이종원 교수는 2006년부터 사범대학 사회과교육과 지리교육전공 교수로 재직해 왔으며 주로 지리교육 관련 과목을 가르치고 있다. 미국 텍사스에이엔엠 대학에서 박사학위를 받았고, 미국지리학회(AAG)에서 교육연구원으로 일했다. 주요 연구 분야는 지리교육과 공간인지이다. 특히 스마트미디어를 활용한 교육, 구글어스나 GPS 등 공간정보기술을 활용한 교육, 게임과 현장체험학습 등 학습자의 참여와 활동을 지원하는 교수학습자료의 개발과 현장적용에 관심이 많다.
A multinational study of authors’ perceptions of and practical approaches to writing geography textbooksInternational Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 2021, v.30 no.1, 54-74
Designing an inquiry-based field work project for students using mobile technology and its effects on students' experienceReview of International Geographical Education Online, 2020, v.10 no.SpecialIssue1, 14-39
What improves spatial thinking? Evidence from the Spatial Thinking Abilities TestInternational Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 2019, v.28 no.4, 262-280
What do geography textbook authors in England consider when they design content and select case studies?International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 2016, 24 Aug 2016, 1-15
Some perceptions of English geography textbook authors on writing textbooksInternational Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 2015, 2 NOV 2015
[학술지논문] 2022 개정 교육과정에 따른 고등학교 한국지리 탐구의 개발
한국지리환경교육학회지, 2023, v.31
, 15-25
[학술지논문] Beyond Geospatial Inquiry—How Can We Integrate the Latest Technological Advances into Geography Education?
Education Sciences, 2023, v.13
, 1128-1128
[학술지논문] 디지털 전환의 시대에 대응하는 교육과정의 개발 - 한국지리 탐구 과목을 사례로 -
한국지리환경교육학회지, 2023, v.31
, 93-106
[학술지논문] A multinational study of authors’ perceptions of and practical approaches to writing geography textbooks
International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 2021, v.30
, 54-74
[학술지논문] The influence of collaboration on students' learning approaches in a geography task
Research in Geographic Education , 2021, v.23
, 32-51
[학술지논문] Designing an inquiry-based field work project for students using mobile technology and its effects on students' experience
Review of International Geographical Education Online, 2020, v.10
, 14-39