최윤희(崔倫希) 교수


최윤희 프로필 사진
  • An acute spinal epidural hematoma after acupuncture combined with dyspnea, dysarthria, bradycardia and hypothermia—a case report Signa Vitae, 2024, v.20 no.2, 102-104
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Predictors for emergency readmission in patients with ureteral calculi: a focus on pain management and stone location World Journal of Urology, 2024, v.42 no.1, 119
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Validation of the Korean Version of the Clinical Frailty Scale-Adjusted Korean Triage and Acuity Scale for Older Patients in the Emergency Department Medicina (Lithuania), 2024, v.60 no.6, 955
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Comparison of antibiotic resistance rates and outcomes among older adult patients with urinary tract infections living in long- term care hospitals and the community Geriatric Nursing, 2023, v.53, 6-11
    SCIE SSCI Scopus dColl.
  • Early lactate clearance for predicting outcomes in patients with gastrointestinal bleeding Irish Journal of Medical Science, 2023, v.192 no.4, 1923-1929
    Scopus dColl.
  • Effects of an Initial Single Dose of Intravenous Antibiotics on Emergency Department Revisits Among Elderly Patients with Urinary Tract Infections Urology journal, 2023, v.20 no.2, 135-140
    Scopus dColl.
  • Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest due to cervical spine injury by uncertain trauma: A study of two cases; [Sebebi belirsiz travma nedenli servikal omurga yaralanmasına bağlı hastane dışı kardiyak arrest: İki olgunun incelenmesi] Ulusal travma ve acil cerrahi dergisi = Turkish journal of trauma & emergency surgery : TJTES, 2023, v.29 no.2, 255-258
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Risk factors for deep neck infection in patients with sore throat and neck pain; [Boğaz ağrısı ve boyun ağrısı olan hastalarda derin boyun enfeksiyonu için risk faktörleri] Ulusal Travma ve Acil Cerrahi Dergisi, 2023, v.29 no.6, 698-704
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on revisits to emergency department Australasian Emergency Care, 2023, v.26 no.3, 221-229
    SCIE SSCI Scopus dColl.
  • Validity of the Korean triage and acuity scale in older patients compared to the adult group; Validation of the Korean triage and acuity scale in older patients Experimental Gerontology, 2023, v.175, 112136
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • A Comparison of Emergency Department Revisit Rates of Pediatric Patients between Pre-COVID-19 and COVID-19 Periods Children, 2022, v.9 no.7, 1003
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Association between insulin administration method and six-month neurological outcome in survivors of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest who underwent targeted temperature management PLoS ONE, 2022, v.17 no.12, e0279776
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Comparative Analysis of Characteristics of Patients Who Visited the Emergency Department due to Suicide Attempts During Coronavirus Disease-2019 Pandemic Omega (United States), 2022
    SSCI Scopus dColl.
  • Comparison of Predictive Scoring Systems in Assessing Risk for Intensive Care Unit Admission and In-Hospital Mortality in Patients with Urinary Tract Infections Journal of Critical and Intensive Care, 2022, v.13 no.1, 25-31
    Scopus dColl.
  • Effect of delayed transport on clinical outcomes among patients with cardiac arrest during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic AUSTRALASIAN EMERGENCY CARE, 2022, v.25 no.3, 241-246
    SCIE SSCI Scopus dColl.
  • Late Awakening Is Common in Settings Without Withdrawal of Life-Sustaining Therapy in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Survivors Who Undergo Targeted Temperature Management Critical Care Medicine, 2022, v.50 no.2, 235-244
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • The association of different target temperatures in targeted temperature management with neurological outcome after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest based on a prospective multicenter observational study in Korea (the KORHN-PRO registry): IPTW analysis PLoS ONE, 2022, v.17 no.7-7월, e0271605
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • 코로나19 백신 이상반응에 대한 보도가 백신을 접종한 사람들의 응급실 이용에 미치는 영향 의료커뮤니케이션, 2022, v.17 no.1, 1-9
    KCI dColl.
  • Age-related differences in revisits to the emergency departments of eight Korean university hospitals Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 2021, v.97, 104489
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Comparison of the Clinical Process and Outcomes in Patients after Coronavirus Infection 2019 Outbreak MEDICINA-LITHUANIA, 2021, v.57 no.10, 1086
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Factors for return to emergency department and hospitalization in elderly urinary tract infection patients American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2021, v.50, 283-288
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Higher Frequency of Undetected Acute Coronary Syndrome in Elderly Patients with Chest Pain Who Visited the Emergency Department: A Large-Cohort Retrospective Study BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL, 2021, v.2021, 0
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Recovery from acute kidney injury is an independent predictor of survival at 30 days only after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest who were treated by targeted temperature management SIGNA VITAE, 2021, v.17 no.2, 119-126
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Characteristics and Lethality of Suicide Attempters by Age Group in Korea: Retrospective Single-Centered Study INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GERONTOLOGY, 2020, v.14 no.3, 179-184
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Crb-65: Predictor for intensive care unit admission in patients with biliary tract infection presenting to an emergency department Signa Vitae, 2020, v.16 no.2, 134-141
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Inter-Hospital Transfer after Return of Spontaneous Circulation Shows no Correlation with Neurological Outcomes in Cardiac Arrest Patients Undergoing Targeted Temperature Management in Cardiac Arrest Centers JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE, 2020, v.9 no.6, 1979
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Outcome and status of postcardiac arrest care in Korea: Results from the Korean hypothermia network prospective registry Clinical and Experimental Emergency Medicine, 2020, v.7 no.4, 250-258
    Scopus KCI dColl.
  • Renal replacement therapy is independently associated with a lower risk of death in patients with severe acute kidney injury treated with targeted temperature management after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest Critical Care, 2020, v.24 no.1, 115
    Scopus dColl.
  • Screening Test for At-Risk Drinking in the Elderly: Abbreviated Version of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test for the Elderly Population INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GERONTOLOGY, 2020, v.14 no.2, 129-132
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Screening of Pediatric Facial Fractures by Brain Computed Tomography: Diagnostic Performance Comparison With Facial Computed Tomography PEDIATRIC EMERGENCY CARE, 2020, v.36 no.3, 125-129
