윤여민 교수는 경기대학교 학사, 미국 콜로라도주립대학교 석.박사학위를 받음. 미국 애리조나 주립대학교와 노스웨스턴 대학교 박사후 연구원을 거쳐, CH2M HILL 다국적 엔지니어링/컨설팅 회사에서 엔지니어로 근무하였음. 2009년부터 미국 사우스캐롤라이나 주립대학교 토목환경공학과에서 부교수/정교수/석좌교수로 재직 후 2024년 이화여대 환경공학과에 석좌교수로 부임하였음. 윤여민 교수는 현재 다수의 국제 저널에(예, Chemosphere, Heliyon, Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Water Science and Technology, and Environmental Engineering Research) 편집장 및 편집위원으로 활동한 경험이 있음. 특히 Chemosphere (JCR 기준 상위 약 10%, Elsevier) 저널에 2020년부터 현재까지 공동 편집장을 역임하고있음.
Removal of contaminants of emerging concern by membranes in water and wastewater An updated reviewENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH, 2025, v.30 no.1, 240103
Using supercritical CO2 for alginate-fouled seawater reverse osmosis cleaning and for carbonate mineral production from concentrated brineSeparation and Purification Technology, 2025, v.354, 128627
Adsorption of uranyl ion on hexagonal boron nitride for remediation of real U-contaminated soil and its interpretation using random forestJournal of Hazardous Materials, 2024, v.469, 134072
Construction of a gelatin aerogel catalyst functionalized with LaCoO3 and g-C3N5 for efficient ciprofloxacin degradation via adsorption and peroxymonosulfate activationChemical Engineering Journal, 2024, v.495, 153106
Coproduction of hydrogen peroxide and formic acid as potential hydrogen-carrier through photocatalytic reformation of sacrificial chemicalApplied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2024, v.357, 124256
Design and economic comparison of uranium-contaminated soil cleaning system based on ultrasonic technologyJournal of Water Process Engineering, 2024, v.59, 105051
Efficient integration of electro-coagulation and ceramic membranes for the treatment of real chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) slurry wastewater from the semiconductor industryJournal of Water Process Engineering, 2024, v.61, 105326
Enhancing in situ remediation of clayey soils contaminated with total petroleum hydrocarbons by combining pneumatic fracturing, plasma blasting, and vacuum extraction: A comprehensive field investigationJournal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2024, v.12 no.3, 113064
New strategy to optimize in-situ fenton oxidation for TPH contaminated soil remediation via artificial neural network approachChemosphere, 2024, v.363, 142757
Photocatalytic and electrocatalytic degradation of bisphenol A in the presence of graphene/graphene oxide-based nanocatalysts: A reviewChemosphere, 2024, v.356, 141941
Photocatalytic boron nitride–based nanomaterials for the removal of selected organic and inorganic contaminants in aqueous solution: A reviewChemosphere, 2024, v.349, 140800
Preparation of granulated UIO-66/graphene oxide using polyacrylamide/polyvinyl alcohol for selective fluoride removal: Mechanism studies via in situ surface-enhanced raman spectroscopy analysis and continuous-flow column operationChemical Engineering Journal, 2024, v.490, 151217
Removal of contaminants of emerging concerns and dyes by MXene-based membranes in water: A reviewSeparation and Purification Technology, 2024, v.351, 128125
Removal of endocrine disruptors and pharmaceuticals by graphene oxide-based membranes in water: A reviewJournal of Environmental Management, 2024, v.363, 121437
Removal of selected contaminants of dyes and pharmaceuticals using MXene-based nanoadsorbents: A reviewSeparation and Purification Technology, 2024, v.341, 126864
Tuning the interlayer spacing of graphene oxide membrane via surfactant intercalation for ultrafast nanofiltrationJournal of Membrane Science, 2024, v.706, 122942
Ultrasonic treatment of endocrine disrupting compounds, pharmaceuticals, and personal care products in water: An updated reviewJournal of Hazardous Materials, 2024, v.474, 134852
Understanding the synergistic effect of hydrated electron generation from argon plasma catalysis over Bi2O3/CeO2 for perfluorooctanoic acid dehalogenation: Mechanism and DFT studyApplied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2024, v.343, 123403
Updated review on current approaches and challenges for poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances removal using activated carbon-based adsorbentsJournal of Water Process Engineering, 2024, v.64, 105625
Adsorptive and photocatalytic performance of cobalt-doped ZnTiO3/Ti3C2Tx MXene nanohybrids towards tetracycline: Kinetics and mechanistic insightJournal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, v.443, 130165
Comprehensive analysis of the integrated electro-coagulation and membrane filtration process for semiconductor wastewater treatmentJournal of Water Process Engineering, 2023, v.56, 104468
Construction of heterostructure interface with FeNi2S4 and CoFe nanowires as an efficient bifunctional electrocatalyst for overall water splitting and urea electrolysisInternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2023, v.48 no.13, 5080-5094
Efficient adsorption of naproxen and ibuprofen by gelatin/zirconium-based metal–organic framework/sepiolite aerogels via synergistic mechanismsChemical Engineering Journal, 2023, v.452, 139426
Enhanced catalytic oxidation of naproxen via activation of peroxymonosulfate by Fe-based metal–organic framework aerogels functionalized with Ag nanoparticlesJournal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, v.458, 131847
Enhanced in-situ oxygen evolution and hydrogen peroxide production by a floatable ZnO-incorporated polyurethane photocatalyst for sulfamethoxazole degradationChemical Engineering Journal, 2023, v.467, 143470
Evaluation of secondary effluent organic matter removal by an in-series forward osmosis-ultrafiltration hybrid process using parallel factor analysis with self-organizing mapsChemical Engineering Journal, 2023, v.464, 142640
Fabrication of highly effective Ag6Si2O7/SmFeO3 heterojunction with synergistically enhanced sonophotocatalytic degradation of ciprofloxacin and production of H2O2: Influencing factors and degradation mechanismChemical Engineering Journal, 2023, v.468, 143491
Hydrophilic sulfurized nanoscale zero-valent iron for enhancing in situ biocatalytic denitrification: Mechanisms and long-term column studiesJournal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, v.452, 131197
Hydrophobic sulfur core–shell layered metallic iron for nitrate reduction with nearly 100% dinitrogen selectivity: Mechanism and field studiesChemical Engineering Journal, 2023, v.454, 140083
New insight into the visible-light-driven photoinduced electron transfer mechanism for ozone activation over defective sites of ceria for organic compounds destructionApplied Surface Science, 2023, v.639, 158125
Recent advances in the TiO2 based photoreactors for removing contaminants of emerging concern in waterSeparation and Purification Technology, 2023, v.304, 122294
Recovery of rare-earth and radioactive elements from contaminated water through precipitation: A reviewChemical Engineering Journal, 2023, v.475, 146222
Successive alkali diffusion ceramic reactor: Long-term removal of acidity and heavy metals in acid mine drainageJournal of Water Process Engineering, 2023, v.53, 103858
Performance assessment and optimization of forward osmosis–low pressure ultrafiltration hybrid system using machine learning for rhodamine B removalDesalination, 2022, v.543, 116102