Registration Guideline


Registration schedule

A. Regular Registration
Regular Registration
Classification Payment Period Tuition Bill Print Payment Available Time
Regular 8.19.(Mon) ~ 8.23.(Fri)
8.14.(Wed) 14:00~
  • Virtual account : 07:00-19:00
  • Credit card(Web site) : 09:00-18:00
  • Credit card(Call center) : 09:00-17:00
  • Wechat pay : 10:00-19:00
Additional 9.5.(Thu) ~ 9.6.(Fri)
9.4.(Wed) 14:00~
B. Tuition Payment by Installments
  • 1) Payment period
    • Students can spread out their tuition payments over 4 installments per semester.
    • Log-in Ewha Portal site → 「My Eureka」 → 「Academic Affairs」 → 「Registration」 → Click “Installment Bill” and print.
      Tuition Payment by Installments
      Number of Installment Payment Period Tuition Bill Printout Payment Available Time
      1st 9.5.(Thu) ~ 9.6.(Fri)
      9.4.(Wed) 14:00~
      • Not available : Credit card, Wechat pay
      • Virtual account : 07:00-19:00
      • Tuition installment payment bills can be printed without any application
      2nd 10.2.(Wed) ~ 10.4.(Fri)
      10.1.(Tue) 14:00~
      3rd 10.23.(Wed) ~ 10.24.(Thu)
      10.22(Tue) 14:00~
      4th 11.6.(Wed) ~ 11.7.(Thu)
      11.5.(Tue) 14:00~
  • 2) Amount
    Tuition Payment by Installments
    Number of Installment Amount Notes
    1st 1/4 of tuition fees + other miscellaneous fees
    • Full payment can be made during each installment period
    • Students should pay each of the four installments on time and any unpaid balance will not be carried forward to the next installment
    • If a student fails to pay the total amount of tuition by the 4th installment period, she will be regarded as expelled or on a leave of absence and her course registration will be canceled
    2nd 1/4 of tuition fees
    3rd 1/4 of tuition fees
    4th 1/4 of tuition fees
  • 3) Student NOT qualified for tuition installment payment
    • Course-based Registration students taking less than 4 credits
    • 2024-2nd re-admitted students
    • Reserch-based Registration students and Thesis-based Registration students
  • 4) Student Loan
  • 5) Leave of absence/Dropping out of school on a tuition installment payment
    • If a student on a tuition installment payment wishes to drop out of the School or to take a leave of absence, she first needs to pay the unpaid installment before applying
C. Course-based Registration(Student taking extra semester)
  • 1) Payment Period
    Credit Registration(Student taking extra semester) Payment period
    Payment Period Tuition Bill Print Payment Available Time
    9.13.(Fri) ~ 9.19.(Thu) 9.13.(Fri) 07:00~
    • Virtual account : 07:00-19:00
    • Credit card(Web site) : 09:00-18:00
    • Credit card(Call center) : 09:00-17:00
    • Wechat pay : 10:00-19:00
  • 2) Target of Course-based Registration
    • Course-based Registration is for those students who already have registered and completed 4 regular semesters(=the years required for graduation) but still need to take more credits in order to complete their coursework.
  • 3) Tuition for students taking an extra semester
     Tuition for students taking an extra semester
    Registered Credits Tuition
    1 ~ 3 credits 1/2 of full tuition
    4 credits or more Full tuition
  • 4) Notice for Course-based registration
    • Students who are not taking extra semesters pay full tuition regardless of credits
    • Students who are taking more than 4 credits can pay tuition by installment payment
    • No refund of tuition under any circumstances when you withdraw your classes after you paid your tuition fee.
D. Research-based Registration and Thesis-based Registration
  • 1) Payment Period
    Tuition Payment by Installments
    Classification Payment Period Tuition Bill Printout Payment Available Time
    Regular 8.19.(Mon) ~ 8.23.(Fri)
    8.14.(Wed) 07:00~
    • Virtual account : 07:00~19:00
    • Credit card(web site) : 09:00~18:00
    • Creadit card(Call center) : 09:00~17:00
    • Wechat pay : 10:00~19:00
    Additional 9.5.(Thu) ~ 9.6.(Fri)
    9.4.(Wed) 14:00 이후~
  • 2) Research-based Registration
    • Registration for students who have completed their coursework and who need to apply for the foreign language exam, and/or who plan to use various campus facilities.
    • Research-based Registration students are not allowed to receive thesis guidance or screening.
      (Please request via Eureka to change as research-based registration.)
  • 3) Thesis-based Registration
    • Registration for students who have completed their coursework and who wish to receive thesis guidance and/or screening.
  • 4) Notice for Research-based Registration and Thesis-based Registration
    • Installment payment is not applicable
    • For more details, Please visit the EWHA Womans University graduate school website.

