Sang-Keun Shin is an Associate professor of Applied Linguistics at Ewha Womans University. He earned his MA in TESOL and Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics from UCLA. His main research interests are language assessment, computer-assisted language teaching and testing, and second language teacher development. His language testing research has focused on the comparison of timed essay exams and drafted writing tasks, standard-setting, computer-based classroom diagnostic testing, and the effects of marking strategy on computer-based testing performance. His work appeared in Language Testing, TESOL Quarterly, Foreign Language Annals, ELT Journal, and Learning and Individual Difference. He received the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism book award for Theory and Practice of Foreign Language Assessment in 2011.
Using Technology in Language Assessment: Focusing on the Potential and Feasibility of Virtual Reality-based Language Tests교과교육학연구, 2023, v.27 no.6, 537-546