The research aims of Professor Jaesang Kim includes isolating and functionally characterizing genes involved in development of central nervous system and pathogenesis of lung cancer. He has earned his PhD degree from MIT and published nearly 50 research articles in SCI journals.
Director, Ewha Research Center for Systems Biology/Director, Ewha Laboratory Animal Center
Direct cell-to-cell transfer in stressed tumor microenvironment aggravates tumorigenic or metastatic potential in pancreatic cancernpj Genomic Medicine, 2022, v.7 no.1, 63
Mice transgenic for human CTLA4-CD28 fusion gene show proliferation and transformation of ATLL-like and AITL-like T cellsONCOIMMUNOLOGY, 2022, v.11 no.1, 2015170
Nox4-IGF2 Axis Promotes Differentiation of Embryoid Body Cells Into Derivatives of the Three Embryonic Germ LayersStem Cell Reviews and Reports, 2022, v.18 no.3, 1181-1192
FCN3 functions as a tumor suppressor of lung adenocarcinoma through induction of endoplasmic reticulum stressCell Death and Disease, 2021, v.12 no.4, 407
Genome-scale screening of deubiquitinase subfamily identifies USP3 as a stabilizer of Cdc25A regulating cell cycle in cancerCELL DEATH AND DIFFERENTIATION, 2020, v.27 no.11, 3004-3020
Identification of tumor suppressor miRNAs by integrative miRNA and mRNA sequencing of matched tumor-normal samples in lung adenocarcinomaMOLECULAR ONCOLOGY, 2019, v.13 no.6, 1356-1368
Integrative Profiling of Alternative Splicing Induced by U2AF1 S34F Mutation in Lung Adenocarcinoma Reveals a Mechanistic Link to Mitotic StressMOLECULES AND CELLS, 2018, v.41 no.8, 733-741
Characterization of developmental defects in the forebrain resulting from hyperactivated mTOR signaling by integrative analysis of transcriptomic and proteomic dataSCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 2017, v.7
Rapid emergence and mechanisms of resistance by U87 glioblastoma cells to doxorubicin in an in vitro tumor microfluidic ecologyPROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 2016, v.113 no.50, 14283-14288
Hairy and Enhancer of Split 6 (Hes6) Deficiency in Mouse Impairs Neuroblast Differentiation in Dentate Gyrus Without Affecting Cell Proliferation and Integration into Mature NeuronsCellular and Molecular Neurobiology, 2015, 24 Jun 2015
Down-regulation of Sox11 is required for efficient osteogenic differentiation of adipose-derived stem cellsMolecules and Cells, 2014, v.37 no.4, 337-344
Positive feedback loop between Sox2 and Sox6 inhibits neuronal differentiation in the developing central nervous systemPROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 2014, v.111 no.7, 2794-2799