.
  • 개인정보보호법제 관점에서 본 블록체인의 법적 쟁점 GDPR 및 국내 개인정보보호법을 바탕으로 Journal of Information Technology Applications & Management, 2018, v.25 no.2, 133~146
    KCI dColl.
  • 개인정보에 대한 심리적 소유감과 개인정보보호 행동에 대한 연구 서비스경영학회지, 2018, v.19 no.2, 99~123
    KCI dColl.
  • 모바일 배달 애플리케이션 사용성 평가 연구: 한국(배달의민족)과 중국(어러머)을 중심으로 Information Systems Review, 2018, v.20 no.1, 1~16
    KCI dColl.
  • 정보보안 투자가 침해사고에 미치는 영향에 대한 실증분석: 정보보안 교육 서비스 투자를 중심으로 정보보호학회논문지, 2018, v.28 no.1, 269~281
    KCI dColl.
  • Cross-cultural and gender associations with anxiety about electronic data hacking Computers in Human Behavior, 2017, v.70, 161-167
    SSCI Scopus dColl.
  • Does Implementation of Big Data Analytics Improve Firms' Market Value? Investors' Reaction in Stock Market SUSTAINABILITY, 2017, v.9 no.6
    SCIE SSCI Scopus dColl.
  • Flow experience in AR application: Perceived reality and perceived naturalness Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2017, v.10285, 185-198
    Scopus dColl.
  • How people utilise tweets on movie selection? The reverse effects of e-WoM valence on movie sales INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS, 2017, v.15 no.5, 537-553
    SSCI Scopus dColl.
  • Implementing Environmental Practices for Accomplishing Sustainable Green Supply Chain Management SUSTAINABILITY, 2017, v.9 no.7
    SCIE SSCI Scopus dColl.
  • The impact of supplier innovativeness, information sharing and strategic sourcing on improving supply chain agility: Global supply chain perspective International Journal of Production Economics, 2017, v.187, 42-52
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • 비용편익분석 프레임워크를 통한 개인정보가치에 대한 연구: 개인적 특성, 거래 상대방 특성, 상황적 특성을 중심으로 INFORMATION SYSTEMS REVIEW, 2017, v.19 no.3, 155~177
    KCI dColl.
  • 빅데이터 환경 형성에 따른 데이터 감시 위협과 온라인 프라이버시 보호 활동의 관계에 대한 연구 지식경영연구, 2017, v.18 no.3, 65~82
    KCI dColl.
  • An impact of information security investment on information security incidents: A case of Korean organizations ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2016, v.17-19-August-2016
    Scopus dColl.
  • Assessing the impact of business uncertainty on supply chain integration INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT, 2016, v.27 no.2, 463-485
    SSCI Scopus dColl.
  • SNS 상의 대인관계에서 나타나는 감정적 요소와청소년의 온라인 다중정체성 간의 영향관계 Information Systems Review, 2016, v.18 no.2, 199~223
    KCI dColl.
  • An investigation on information quality with SERVQUAL: The case of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) 서비스경영학회지, 2015, v.16 no.5, 177-197
    KCI dColl.
  • How people disclose themselves differently according to the strength of relationship in SNS? Journal of Applied Business Research, 2015, v.31 no.6, 1137-1144
    Scopus dColl.
  • 개인정보보호 기술 수용행동에 영향을 미치는 요인에 대한 연구 Information Systems Review, 2015, v.17 no.3, 77-94
    KCI dColl.
  • 정보 윤리적 의사결정에 영향을 미치는 문화적 속성들에 관한 연구: 아시아와 유럽적 가치를 중심으로 유라시아연구, 2015, v.12 no.2, 105-121
    KCI dColl.
  • Information Technology Implementation in Supply Risk and Performance 경영과 정보연구, 2014, 제33권 1호, 237-261
    KCI dColl.
  • Investigating a Role of Strategic Sourcing and Organizaiotnal Culture on Mitigating Risk in Supply Chain Journal of Intl Logistics and Trade, 2014, 제12권 2호, 121-139
    KCI dColl.
  • 2024-2nd

    • Management Information Systems

      • Subject No 30820Class No 02
      • 2Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour)
      • Major Requisite
    • Business Capstone Design Ⅱ

      • Subject No 37444Class No 01
      • 4Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Wed 4~5 (SHINSEGAE205)
    • Business Administration InternshipⅡ

    • Business Administration InternshipⅢ

    • Business in Depth Ⅰ 강의 계획서 상세보기

      • Subject No 38160Class No 01
      • 3Year ( 3Credit
    • Entrepreneurship, CEO Lectures, and Business Policy

      • Subject No 38677Class No 01
      • 4Year ( 1Credit , 1Hour) Wed 6~6 (HAK251)
      • Major Requisite
    • Business Innovation using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Intellectual Property (IP) 강의 계획서 상세보기

      • Subject No 39259Class No 01
      • 3Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Mon 2~3 (SK)
    • Database for Business

      • Subject No G13039Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Mon 4~5 (SHINSEGAE-611)
    • Introduction to Blockchain Technology

      • Subject No G90009Class No 01
      • Year ( 1.5Credit , 1.5Hour) Tue 2~2
    • Management Information Systems