Tuition Bill Printout

A. Print directly from the “Simple Printout Service(간편출력서비스)” (Click here)
  • “Simple Printout Service” → Login: ID(Student ID), Password(6 digits of date of birth) → 「Registration」 → 「Tuition bill」
B. Eureka of Ewha Portal system
  • Ewha Portal System(EPIS) → Login : ID(Student ID), PW(password) → 「EUREKA」 → 「myeureka」 → 「Registration」 → 「Tuition bill」
C. Mobile Eureka
  • Install "Heyoung" App  ‣ ID : Student ID, Password → 「Menu」 → 「Registration」 → 「Tuition bill」

Tuition Payment Procedure

A. Remit tuition to the Shinhan bank virtual account
  • 1) Each student should remit tuition to the payment account (virtual account) specified on their tuition bill by using Shinhan Bank or any other financial agency. (via Internet banking, direct payment, phone banking, or ATM transfer)
  • 2) The virtual account given to each individual student is only for tuition payment.
    (Recipient’s name is shown as (“이대대”(your name))
  • 3) When using an ATM, please use 『다른업무→지로/공과금/등록금/송달료』 menu on Shinhan bank ATM (Code of School of Ewha Womans University: 47004)
  • 4)Students are only able to make one payment to your virtual account. If a student wishes to pay miscellaneous fees bill(such as the student health center fee), you can add this bill to your tuition and should make one payment with total amount. Each virtual account can only receive one transfer per payment period.
  • 5) The daily transfer limit of the bank account should be increased before remitting tuition by ATM
  • 6) Miscellaneous fee is optional
  • 7) Any transfer fees incurred will be the student’s expense when using financial agencies other than Shinhan Bank.
B. Payment with credit card "Samsung Card" only
  • Payment with credit card 
    Classification Payment Procedure Payment Available Time
    Website Payment with Samsung Card(click here) ☞
    Call center 1688-9702 09:00~17:00
  • 1) Students who are paying tuition by installments can’t pay by credit card
  • 2) If a student wishes to pay tuition with other bill (student health center bill etc), you need to pay the sum total of them at once
  • 3) Cancelation is available via Samsung card homepage of call center (1688-9702) on the day the payment was made.
  • 4) Credit card payment can only be made in full, and can not be shared with cash
  • 5) If your credit payment has been processed properly, a card approval SMS will be sent to your mobile phone
  • 6) You can confirm the payment in the Ewha Portal system after 11:00 a.m. next day
  • 7) Tuition payment made with credit card will not be included in credit card tax allowance lists at the year-end tax adjustment.
C. Payment with Wechat Pay
  • 1) Payment enabled by WechatPay
  • 2) Available Time : 10:00~19:00
  • 3) Payment Procedure : Payment with Wechat Pay(Click here) ☞ → Select school code(graduate:47004) and type in your student’s ID number, virtual account number.
D. Foreign currency remittance of the tuition (Please NOTE)
  • 1) The remitted foreign currency tuition must be exactly the same as the tuition amount listed on the bills. If the remitted amount is less than tuition on the bills due to the exchange rate difference and fees, you can not be registered
    • 5% to 10% more of the tuition must be remitted in consideration of exchange rate differences and fees
  • 2) The remaining balance of tuition is refunded to the student account entered in the Eureka system.
    • How to enter the Eureka Account

