Dr. Yujin Choi received her Ph.D. from the Department of Public Administration and International Affairs at the Maxwell School of Syracuse University. Her focus is on public and nonprofit management with a particular interest in collaborative governance, HRM, and diversity. Before joining Ewha Womans University, Dr. Choi was an assistant professor of Public Administration at Florida International University.
Associate Dean, The Graduate School/Director, Graduate Research Support Center
What characteristics of performance information matter to citizens? Evidence from a survey experiment in South KoreaJournal of Asian Public Policy, 2024, v.17 no.1, 88-105
A comparative study of the adoption of public-private partnerships for water services in South Korea and SingaporePublic Administration and Policy, 2023, v.26 no.2, 142-155
What Influences Collaborative Relationships between Central and Local Governments? Empirical Evidence from South KoreaInternational Journal of Public Administration, 2022, v.45 no.3, 287-297
Public Service Motivation in the Korean Context: Testing Attraction-Selection and Socialization Effects with Panel Data한국인사행정학회보, 2020, v.19 no.1, 141-159
[학술지논문] 공공조직의 변혁적 리더십과 이직의도 : 세대 간 조절효과 분석
한국행정연구, 2024, v.33
, 109-142
[학술지논문] Understanding diverse types of performance information use: evidence from an institutional isomorphism perspective
, 2033-2052
[학술지논문] 공공기관 세대별 특성 차이와 이직의도 영향요인에 관한 연구
공공기관과 국가정책, 2022, v.2022
, 191-227