권영주 교수는 미국 메릴랜드 대학에서 노화가 식품생리활성 성분인 커큐민의 대장암 예방에 미치는 영향을 주제로 박사학위를 취득하였다. 이후, 미국 필라델피아 Fox Chase Cancer Center에서 박사후 연구원, 캔자스 의과대학에서 Senior Scientist로 재직하면서, 난소암의 표적치료, 종양미세환경과 암의 상호작용에 의한 암의 악성화에 관한 연구를 수행하였다. 현재는 암과 대사질환을 중심으로 식품생리활성 성분의 질병 억제 기능을 연구하고 있다.
식품생리활성 성분의 항암 작용 및 기전 규명, 식품생리활성 성분의 항비만 평가, 생리적 환경을 고려한 질병모델 연구, 식품의 안전성/독성 평가
Assessing dietary bisphenol A exposure among Koreans: comprehensive database construction and analysis using the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination SurveyFOOD ADDITIVES AND CONTAMINANTS PART A-CHEMISTRY ANALYSIS CONTROL EXPOSURE & RISK ASSESSMENT, 2024, v.41 no.8, 1018-1055
Differential curcumin absorption and curcumin-induced STAT3 inhibition during 3T3-L1 cell adipogenesis in 2D and 3D culturesDiscover Applied Sciences, 2024, v.6 no.1, 13
Epithelial-stromal communication via CXCL1-CXCR2 interaction stimulates growth of ovarian cancer cells through p38 activationCELLULAR ONCOLOGY, 2021, v.44 no.1, 77-92
Immuno-Resolving Ability of Resolvins, Protectins, and Maresins Derived from Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Metabolic SyndromeMolecular Nutrition and Food Research, 2020, v.64 no.4, 1900824
Food-derived polyphenols inhibit the growth of ovarian cancer cells irrespective of their ability to induce antioxidant responsesHeliyon, 2018, v.4 no.8, e00753
Regulation of HGF and c-MET Interaction in Normal Ovary and Ovarian Cancer: Importance of Targeting c-MET and HGF InteractionREPRODUCTIVE SCIENCES, 2017, v.24 no.4, 494-501
Mechanism-based management for mucositis: option for treating side effects without compromising the efficacy of cancer therapyONCOTARGETS AND THERAPY, 2016, v.9, 2007-2016
Effective inhibition of c-MET-mediated signaling, growth and migration of ovarian cancer cells is influenced by the ovarian tissue microenvironmentONCOGENE, 2015, v.34 no.2, 144-153
Estimation of curcumin intake in Korea based on the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2008-2012)NUTRITION RESEARCH AND PRACTICE, 2014, v.8 no.5, 589-594