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Research News

Research Team Led by Professor Park Ji Hun Develops Nanocoating Technology Using Carbohydrate Substance

  • 작성처
  • Date2021.10.26
  • 8514

Research Team Led by Professor Park Ji Hun Develops Nanocoating Technology Using Carbohydrate Substance

An undergraduate student of the Department of Science Education participated as a co-author in a research article published in Applied Surface Science, a top 5% international journal in the field of material science, coating and films.

Graduate student Lee Hyunjung and undergraduate Han Yehee from Professor Park Ji Hun’s lab participated as a lead author and a co-author respectively in a research paper titled “Enhanced Deposition of Fe(III)-Tannic Acid Complex Nanofilm by Fe(III)-Embedded Dextran Nanocoating,” which explores an original technology to tune the thickness and roughness of a nanocoating layer as desired using a carbohydrate substance.

The research team has focused on “dextran,” a carbohydrate substance which can be combined with iron. The team closely examined the formation process of dextran-iron compound and surface absorption characteristics. Based on this, the team identified the optimal conditions for forming a nanocoating layer, showing that a nanocoating layer can be a surface medium that can transfer iron and confirming the possibility of fine-tuning the thickness and surface properties of the coating layer as desired. The researchers were able to observe a layer more than three times thicker compared to results of preceding studies.

This technology is meaningful as it can tune the properties of the coating layer and also constitutes complex nanocoating technology enabling the fusion of carbohydrates and polyphenol materials. Professor Park explained, “We expect this newly-developed nanocoating technology to create a synergy effect by fusing carbohydrates and polyphenol materials, which can be utilized for drug delivery and pharmaceutical studies.”

Professor Park Ji Hun developed and patented an eco-friendly and robust nanocoating technology and studied its commercialization last October. In particular, a patent application was submitted and is currently being reviewed for the new nanocoating technology described above, which can be used for diverse applications including pharmaceutical research. Using such developed and accumulated nanocoating technologies, Professor Park plans to found an affiliate company of Ewha Womans University Technology Holding Company and release nanocoating products.