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • The title: serum neutrophil Gelatinase-associated Lipocalin at 3 hours after return of spontaneous circulation in patients with cardiac arrest and therapeutic hypothermia: early predictor of acute kidney injury BMC NEPHROLOGY, 2020, v.21 no.1, 389
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • An Oral Hygiene Care in Cognitive Impairment Patients by Gauze: Is It Really Safe Care Method? INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GERONTOLOGY, 2019, v.13 no.3, 255-257
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Atypical Cerebral Infarction in a Patient Suspected Ingestion of Synthetic Cannabinoids SIGNA VITAE, 2019, v.15 no.2, 67-69
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Delayed development of cervicofacial emphysema and pneumomediastinum after dental procedure Visual Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2019, v.15, 100554
    Scopus dColl.
  • Encephalitis as a complication of a spinal-esophageal fistula due to discitis Clinical Case Reports, 2019, v.7 no.11, 2190-2193
    Scopus dColl.
  • Grey-white matter ratio measured using early unenhanced brain computed tomography shows no correlation with neurological outcomes in patients undergoing targeted temperature management after cardiac arrest RESUSCITATION, 2019, v.140, 161-169
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Recovery from acute kidney injury as a potent predictor of survival and good updates neurological outcome at discharge after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest CRITICAL CARE, 2019, v.23 no.1, 256
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Risk factors for delayed-onset rhabdomyolysis in doxylamine succinate intoxication patients Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2019, v.26 no.1, 39-43
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Toothpick injury mimicking acute cholecystitis Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2019, v.26 no.2, 127-129
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Clinical outcomes and prognostic factors in patients directly transferred to the intensive care unit from long-term care beds in institutions and hospitals: a retrospective clinical study BMC GERIATRICS, 2018, v.18, 259
    SCIE SSCI Scopus dColl.
  • Cut-off points for screening at-risk drinking by AUDIT-C Korean version at emergency department Turkish Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2018, v.18 no.2, 57-61
    Scopus dColl.
  • Diagnostic performance of brain computed tomography to detect facial bone fractures Clinical and Experimental Emergency Medicine, 2018, v.5 no.2, 107~112
    KCI후보 dColl.
  • MCP-1 and MIP-3 alpha Secreted from Necrotic Cell-Treated Glioblastoma Cells Promote Migration/Infiltration of Microglia CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY, 2018, v.48 no.3, 1332-1346
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Screening Test for At-Risk Drinking: Development of New Abbreviated Version of Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test for Young and Middle-Aged Adults EMERGENCY MEDICINE INTERNATIONAL, 2018, v.
    SCIE dColl.
  • The effect of early urine alkalinization on occurrence rhabdomyolysis and hospital stay in high dose doxylamine ingestion AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE, 2018, v.36 no.7, 1170-1173
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Validation and proposal for cut-off values of an abbreviated version of the Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test using the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Clinical and Experimental Emergency Medicine, 2018, v.5 no.2, 113~119
    KCI dColl.
  • Validation of abbreviated version of AUDIT 대한응급의학회지, 2018, v.29 no.3, 241~248
    KCI dColl.
  • Estimating poisoning substance amounts: Comparative study of the accuracy of health care professionals and non-practitioners Signa Vitae, 2017, v.13 no.2, 79-84
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Informed Consent for Intravenous Contrast Administration in the Emergency Department: Understanding and satisfaction among patients using the video-assisted vs. traditional methods SIGNA VITAE, 2017, v.13 no.1, 28-31
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Predictive parameters of retained foreign body presence after foreign body swallowing AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE, 2017, v.35 no.8, 1090-1094
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Severe glyphosate-surfactant intoxication: successful treatment with continuous renal replacement therapy HONG KONG JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE, 2017, v.24 no.1, 40-44
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Spinal cord infarction mimicking ischemic heart disease Clinical and Experimental Emergency Medicine, 2017, v.4 no.2, 109~112
    KCI후보 dColl.
  • 국내 응급의료센터의 중독 환자에 있어 활성탄 투여 현황과 응급실 의료진의 인식 대한임상독성학회지, 2017, v.15 no.1, 17~23
    KCI후보 dColl.
  • Accuracy of Tablet Counts Estimated by Members of the Public and Healthcare Professionals 대한응급의학회지, 2016, v.27 no.1, 69-74
    KCI dColl.
  • Delayed aspiration pneumonia and systemic toxicity in patient who inhaled dry powder of fire extinguisher HONG KONG JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE, 2016, v.23 no.4, 234-237
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome presenting as subarachnoid hemorrhage: A rare cause of postpartum seizure American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2016, v.35 no.5
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • A 67-year-old man with epistaxis, melena, gross haematuria and haemarthrosis Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2015, v.22 no.5, 324-327
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • A questionnaire survey exploring healthcare professional's attitudes towards teamwork and safety in acute care areas in South Korea BMJ Open, 2015, v.5 no.7
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • A validation study on the translated Korea version of emotional labor scale (ELS) in hospitality organizations Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 2015, v.8, 129-134
    Scopus dColl.
  • Aortic graft in hollow viscus American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2015, v.34 no.3
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Management of Cyanide Intoxication with Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation and Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy Acute and Critical Care, 2015, v.30 no.3, 218-221
    KCI dColl.
  • Body mass index as a prognostic factor in organophosphate-poisoned patients American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2014, v.32 no.7, 693-696
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Spontaneous intramedullary hematoma initially mimicking myocardial infarction AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE, 2014, v.32 no.10
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • Utilization of rapid infusion system with cold saline in the induction of therapeutic hypothermia Journal of International Medical Research, 2014, v.42 no.3, 744-749
    SCIE Scopus dColl.
  • 2024-1학기

