박은진 교수는 의학전문대학원/치과학교실 소속 교수이며 치과보철학을 전공하였다. 서울대학교 치과대학 졸업 및 동대학원 박사학위 취득 후 미국 하버드대학교 치과대학에서 치과보철과 임상수련 및 석사학위를 받았다. 지도 학생들을 매년 하버드 치과대학 보철과로 externship을 보내는 등 활발한 교류 활동을 하고 있으며, 대한치과보철학회 국제이사를 비롯하여 대한치과턱관절기능교합학회, 대한구강악안면임플란트학회, 국제치과연구학회 등에서 다양한 활동을 하였다. 또한 <IJOMI>, <Acta Odontol Scand>, <Journal of Prosthodontics> 등 국제적인 SCI 저널의 outside consultant로도 봉사하며, 본인의 관심분야인 임플란트 수복, 교합, 치과용 재료 물성 등에 관한 30여편의 논문을 국내외 저널에 발표하였다.
Translucency and masking ability of translucent zirconia; comparison with conventional zirconia and lithium disilicateThe Journal of Advanced of Prosthodontics, 2022, v.14 no.5, 324-333
Translucency and masking ability of translucent zirconia; comparison with conventional zirconia and lithium disilicateJOURNAL OF ADVANCED PROSTHODONTICS, 2022, v.14 no.5, 324-333
Assessment of the trueness and tissue surface adaptation of CAD-CAM maxillary denture bases manufactured using digital light processingJOURNAL OF PROSTHETIC DENTISTRY, 2019, v.121 no.1, 110-117
Improvement in Fatigue Behavior of Dental Implant Fixtures by Changing Internal Connection Design: An In Vitro Pilot StudyMATERIALS, 2019, v.12 no.19, 3264
The Effect of Temporary Cement Cleaning Methods on the Retention of CrownsJOURNAL OF PROSTHODONTICS-IMPLANT ESTHETIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE DENTISTRY, 2019, v.28 no.1, E210-E215
Evaluation of the trueness and tissue surface adaptation of CAD-CAM mandibular denture bases manufactured using digital light processingJOURNAL OF PROSTHETIC DENTISTRY, 2018, v.120 no.6, 919-926
The effect of zirconia surface architecturing technique on the zirconia/veneer interfacial bond strengthJOURNAL OF ADVANCED PROSTHODONTICS, 2018, v.10 no.4, 259-264
Three-Dimensional Deformation and Wear of Internal Implant-Abutment Connection: A Comparative Biomechanical Study Using Titanium and ZirconiaINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORAL & MAXILLOFACIAL IMPLANTS, 2018, v.33 no.6, 1279-1286
Accuracy of a digital removable partial denture fabricated by casting a rapid prototyped pattern: A clinical studyJournal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 2017, v.118 no.4, 468-474
Detection of proximal caries using quantitative light-induced fluorescence-digital and laser fluorescence: a comparative studyJournal of Advanced Prosthodontics, 2017, v.9 no.6, 432-438
Load-bearing capacity of various CAD/CAM monolithic molar crowns under recommended occlusal thickness and reduced occlusal thickness conditionsJournal of Advanced Prosthodontics, 2017, v.9 no.6, 423-431
Surface changes of metal alloys and highstrength ceramics after ultrasonic scaling and intraoral polishingJournal of Advanced Prosthodontics, 2017, v.9 no.3, 188-194
Comparison of Customized Abutments Made from Titanium and a Machinable Precious AlloyINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORAL & MAXILLOFACIAL IMPLANTS, 2016, v.31 no.1, 92-100
Comparative study of the shear bond strength of various veneering materials on grade II commercially pure titaniumJOURNAL OF ADVANCED PROSTHODONTICS, 2015, v.7 no.1, 69-75
Demineralized deciduous tooth as a source of bone graft material: Its biological and physicochemical characteristicsOral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology, 2015, v.120 no.3, 307-314
Porcelain repair - Influence of different systems and surface treatments on resin bond strengthJournal of Advanced Prosthodontics, 2015, v.7 no.5, 343-348
A survey of the satisfaction of patients who have undergone implant surgery with and without employing a computer-guided implant surgical templateJOURNAL OF ADVANCED PROSTHODONTICS, 2014, v.6 no.5, 395-405
Strain Gauge Analysis of Occlusal Forces on Implant Prostheses at Various Occlusal HeightsINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORAL & MAXILLOFACIAL IMPLANTS, 2014, v.29 no.5, 1034-1041
Three dimensional finite element analysis of the stress distribution around the mandibular posterior implant during non-working movement according to the amount of cantileverJOURNAL OF ADVANCED PROSTHODONTICS, 2014, v.6 no.5, 361-371