Distinctive features of inorganic PM1.0 components during winter pollution events over the upwind and downwind regions in Northeast AsiaAtmospheric Environment, 2023, v.309, 119943
Long-Term Trend of the Levels of Ambient Air Pollutants of a Megacity and a Background Area in KoreaApplied Sciences (Switzerland), 2022, v.12 no.8, 4039
Study on the pH Dependence of the Contribution of Aqueous-Phase Sulfate in Aerosols Formation: On the Cases in Seoul, 2015 [대기 초미세먼지 황산염 생성 시 pH에 따른 액상 반응의 기여도 연구: 2015년 서울 사례를 중심으로]Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment, 2022, v.38 no.3, 323-340
Temporal variation of sulfate concentration in PM2.5 and major factors enhancing sulfate concentration in the atmosphere of Seoul, KoreaAir Quality, Atmosphere and Health, 2021, v.14 no.7, 985-999