Life Sciences/Life Sciences
Professor Hyun-Seok Kim, who was joined in Department of Life Science, Ewha Womans University at March 2012, has worked to understand the mechanisms of aging and tumorigenesis. After Ph.D course from Dept. biochemistry, College of Medicine, University of Hallym, he joined in National Institute of Health, USA at 2003 as postdoc fellow, and then moved to Medical center of Vanderbilt as research professor at 2010. His major field is the research of molecular mechanisms about aging, metabolism, and aging-related diseases through acetylation/deacetylation of proteins within cell. Until now, he has published about 20 international papers with SCI, and among many studies, some were published on Cancer Cell and Cell Metabolism, one of the most famous journal in the field of Cancer and Metabolism, respectively. In recent, he got the outstanding paper award from NIH, USA based on his work.
Biochemistry Ⅰ
Experiments in Life Sciences Ⅰ
Experiments in Life Sciences Ⅰ
Experiments in Life Sciences Ⅰ
Experiments in Life Sciences Ⅰ
Experiments in Life Sciences Ⅰ
Colloquium of Life Science Research
Research for Life Science Ⅲ
Advanced Biochemistry
General Biology
General Biology : Laboratory Work Ⅱ
General Biology : Laboratory Work Ⅱ
Biochemistry Ⅱ
Research for Life Science Ⅳ
Biology of Reactive Oxygen Species Ⅱ
Special Topics in Advanced Biochemistry Ⅱ
Biochemistry Ⅰ
Experiments in Life Sciences Ⅰ
Experiments in Life Sciences Ⅰ
Experiments in Life Sciences Ⅰ
Experiments in Life Sciences Ⅰ
Experiments in Life Sciences Ⅰ
Research for Life Science Ⅰ
Special Topics in Advanced Biochemistry Ⅰ
Advanced Biochemistry
General Biology 강의 계획서 상세보기
General Biology: Laboratory Work Ⅱ 강의 계획서 상세보기
Biochemistry II 강의 계획서 상세보기
Research for Life ScienceⅣ
Redox RegulationⅠ
Special Topics in Advanced BiochemistryⅡ
General Biology I 강의 계획서 상세보기
Biochemistry I
Experiments in Life Sciences I 강의 계획서 상세보기
Experiments in Life Sciences I 강의 계획서 상세보기
Experiments in Life Sciences I 강의 계획서 상세보기
Experiments in Life Sciences I 강의 계획서 상세보기
Experiments in Life Sciences I 강의 계획서 상세보기
Advanced Biochemistry
General Biology
Biochemistry II
Human Disease Model Phenomics
Biochemistry I
Experiments in Life Sciences I
Experiments in Life Sciences I
Experiments in Life Sciences I
Experiments in Life Sciences I
Experiments in Life Sciences I
Life Science SeminarⅠ
Advanced Biochemistry
Hallym Univ. 의학박사(의학)