Choi, Yeon Hee is professor of English Education at Ewha Womans University. She received her M. A. in TESOL and Ph. D. in Applied Linguistics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Her research interests include discourse analysis and TEFL (reading, writing, and assessment). She was chair of the Department of English Education and dean of the Graduate School of Teaching Foreign Languages. She was president of KATE (the Korea Association of Teachers of English). She was chair of English education division of the National English Ability Test Advisory Committee. She was awarded ‘Best Teacher’ at University of Illinois and Ewha Womans University; ‘Best Books’ from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism; and the MEST Minister Award for her contribution to public school English education in Korea. She has published books on teaching of reading and writing in EFL and middle school English textbooks, and a number of articles on discourse analysis of student writing, and writing process, instructions, and assessment.
Rhetorical Strategies of Authorial Presence in L2 English Student Writers’ Research Articles: Use of Hedges and Boosters with Authorial References교과교육학연구, 2022, v.26 no.4, 328-345
The Role of Raters’ Personality Traits in the Rating Process of L2 Argumentative Writing: Interactions with Argument Positions교과교육학연구, 2019, v.23 no.2, 69-82
Roles of L1 and L2 derivational morphological awareness in L2 reading through the mediation of L2 vocabulary knowledgeJournal of Asia TEFL, 2015, v.12 no.3, 81-114
[학술지논문] Rhetorical Strategies of Authorial Presence in L2 English Student Writers’ Research Articles: Use of Hedges and Boosters with Authorial References
교과교육학연구, 2022, v.26
, 328-345
[저역서] Teaching of Writing in English as a Foreign Language: Principles and Classroom Applications
한국문화사, 2023, 392
[저역서] Middle School English 3
미래엔, 2020, 194
[저역서] Middle School English 2
미래엔, 2019, 196
[저역서] Teaching of Listening in English as a Foreign Language: Principles and Classroom Applications
한국문화사, 2019, 259