Division of Kinesiology & Sports Studies
Professor Eunah(Una) Hong is an associate professor (sport management & policy) in the Division of Kinesiology & Sport Studies, School of Science & Industry Convergence at Ewha Womans University. She has a BSc(Sport Science) and a Master degree(Business Administration) from Ewha Womans University. She obtained her Ph.D.(Sport Policy) at Loughborough University. She has published more than 60 peer-review articles(including book chapters) so far. She is currently a member of the board at Korean Society for Sport Management, Korean Society for Sports Media, Korean Physical Education Association for Girls and Women and an editorial board member for Journal of Global Sport Management and Cogent Social Sciences. Professor Hong was qualified as the youngest FIFA referee in Korea in 2003 and officiated major tournaments including two Olympics (2008 Beijing, 2012 London), two Asian Games (2006 Doha, 2010 Guangzhou) and 2010 FA Women’s Cup Final. She was a member of FIFA U20 Women’s World Cup Organizing Committee and AFC Referees Committee. She served as a vice president of Korea Football Association from Feb.2021 to April, 2023. She is currently a member of AFC Women's Committee, an active FIFA referee technical instructor and AFC certified instructor/assessor. She received awards including British Council's 2022 Study UK Alumni Awards(Global Winner), 2019-2 Best Teaching Award at Ewha and 2009 AFC Referee of the Year.
[이화여대 체육과학부 스포츠경영·정책 연구실]
- 국민체육진흥공단(KSPO), 2022 국제스포츠인재 및 국제심판 양성 교육 위탁 운영 , 총괄/ 책임연구원
- 국민체육진흥공단(KSPO), 2023 국제스포츠인재 및 국제심판 양성 교육 위탁 운영, 총괄/책임연구원
- 한국도핑방지위원회(KADA), 2023.10~12, 시료채취 운영체계 개선 및 운영 효율화 방안 제안 연구, 책임연구원
- 서울특별시, 2021.1~6, 서울시 2032 서울-평양 올림픽 유치신청서 제작, 공동연구원
- IOC(국제올림픽위원회), 2020.6~8, 1988 서울올림픽 아카이브 연구, 책임연구원
- 한국연구재단, 2019.5~2020.4, 대학축구팀 성공을 이끈 리더십 분석-수직적 리더십과 수평적 리더십의 공존, 책임연구원
- 한국연구재단, 2017.5~2019.4, 축구팀 감독의 변혁적 리더십과 진성리더십이 팀 성과에 미치는 차별적 영향력 - 선수들의인지 및 정서 요인의 매개효과 검증, 책임연구원
[Research interests/area]
- 스포츠조직 의사결정 단계에서의 여성대표성
- 여자축구활성화
- 프로스포츠 마케팅 전략, 여성 소비자 행동, 프로스포츠 구단 (여성) 서포터즈, 스포츠 팬덤(fandom)
- 스포츠 팀에서의 리더십
- 엘리트/생활/학교 스포츠 정책, 스포츠 안전 정책, 도핑방지 정책
- 스포츠 심판 인적자원 관리
- 올림픽 무브먼트
- 스포츠조직의 거버넌스
- VAR(Video Assistant Referees) etc.
Sports Management and Administration 강의 계획서 상세보기
Sports Policy and Diplomacy 강의 계획서 상세보기
Football Refereeing 강의 계획서 상세보기
Football Refereeing 강의 계획서 상세보기
Football Refereeing 강의 계획서 상세보기
Sport Industry Seminar 강의 계획서 상세보기
Management of School Physical Education 강의 계획서 상세보기
Sports and globalization
First-Year Seminar
Understanding Sports Industry
Sports Management Seminar
Sports Management and Administration
Sport Industry Seminar
Management of School Physical Education
Sports and globalization
First-Year Seminar 강의 계획서 상세보기
Understanding Sports Industry 강의 계획서 상세보기
Sports Management and Administration
Sports Policy and Diplomacy
Sport Policy & Diplomacy Seminar
Management of School Physical Education
Sports and globalization
First-Year Seminar
Data Computing
Understanding Sports Industry
Sport Policy & Diplomacy Seminar
students Teaching II
Management of School Physical Education
Loughborough University Ph.D.(School of Sport, Excercise and Health Sciences)
Ewha Womans University 경영학석사(경영학과)
Ewha Womans University 이학사(체육학과)