      • Subject No B10010Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour)
      • Fall
    • Problem formulationⅥ: Management Information System

      • Subject No BD0007Class No 01
      • Year ( 1.5Credit , 1.5Hour) Sat 4~6 (SHINSEGAE-606)
      • Fall
    • Doctoral dissertation: data analysis

      • Subject No BD0018Class No 01
      • Year ( 6Credit , 6Hour) Sat 1~6 (SHINSEGAE-312)
      • Fall
    • Doctoral dissertation: completion

      • Subject No BD0019Class No 01
      • Year ( 6Credit , 6Hour) Sat 1~6 (SHINSEGAE-312)
      • Fall
  • 2024-1st

    • Computer security and Windows forensics

      • Subject No 11374Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Wed 3~3 (SHINSEGAE205) , Fri 4~4 (SHINSEGAE205)
    • Entrepreneurship, CEO Lectures, and Business Policy

    • Management Information Systems

      • Subject No 30820Class No 02
      • 2Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour)
      • Major Requisite,Language Changed
    • Business Administration InternshipⅢ

    • Business Capstone Design Ⅰ

      • Subject No 37995Class No 01
      • 3Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Wed 4~5 (SK)
    • Entrepreneurship, CEO Lectures, and Business Policy

      • Subject No 38677Class No 01
      • 4Year ( 1Credit , 1Hour) Wed 6~6 (HAK251)
      • Major Requisite
    • Business Innovation using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Intellectual Property (IP)

      • Subject No 39259Class No 01
      • 3Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Mon 2~3 (SK)
    • Research Methods in Information Systems

      • Subject No G12932Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Mon 4~5 (SHINSEGAE304)
    • Introduction to Blockchain Technology

      • Subject No G90009Class No 01
      • Year ( 1.5Credit , 1.5Hour) Tue 2~2
    • Management Information Systems

      • Subject No B10010Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour)
      • Spring
    • Doctoral dissertation symposium

      • Subject No BD0016Class No 01
      • Year ( 6Credit , 6Hour) Sat 1~6 (SHINSEGAE-312)
      • Spring
    • Doctoral dissertation: preparation

      • Subject No BD0017Class No 01
      • Year ( 6Credit , 6Hour) Sat 1~6 (SHINSEGAE-312)
      • Spring
  • 2023-2nd

  • 2023-1st

    • Computer security and Windows forensics 강의 계획서 상세보기

      • Subject No 11374Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Mon 5~5 (SHINSEGAE205) , Wed 4~4 (SHINSEGAE205)
    • Entrepreneurship, CEO Lectures, and Business Policy 강의 계획서 상세보기

      • Subject No 22232Class No 01
      • 4Year ( Wed 6~6 (SHINSEGAE101)
    • Management Information Systems

    • Business Administration InternshipⅡ 강의 계획서 상세보기

    • Business Administration InternshipⅢ 강의 계획서 상세보기

    • Business Capstone DesignⅠ

      • Subject No 37995Class No 01
      • 3Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Tue 2~3 (SHINSEGAE101)
    • Business in DepthⅠ

      • Subject No 38160Class No 02
      • 3Year ( 3Credit
    • Entrepreneurship, CEO Lectures, and Business Policy 강의 계획서 상세보기

      • Subject No 38677Class No 01
      • 4Year ( 1Credit , 1Hour) Wed 6~6 (SHINSEGAE101)
      • Major Requisite
    • Research Methods in Information Systems

      • Subject No G12932Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Thu 5~6 (SHINSEGAE-303)
    • Introduction to Blockchain Technology

      • Subject No G90009Class No 01
      • Year ( 1.5Credit , 1.5Hour) Tue 2~2 (-)
    • Management Information Systems

      • Subject No B10010Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour)
      • Spring
    • Advanced Quantitative Methods

      • Subject No BD0009Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Sat 1~3 (SHINSEGAE-602)
      • Spring
    • Academic independent studyⅠ

      • Subject No BD0011Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Sat 1~6 (SHINSEGAE-602)
      • Spring
      • Subject No IDS109Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Sat 5~5 (ECC-)
  • 2022-2nd

  • 2022-1st

  • 2021-2nd

    • Computer security and Windows forensics

      • Subject No 11374Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Tue 6~6 , Thu 7~7
    • Management Information Systems

      • Subject No 30820Class No 02
      • 2Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour)
      • Major Requisite
    • Foundation of Information Systems Research

      • Subject No G13042Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Mon 5~6
    • Introduction to Blockchain Technology

      • Subject No G90009Class No 01
      • Year ( 1.5Credit , 1.5Hour) Tue 3~3
  • 2021-1st

    • Creativity, Convergence, and Global Leaders

      • Subject No 11307Class No 01
      • 1Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Wed 6~7
    • Computer security and Windows forensics

      • Subject No 11374Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Tue 6~6 , Thu 7~7
    • Management Information Systems

    • Introduction to Blockchain Technology

      • Subject No G90009Class No 01
      • Year ( 1.5Credit , 1.5Hour) Tue 3~3 (-)
Academic Background

State University of New York at Buffalo Ph.D.(Management)