      The Graduate School: Visit the Scholarship welfare team in the Student Cultural Center with a copy of the student's bank account

      Scholarship welfare team location : Student Cultural Center Room No. 203/☎3277-3549)

    • Professional and Special Graduate Schools: Visit the Administration Office of each school with a copy of the student's bank account
  • 3) Please be sure to include the student's student ID and name exactly in the sender’s information in an overseas remittance application when remitting tuition
  • 4) Overseas remittance will take time, so please send it 3~7 days before the tuition payment period.

Confirmation of payment

Due to Personal Information Treatment Policy Article 18, it is not allowed to verify of the payment through a phone call.

A. On website
  •      If the payment was made by credit card, the confirmation of payment is available from the next day 11 am.

B. Mobile Eureka

- Install "Heyoung" App  ‣ ID : Student ID, Password → 「Menu」 → 「Registration」  → 「Verification of Tuition Payment」

C. Tuition payment confirmation SMS
  • 1)   Ewha Portal System  → 「EUREKA」 → 「my eureka」 → 「Registration」 → 「Real-time tuition payment confirmation SMS application」 → click ”Accept”
  • 2)   Install "Heyoung" App  ‣ ID : Student ID, Password → 「Menu」 → 「Registration」  → 「Tuition payment verification SMS service」

Miscellaneous Fees

Miscellaneous Fees bills (such as student health center bill, etc) are optional. If a student wishes to pay these bills, you should add them to your tuition transfer.

2024-2 Miscellaneous Fees

2023-1 Miscellaneous Fees
Other bills Purpose Inquiry
Student Health Center bill
(23,200 won)
University Health Service Center is available only for students who pay student health center bill.

You can pay this bill during semester by contact University Health Service Center.

  • Free service
    - regular checkup (once a year, refer to Health Center notice), doctor’s service, prescription, consultation with doctors
    - doctor’s service, prescription, consultation with doctors
  • Paid service
    - vaccinations etc.
University Health Service Center

Registration for students with full scholarship

If student receives full scholarship(the actual amount on a tuition bill is “0” won) in 2024-2nd semester, please register using one of the following methods

A. Transfer only other payments(miscellaneous Fees)
  •  Transfer at least one item of miscellaneous fees to a virtual account
B. Apply “Full scholarship Registration " in Eureka Menu
  • "Ewha Portal System(EPIS)" → Login : ID(Student ID), PW(password) → 「유레카통합행정」 → 「myeureka」 → 「Registration」 → 「Full scholarship Registration」 → "apply"
C. Visit Shinhan Bank
  • Print out bills and visit Shinhan Bank window(every branch)

Tuition Reimbursement

A. Tuition Reimbursement after Tuition Payment for Those who apply for a Leave of Absence
  • Students who wish to apply for a leave of absence, please do not pay the tuition.
  • For more information on applying for a leave of absence or to return from leave, please visit Ewha homepage website(→ click banner “2024-2 휴학/복학안내(guideline for leave of absence or return from leave)”
B. Tuition Reimbursement for Cancellation of Theise-based Registration

Ewha Graduate School homepage website( → click “학사안내“ → click “등록“ → click “논문등록“

Date of Submission is when student submitted the printed application form to department office.

If the date of submission is weekend or public holiday, students can submit the application form the following day. However, online application should be completed during above submission period

More Information

  • Tuition Payment : Accounting(☎ 3277-2089)
  • Scholarship
    • ① The Graduate School: Scholarship welfare team(Tel : +82-2-3277-2274)
    • ② Professional and Special Graduate Schools: the Administration Office of each school