이종국 교수는 경영대학 경영학부 소속 교수로 산업재 마케팅, 국제마케팅 등을 강의하고 있다. 미국 일리노이 주립대 경영대학에서 마케팅 박사학위를 받았으며, 기업간 제휴 및 신제품 혁신에 대한 연구를 하고 있다. <Journal of Marketing(JM)>, <Journal of Management (JOM)>, <Industrial Marketing Management(IMM)>, <European Journal of Operational Research(EJOR)> 등의 학술지에 논문을 발표하였다.
The Effects of Price Rank on Clicks and Conversions in Product List Advertising on Online Retail PlatformsINFORMATION SYSTEMS RESEARCH, 2021, v.32 no.4, 1412-1430
Spatial heterogeneity of country-of-origin effects within a country: analysis of online review ratings in the US car marketMARKETING LETTERS, 2018, v.29 no.2, 189-205
Project Customization and the Supplier Revenue-Cost Dilemmas: The Critical Roles of Supplier-Customer CoordinationJOURNAL OF MARKETING, 2017, v.81 no.1, 136-154
When do firms enter a repeated partnership? The effect of contract terms and relative partner characteristicsMANAGEMENT DECISION, 2017, v.55 no.10, 2237-2255
If It Takes a Village to Foster Innovation, Success Depends on the Neighbors: The Effects of Global and Ego Networks on New Product LaunchesJOURNAL OF MARKETING RESEARCH, 2016, v.53 no.3, 319-337
The Timing of Codevelopment Alliances in New Product Development Processes: Returns for Upstream and Downstream PartnersJOURNAL OF MARKETING, 2015, v.79 no.1, 64-82
The adoption of mobile self-service technologies: Effects of availability in alternative media and trust on the relative importance of perceived usefulness and ease of useInternational Journal of Smart Home, 2014, v.8 no.4, 165-178
[학술지논문] The Effects of Price Rank on Clicks and Conversions in Product List Advertising on Online Retail Platforms
, 1412-1430