Park Eunyoung Assistant Professor

Art History

박은영 프로필 사진
Dr. Eunyoung Park is an assistant professor of contemporary art in the Department of Art History at Ewha Womans University. Dr. Park received her M.A in Art History from Ewha Womans University and her Ph.D. in Art History from the University of Kansas. Before joining the Ewha faculty, Park held the position of assistant professor of global contemporary visual culture at Case Western Reserve University. Dr. Park’s research centers on contemporary Korean and Korean American art, exploring issues of identity and contemporaneity. She is also interested in the effects of globalization on contemporary East Asian art and in cross-cultural movements within and between East Asian and Euro-American contemporary art.
Research Record
  • 텍스트 생산을 통한 연대: 1990년대 초 갓질라(Godzilla)와 뉴욕의 한국계 미국인 미술가들 서양미술사학회 논문집, 2024, v.0 no.60, 7-30
    KCI dColl.
  • 아시아 현대미술의 다중적 시간: 1993년 베니스 비엔날레에서의 동아시아계 작가들 미술사학, 2023, v.45, 7-34
    KCI dColl.
  • [학술지논문] Nation Reconsidered, Borders in Motion: Representing International Flags in the Works of Yanagi Yukinori 미술사학, 2024, v.47 no.1 , 63-91
  • [학술지논문] 텍스트 생산을 통한 연대: 1990년대 초 갓질라(Godzilla)와 뉴욕의 한국계 미국인 미술가들 서양미술사학회 논문집, 2024, v.60 no.1 , 7-30
  • [학술지논문] 공간의 기억과 시간의 축적 : 임충섭의 매체 실험에 나타나는 사회문화적, 지정학적, 미술사적 층위 한국근현대미술사학(구 한국근대미술사학), 2023, v.45 no.1 , 329-354
  • [학술지논문] Multiple Temporalities of Contemporary Asian Art: Asian Artists at the 1993 Venice Biennale 미술사학, 2023, v.45 no.0 , 7-34
  • [학술지논문] Beyond Conflict, Toward Collaboration: The Korean American Arts Community in New York, 1980s–1990s Panorama: Journal of the Association of Historians of American Art, 2021, v.7 no.1 , 1-17
  • [저역서] Transposed Memory: Visual Sites of National Recollection in 20th and 21st Century East Asia Brill, 2024, 214
  • [저역서] 최욱경, 앨리스의 고양이 국립현대미술관, 2021, 253
  • [저역서] 키워드로 읽는 한국 현대미술 사회평론아카데미, 2019, 491
  • [학술발표] Collaboration across Heterogeneity: Artistic, Intellectual, and Curatorial Collaboration in the ’99 Women’s Art Festival in Seoul CAA 112th Annual Conference, 미국, 시카고, 2024-02-14 CAA 112th Annual Conference, 2024
  • [학술발표] 협동을 통한 변혁: 1990년대 초 갓질라(Godzilla)와 뉴욕의 한국계 미국인 작가들의 활동 서양미술사학회 추계학술대회, 대한민국, 2023-11-18 서양미술사학회 논문집, 2023
  • [학술발표] 아시아 현대미술의 다중적 시간: 1993년 베니스 비엔날레를 중심으로 한국미술사교육학회 추계학술대회, 대한민국, 2022-12-10 미술사학, 2022
  • 2024-2nd

    • History of Contemporary Art

      • Subject No 36904Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Mon 6~6 (HAK409) , Wed 5~5 (HAK409)
    • Issues in Contemporary Art

      • Subject No G17796Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Thu 5~6 (HAK-512)
  • 2024-1st

    • History of Korean Contemporary Art

      • Subject No G14326Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Thu 5~6 (HAK-512)
    • History of Modern and Contemporary Sculpture

      • Subject No G18618Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Tue 5~6 (HAK-512)
      • Language Changed
  • 2023-2nd

    • History of Contemporary Art

    • Cubism & Early Abstract Art

      • Subject No G14290Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Thu 5~6 (HAK-512)
  • 2023-1st

    • Seminar in Contemporary Art II

      • Subject No G14296Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Tue 3~4 (HUM204)
    • Issues in Contemporary Art

      • Subject No G17796Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Thu 5~6 (HUM204)
  • 2022-2nd

    • History of Contemporary Art

      • Subject No 36904Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Mon 5~5 (SHINSEGAE508) , Wed 4~4 (SHINSEGAE508)
    • History of Korean Contemporary Art

      • Subject No G14326Class No 01
      • Year ( 3Credit , 3Hour) Thu 5~6 (HUM204)
Academic Background

The University of Kansas Ph.D.(Department of Art History)

Ewha Womans University 문학석사(미술사학과)