    • 손상,중독및응급처치

      • 학수번호 37636분반 01
      • 3학년 ( 2학점 , 51시간)
      • 전공필수 의학과 외 수강불가, 팀티칭, 자체시간표에 따라 운영
    • 응급의학실습

      • 학수번호 37649분반 01
      • 3학년 ( 2학점 , 110시간)
      • 전공필수 의학과 외 수강불가, 팀티칭, 자체시간표에 따라 운영
  • 2023-2학기

    • 응급의학실습

      • 학수번호 37649분반 01
      • 3학년 ( 2학점 , 110시간)
      • 전공필수 전공필수 팀티칭, 의학과 외 수강불가, 자체시간표에 따른 운영
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    • 문제바탕학습I 강의 계획서 상세보기

      • 학수번호 37621분반 01
      • 2학년 ( 1학점 , 15시간)
      • 전공필수 의학과 외 수강불가, 팀티칭, 자체시간표에 따라 운영
    • 손상,중독및응급처치

      • 학수번호 37636분반 01
      • 3학년 ( 2학점 , 51시간)
      • 전공필수 의학과 외 수강불가, 팀티칭, 자체시간표에 따라 운영
    • 응급의학실습

      • 학수번호 37649분반 01
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      • 전공필수 의학과 외 수강불가, 팀티칭, 자체시간표에 따라 운영
  • 2022-2학기

    • 문제바탕학습Ⅱ

      • 학수번호 37632분반 01
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      • 전공필수 전공필수 팀티칭, 의학과 외 수강불가, 마곡 104호, 자체시간표에 따른 운영
    • 응급의학실습

      • 학수번호 37649분반 01
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      • 전공필수 전공필수 팀티칭, 의학과 외 수강불가, 자체시간표에 따른 운영
    • 환자-의사-사회Ⅴ(의료윤리집담회)

      • 학수번호 37658분반 01
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      • 전공필수 전공필수 팀티칭, 의학과 외 수강불가, 자체시간표에 따른 운영
  • 2022-1학기

    • 문제바탕학습I

      • 학수번호 37621분반 01
      • 2학년 ( 1학점 , 15시간)
      • 전공필수 의학과 외 수강불가, 팀티칭, 자체시간표에 따라 운영
    • 손상,중독및응급처치

      • 학수번호 37636분반 01
      • 3학년 ( 2학점 , 51시간)
      • 전공필수 의학과 외 수강불가, 팀티칭, 자체시간표에 따라 운영
    • 응급의학실습

      • 학수번호 37649분반 01
      • 3학년 ( 2학점 , 110시간)
      • 전공필수 의학과 외 수강불가, 팀티칭, 자체시간표에 따라 운영

중앙대학교(서울) 의학박사(의학과)