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Ewha University

College of Liberal Arts

Hye Young Jeon Professor Emeritus

프로필 이미지 없음
Professor Hye-young Jeon, who belongs to the Department of Korean Language and Literature in the College of Liberal Arts, is specialized in semantics and pragmatics of Korean Linguistics. Since 1989 when Prof. Jeon had obtained her Ph.D. degree at Ewha Womans University, she has studied the phenomenon of politeness in Korean language in the field of pragmatics and has focused on the metaphor in cognitive semantics and gender differences of Korean language. Prof. Jeon has been interested in unearthing the characteristics of spoken discourse in Korean language. Prof. Jeon has been a full member of the Society of Korean Linguistics, the Society of Korean Semantics, and the Discourse and Cognitive Linguistics Society of Korea. She has written several books including <the Study of Pragmatics> and <Language and a Social Position of Females> and wrote numerous research papers.
Research Record
  • ‘물’을 근원 영역으로 한 은유 연구 이화어문논집, 2020, no.52, 101-128
    KCI dColl.
  • 취재 기자의 언어 사용 특징 사회언어학, 2017, v.25 no.3, 231~258
    KCI dColl.
  • <메르스>에 대한 은유와 이데올로기적 함축: KBS와 JTBC 뉴스 보도를 중심으로 한국어학, 2016, v.72, 199~225
    KCI dColl.
  • 은유 표현을 통해 본 한국인의 질병관 한국문화연구, 2016, v.30, 133~161
    KCI dColl.
  • 질병 명칭에 나타나는 의미적 특성 언어와 정보 사회, 2015, v.25, 181-216
    KCI dColl.
  • 의료 사회 언어에 대한 사회언어학적 연구 사회언어학, 2014, 제22권 3호, 181-200
    KCI dColl.
Academic Background

Ewha Womans University 문학박사(국어국문학)