Clinical usefulness of NT-proBNP as a prognostic factor for septic shock patients presenting to the emergency departmentScientific Reports, 2024, v.14 no.1, 10999
Clinical validation of screening test for at-risk drinking for young and middle-aged adults in an emergency departmentHong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2023, v.30 no.4, 203-209
Comparison of Predictive Scoring Systems in Assessing Risk for Intensive Care Unit Admission and In-Hospital Mortality in Patients with Urinary Tract InfectionsJournal of Critical and Intensive Care, 2022, v.13 no.1, 25-31
Validation of the screening test for at-risk drinking in an emergency department using a tablet computerDRUG AND ALCOHOL DEPENDENCE, 2022, v.230, 109181
Characteristics and outcomes of emergency department patients with a foreign body that entered through the ear, nose or mouth: a 10-year retrospective analysisJOURNAL OF LARYNGOLOGY AND OTOLOGY, 2021, v.135 no.12, 1081-1087
Surge Capacity and Mass Casualty Incidents Preparedness of Emergency Departments in a Metropolitan City: a Regional Survey StudyJOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE, 2021, v.36 no.33, e210