류재상 교수는 약학대학 소속 교수로서 의약화학, 약품화학, 유기합성화학 분야 연구의 권위자이다. 서울대학교 약학대학을 졸업한 후, 미국 노스웨스턴 대학교 화학과에서 박사학위를 받았으며, 미국 최고 암연구기관인 메모리얼 슬로안-케터링 암센터에서 박사후 연구과정을 마쳤다. 그는 천연물 합성 및 천연물 유사 라이브러리 합성을 통해 신약 선도물질을 찾고, 질병메커니즘/효소작용기전에 기초한 표적항암제 개발을 하고 있으며, 펩타이드 라이브러리를 이용하여 아토피 천식등 알레르기 치료제를 연구하고 있다. 현재까지 SCI 국제학술지에 다수의 논문을 발표하고 '펩티도미메틱스를 이용한 항알레르기 치료제 개발', '표적항암제 개발' 등에 관련된 특허를 출원하였다.
유기금속촉매를 이용한 신약 합성방법 개발, 효소 작용기전을 조절하는 약물 디자인과 합성을 통한 표적항암제 개발, 천연물 기반의 약물라이브러리 디자인과 합성을 통한 신약선도물질 개발 , 표적지향성 약물 디자인과 합성, 펩타이드 기반의 약물라이브러리 디자인과 합성을 통한 천식ㆍ알러지ㆍ아토피 치료제 개발
A novel A2a adenosine receptor inhibitor effectively mitigates hepatic fibrosis in a metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis mouse modelInternational Journal of Biological Sciences, 2024, v.20 no.5, 1855-1870
Sulfamidate-Based Stereoselective Total Synthesis of (+)-Preussin Using Gold(I)-Catalyzed Intramolecular Dehydrative Amination: Dead End and DetourJournal of Organic Chemistry, 2023, v.88 no.14, 9902-9909
Formal synthesis of (±)-sedamine through gold(I)-catalyzed intramolecular dehydrative amination of sulfamate esters tethered to allylic alcoholsTetrahedron Letters, 2021, v.71, 153024
Gold(I)-Catalyzed Intramolecular Dehydrative Amination of Sulfamate Esters Tethered to Allylic Alcohols: A Strategy for the Synthesis of Cyclic SulfamidatesAdvanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2021, v.363 no.8, 2183-2188
Synthesis of 1,2,3-Triazolium Ionic Liquid-Supported Chiral Imidazolidinones and Their Application in Asymmetric Alkylation ReactionMOLECULES, 2019, v.24 no.18, 3349
General assay for enzymes in the heptose biosynthesis pathways using electrospray ionization mass spectrometryAPPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, 2017, v.101 no.11, 4521-4532
A concise synthesis of tubuphenylalanine and epi-tubuphenylalanine via a diastereoselective Mukaiyama aldol reaction of silyl ketene acetalOrganic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2016, v.14 no.3, 913-919
Design, synthesis, and evaluation of hinge-binder tethered 1,2,3-triazolylsalicylamide derivatives as Aurora kinase inhibitorsBioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2016, v.24 no.9
Stereoselective Synthesis of a Ceramide Transporter Protein (CERT)-Dependent Ceramide-Trafficking Inhibitor, (1R,3S)-HPA-12, via Gold(I)-Catalyzed Cyclization of a Propargylic N-HydroxylamineSynthesis (Germany), 2016, vol. 49 no. 7
Synthesis of 4-Isoxazolines through Gold(I)-Catalyzed Cyclization of Propargylic N-HydroxylaminesJOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 2016, v.81 no.15, 6740-6749
Resveratrol inhibits collagen-induced platelet stimulation through suppressing NADPH oxidase and oxidative inactivation of SH2 domain-containing protein tyrosine phosphatase-2Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 2015, v.89, 842-851
Click approach to the discovery of 1,2,3-triazolylsalicylamides as potent Aurora kinase inhibitorsBIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY, 2014, v.22 no.17, 4855-4866
Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of benzyl 2-(1H-imidazole-1-yl) pyrimidine analogues as selective and potent Raf inhibitorsBioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2014, v.24 no.15, 3600-3604
Direct Synthesis of 4-Fluoroisoxazoles through Gold-Catalyzed Cascade Cyclization-Fluorination of 2-Alkynone O-Methyl OximesJOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 2014, v.79, 6444-6455
Synthesis of 3,4,5-Trisubstituted Isoxazoles through Gold-Catalyzed Cascade Cyclization Oxidative Alkynylation and Cyclization-Fluorination of 2-Alkynone O-MethyloximesBULLETIN OF THE KOREAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 2014, v.35 no.9, 2635-2644
[학술지논문] Gold(I)-Catalyzed Intramolecular Dehydrative Amination of Sulfamate Esters Tethered to Allylic Alcohols: A Strategy for the Synthesis of Cyclic Sulfamidates
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